My giant dog loves our kitten, especially to carry in the mouth...
Thirty nine million one hundred nine thousand four hundred fifty nine
Here already 5 years I live a giant black dog. Despite his impressive size, he's incredibly good-natured and friendly. When I brought home a tiny kitten, he immediately fell in love with him. Played with him, patiently waited until the baby sleeps on his broad, shaggy back, and dragged a small, and exclusively in the jaws.
Came once to visit a friend that I forgot to tell you about our new family member. Sit with her in the kitchen, chatting. And here comes the big guy. Friend starts to COO:
— Oh, and what have you got in your teeth? The new toy? Show?
After these words on his knees shocked girl fall sweet sleeping red kitten. I've never seen anyone so was trembling.
via factroom.ru
Here already 5 years I live a giant black dog. Despite his impressive size, he's incredibly good-natured and friendly. When I brought home a tiny kitten, he immediately fell in love with him. Played with him, patiently waited until the baby sleeps on his broad, shaggy back, and dragged a small, and exclusively in the jaws.
Came once to visit a friend that I forgot to tell you about our new family member. Sit with her in the kitchen, chatting. And here comes the big guy. Friend starts to COO:
— Oh, and what have you got in your teeth? The new toy? Show?
After these words on his knees shocked girl fall sweet sleeping red kitten. I've never seen anyone so was trembling.
via factroom.ru
The story of a grouchy old lady, a cashier, and extra underwear
Met once in the forest, a beggar notorious outlaw...