Got involved in trouble in the full sense
Little black kitten from Salem (Oregon) literally got involved in trouble. Wandering baby crawled into the garage for the car and firmly stuck to the pool of construction adhesive, rasteksheysya from the damaged tank.
4 photos + video via goodnewsanimal
Stuck in a sticky trap kitten July 18 found the hostess garage Penelope Mack (Penelope Mack) and immediately caused a rescue service.
She's called us just three minutes before the end of our time working, -Tell manager - usually we do not respond to such calls later, because it's so late in the team is not coming-but this time we made an exception and decided to advise it as Best save a kitten from the adhesive. She said that it is necessary to find a repairman who would have understood how to remove glue or go to spetsmagazin.
Penelope hurried to the nearest supermarket building materials Ace Hardware store and greatly puzzled by the store manager Donna Stebbins (Donna Stebbins) question of what is possible to remove a kitten from a puddle of solidified glue. A few hours later they were deciding how to help the kitten. The fact that any solvent glue was not strong enough to glue together and damage the skin of the animal. However, in the end it was necessary to save the kitten and take risks.
The house where Penelope's time arrived and a team of firefighters and doctors in the ambulance with a stretcher. They called on the safe side of the rescue and they were very surprised that the patient was a small kitten. They forgot to warn about it.
It was soon found the most acceptable solution. Kitten with a cut part of the floor and together with dried glue was taken to a veterinary clinic Willamette Valley Animal Hospital.
- He's not able to move, -rasskazyvaet doctor Braden Joshua (Joshua Braden), -to frozen glue was the whole lower body and front legs were firmly glued to the chest.
Veterinarian Laura Magruder (Dr Laura Magruder) sorry baby and instead of chemical solvents decided to apply a thin, sharp blade, which closely cropped hair in the joints with glue. This proved time-consuming and difficult. Kitten freed from the adhesive in this way for two and a half days. To its credit, the kitten must say that all this time he sat quietly and stoically endured all the hardships endured by its share.
Some time kitten wore a special cone, so as not to crack the skin, on which there are still tiny particles of glue and had already found the hostess. Babe decided to take to her building manager Donna Stebbins supermarket. She decided to name it in honor of his shop -Eys (Ace).
4 photos + video via goodnewsanimal
Stuck in a sticky trap kitten July 18 found the hostess garage Penelope Mack (Penelope Mack) and immediately caused a rescue service.
She's called us just three minutes before the end of our time working, -Tell manager - usually we do not respond to such calls later, because it's so late in the team is not coming-but this time we made an exception and decided to advise it as Best save a kitten from the adhesive. She said that it is necessary to find a repairman who would have understood how to remove glue or go to spetsmagazin.

Penelope hurried to the nearest supermarket building materials Ace Hardware store and greatly puzzled by the store manager Donna Stebbins (Donna Stebbins) question of what is possible to remove a kitten from a puddle of solidified glue. A few hours later they were deciding how to help the kitten. The fact that any solvent glue was not strong enough to glue together and damage the skin of the animal. However, in the end it was necessary to save the kitten and take risks.

The house where Penelope's time arrived and a team of firefighters and doctors in the ambulance with a stretcher. They called on the safe side of the rescue and they were very surprised that the patient was a small kitten. They forgot to warn about it.
It was soon found the most acceptable solution. Kitten with a cut part of the floor and together with dried glue was taken to a veterinary clinic Willamette Valley Animal Hospital.

- He's not able to move, -rasskazyvaet doctor Braden Joshua (Joshua Braden), -to frozen glue was the whole lower body and front legs were firmly glued to the chest.
Veterinarian Laura Magruder (Dr Laura Magruder) sorry baby and instead of chemical solvents decided to apply a thin, sharp blade, which closely cropped hair in the joints with glue. This proved time-consuming and difficult. Kitten freed from the adhesive in this way for two and a half days. To its credit, the kitten must say that all this time he sat quietly and stoically endured all the hardships endured by its share.
Some time kitten wore a special cone, so as not to crack the skin, on which there are still tiny particles of glue and had already found the hostess. Babe decided to take to her building manager Donna Stebbins supermarket. She decided to name it in honor of his shop -Eys (Ace).
