The story of a grouchy old lady, a cashier, and extra underwear
Seventy four million thirty seven thousand eight hundred ninety three
The queue at the supermarket. The cashier hit products of the grannies, and she only does that grumbling about prices, store employees and generally all around. Start punching cowards, but then my grandmother was outraged:
— It's not mine! I didn't take! Remove!
The saleswoman silently postponed the underwear to the side and shouted:
— Katya, cancellation! Come here, please.
Minute pause, after which the cashier repeated attempts to get a reply a colleague, but to no avail. Surrounding visibly stiffened. The cashier could not stand it and screamed at the whole store:
— Kate, take off your panties with me! Where do you go?!
Turn huddled in a fit of hysterical laughter, but the staff of the supermarket continued to this epic performance. Ran guard:
— I!
— Where you key take?! It Katie! Kate, I have turn!
I haven't laughed…
via factroom.ru
The queue at the supermarket. The cashier hit products of the grannies, and she only does that grumbling about prices, store employees and generally all around. Start punching cowards, but then my grandmother was outraged:
— It's not mine! I didn't take! Remove!
The saleswoman silently postponed the underwear to the side and shouted:
— Katya, cancellation! Come here, please.
Minute pause, after which the cashier repeated attempts to get a reply a colleague, but to no avail. Surrounding visibly stiffened. The cashier could not stand it and screamed at the whole store:
— Kate, take off your panties with me! Where do you go?!
Turn huddled in a fit of hysterical laughter, but the staff of the supermarket continued to this epic performance. Ran guard:
— I!
— Where you key take?! It Katie! Kate, I have turn!
I haven't laughed…
via factroom.ru
When he came up with a cunning plan, but failed stupid wife
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