The dog became a mother orphan kitten
Pekingese Mittens (Mittens) became stepmother small kitten.
Tiny kitten in a shed behind the house found the grandson pensioner Pat Weber (Pat Weber) from Jordan (Minnesota). The kitten looked absolutely frozen and the guy thought he was dead, and a stray mother cat left him. But when he picked it up, then it seemed to him that the kitten was still alive. He brought it home and saw that the baby is moving.
5 photos from here
When the kitten mewed in the hands of the grandson of Pat's favorite four-family Pekingese Mittens came in great excitement, began to jump up and try to look at the kitten. Then the guy gently put it on the carpet and the dog began to lick a frozen baby. And Mittens behaved exactly like a nursing mother, lay on his side, though the last time she had puppies were born two years ago.
Owners of the house somehow started to feed kitten milk from a bottle and gave that nickname Bootsy (Bootsie), and three days later noticed that the Pekingese puffy nipples on her stomach and Mittens start giving milk and feed them kitten!
- We could not believe it !, - Pat said in an interview - I then took a few photos and brought them to our church community, to show people and tell them that we have such a miracle happened. She feeds him like a normal mother and we no longer need to mess around every two hours with these bottles.
According to veterinarian Lavolli Stephen (Stephen Lavallee), who examined the dog and cat and found them perfectly healthy, we're not talking a miracle, but hormones and a strong maternal instinct, which included the production of hormones that have caused the appearance of milk in the nipples dog
According to Pat Weber, Mittens very kind and affectionate dog and loves all kids, especially her 9-month-old grandson. That less, it still seems very stunning that her dog licking and caring for someone else as a calf at her.
-Porazitelnaya Thing these hormones - surprised the old woman.
Veterinarian John King (John King) from the Association of Minnesota Veterinarians agree with the conclusions of his colleague Steven and says that people sometimes can be quite incorrect stereotypes about the relationship of dogs with cats.
- Will the dog and cat friends, depends in large part on the nature of the individual animal. There are many families where dogs and cats live in perfect harmony. In this case, the dog took the kitten, as a representative of its kind, and does not notice the differences between them.
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Tiny kitten in a shed behind the house found the grandson pensioner Pat Weber (Pat Weber) from Jordan (Minnesota). The kitten looked absolutely frozen and the guy thought he was dead, and a stray mother cat left him. But when he picked it up, then it seemed to him that the kitten was still alive. He brought it home and saw that the baby is moving.
5 photos from here

When the kitten mewed in the hands of the grandson of Pat's favorite four-family Pekingese Mittens came in great excitement, began to jump up and try to look at the kitten. Then the guy gently put it on the carpet and the dog began to lick a frozen baby. And Mittens behaved exactly like a nursing mother, lay on his side, though the last time she had puppies were born two years ago.

Owners of the house somehow started to feed kitten milk from a bottle and gave that nickname Bootsy (Bootsie), and three days later noticed that the Pekingese puffy nipples on her stomach and Mittens start giving milk and feed them kitten!

- We could not believe it !, - Pat said in an interview - I then took a few photos and brought them to our church community, to show people and tell them that we have such a miracle happened. She feeds him like a normal mother and we no longer need to mess around every two hours with these bottles.
According to veterinarian Lavolli Stephen (Stephen Lavallee), who examined the dog and cat and found them perfectly healthy, we're not talking a miracle, but hormones and a strong maternal instinct, which included the production of hormones that have caused the appearance of milk in the nipples dog

According to Pat Weber, Mittens very kind and affectionate dog and loves all kids, especially her 9-month-old grandson. That less, it still seems very stunning that her dog licking and caring for someone else as a calf at her.
-Porazitelnaya Thing these hormones - surprised the old woman.
Veterinarian John King (John King) from the Association of Minnesota Veterinarians agree with the conclusions of his colleague Steven and says that people sometimes can be quite incorrect stereotypes about the relationship of dogs with cats.
- Will the dog and cat friends, depends in large part on the nature of the individual animal. There are many families where dogs and cats live in perfect harmony. In this case, the dog took the kitten, as a representative of its kind, and does not notice the differences between them.

Source: http: //