7 good reasons to cherish my relationship with my mother
Ten million nine hundred thirteen thousand two hundred thirteen
Bad mother: why should it be like? Love the perfect good, affectionate, successful mom easily. But the real mother — mother-beater or a mother who punished and beat with a belt, it is hard and even seems impossible. Is it such a bad mother can love, to respect, to be grateful??? I will answer this way: "Not only possible, but also it is important to love!"You need first and foremost not my mother, and ourselves. Because when we don't like and respect your mom, you're doing worse than my mom, and myself. Rejecting their imperfect mother, his closest and native person, we will be closed from love and all good things that gives us peace, we will be closed from the world and life. Exposing mom's account, we are closing your heart and love, happiness and health in our lives becomes less. This is especially true for women, because a trusting relationship with the mother is the Foundation of happiness and harmony.
Here are seven reasons to cherish my relationship with my mother:
1. A direct path to a woman's happiness! Tell me, what is your relationship with my mother, and I'll tell you how You are a happy woman. I was convinced, advising a variety of women, and my personal experience says the same thing. Now a lot of trainings for the development of femininity. However, I am convinced that you should start from the very beginning — building their relationship with my mother. This is the basis of happiness. Why mom and not with her husband, for example? Because my mother is an earthly expression of the feminine.
Respecting and appreciating the mother, we nurture within ourselves the value of femininity, calmness, tranquility. Through the mother we connect with the feminine side of our species, which is many millions of years. We begin to appreciate feelings, emotions, rest, and our consciousness reveals to us that it was closed.
2. A beautiful and healthy body Healthy body — a sure sign of self-love, a beautiful body is also a reflection of the values of peace and love in the heart of a woman. Female trouble is a serious sign of strained relations with my mother, which we reject, do not accept that we are offended. If you blame the parents that raised You wrong, they didn't teach You the value of the feminine, nothing good will not. Parent manifestation in this life — it is their karma and destiny and Your karma is Your reaction to their actions, it is Your thoughts and actions.
The sooner You begin to take responsibility for what happens to You, the sooner you will live a happy adult life.
3. Warm and close relationship with her mother in law, Imagine a wise, Mature woman. It is love and peace. It is set to positive, the confidence in the world, and the world carries her all the best. Sometimes on her way to meet aggression, resentment — these negative emotions and manifestations of another person she sees his weakness, his pain. And since she's a woman, she can take this pain and feel it in your heart. It is the pain, which is an external lesson, and learns to open his heart. If you are a woman, consider if she could fight another woman, such as mother-in-law? Quarrels happen, if these women have a bias towards male energies, and they see each other as rivals. They don't see the negative manifestations of ordinary human pain.
The female muscle is a heart and important to be able to open it, respect and valuing themselves and their loved ones.
4. Material wealth in the family we All dream about what my husband will make a lot of money, to provide for the family. And what we are doing here? Sawing, give advice, criticize, put in an example of a neighbor on the Lexus. And it's not working. In addition, it deprives us of peace and happiness. There is another way — the way of love. Creating within yourself the value of femininity, being in a state of love and conciliation, the woman intuitively begins to behave properly: not to criticize, but to encourage the husband not to worry about money, and to believe in her husband's success! Being in a state of conflict with his mother, it is impossible to understand what immense inner strength gives true love is patient and forgiving. Even just a cold, strained relationship with her mother had blocked the flow of feminine energy that flows through us.
Open your heart to your mother, and you will feel like the world was kinder to you as and abundance to enter into your family!
5. Cozy house, happy family What is a vacation? It is not a trip to the mountains or the sea, it's the feeling that you are, when you're body and soul. This is what the dream of our loved ones. Where do you find the strength to accept the weaknesses of their loved ones — her husband and kids? I know only one answer — through the acceptance and respect of his mother, the worship of it as in front of the older and wiser. Through understanding her weaknesses and accepting them with love, without judgment and arrogance. It is in the relationship you have with her we learn to love, open your heart, learn to accept the other's faults calmly and with love. These feminine qualities — the Foundation of a happy family. Families where the wife respects her husband, and he happily takes responsibility, where children respect their parents.
6. The success of the feminine Love of the mother makes us softer, relaxes us, fills us with love from within. We begin to listen to your body, your intuition. And this is a very feminine easy to solve problems: to work or not to work, and if you work, where and how. Start with a small step to your success, to your inner harmony — think with warmth and gratitude about your mom. To build, to improve my relationship with my mom is never too late, no matter how much you may be years.
Intimacy with the mother inspires a woman, she have the strength and new possibilities in life — the ones she never knew existed.
7. A long-term relationship, Many women know how to charm a man to make a great impression, and at the same time to keep this charm for at least a few years of marriage, not to mention the decades know only a few. And this is the main indicator of femininity. The more we have the female, lunar energy, the better we can build a long lasting relationship with husband and with other people. In order to increase the amount of lunar energy in the body, to care for themselves, their face and body, to dance, to sing. A lot of ways, it is important how to get energy and keep it to yourself. And a close, trusting relationship with the mother and help to do better. If the thought of my mother, you have resentment, anger, the whole of the moon the accumulated energy immediately disappears from the body. It remains empty, irritation. Conversely, only one ray of love you send from your heart to mom, stabilizes, retains the feminine energy in the body.
If you want to improve your relationship with your mother, try to start with something simple like talk to mum about her business, life, ask about her health. Before speaking, do the meditation on the unity and closeness with mom. It will relieve tension from your relationship, liberate your heart from the burden of past grievances and help you to accept with love all the weaknesses and shortcomings of your mother. Close your eyes and call to mind an image of your mother. Look her in the eyes and imagine you are slowly walking towards her. Go and become less and less, and here You are very small — the size of her heart. Imagine how mom takes you, a small, carefully puts himself in the heart. Immerse yourself in your mother's heart and feel how good you can be with mom. Now imagine how your mother is going to turn to you, decreasing and becoming very small figure the size of your heart. Take his little mother and put it to his heart. Feel good to keep mom in your heart and to love her. Everything that used to be a wall between You, all this really has nothing otnoshenii in Your proximity and unity.
Even if You appreciate and respect their mom, in love there is always a higher level that gives more happiness, abundance and miracles! To take or not to take Your choice! published
Author: Elena Kondrasuk
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.cluber.com.ua/lifestyle/lichnaya-zhizn/2014/11/7-zhenskih-prichin-dorozhit-otnosheniyami-s-mamoy/