Where to live well: happiness in Bhutan
Forty eight million seven hundred five thousand six hundred twenty seven
In Bhutan, the smile of the population is an indicator of the level of welfare of the country. The government instead of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is focused on gross national happiness (Gross National Happiness) and created a Ministry of Happiness. Here the preference is given to spiritual values, ancient cultural traditions, respect for nature and respect for each other. These qualities are the basis of the ideology of the Bhutanese.
Bhutan is the only country in the world whose official religion, "the spiritual heritage" proclaimed tantric Buddhism. Therefore its main objective the government declares the pursuit of happiness of every citizen; it is enshrined in article 9 of the Constitution. 24.08.2008 state created the "Commission for the General people's happiness" (Gross National Happiness Commission) headed by the Prime Minister.
This is truly an amazing country without hunger and crime, where people live in joy, not knowing wars and poverty. The Bhutanese themselves, which unlike other countries of the region quite a bit, opened, hospitable, completely spoiled the modern world and cherish its unique culture.
One has only to drive off from the only airport of the Kingdom of Paro to the capital Thimphu and eyes invariably stumbles upon a striking image of phalluses, many of which were deposited on the whitewashed walls of houses, shops and canteens.
Often phallic symbols fighting for a place under the sun with Oriental dragons and posters which bollywood actress extol the delights of soft drinks.
The phallus is honored many people in India and Nepal Buddhists worship "lingam" in temples dedicated to Lord Shiva. And in Bhutan, the image of the genitals has its origins in a Buddhist monastery near Punakha, the former capital of the country. This monastery contains several "phalluses", the Lama brought from Tibet, one of which is silver. The monastery is a place of pilgrimage for childless women, believing that a local Lama by striking them with artificial phallus on the head, will save them from infertility.
Animals are forbidden to kill, but because almost all vegetarians. It is forbidden the import of chemical fertilizers, and all that grows on this earth, is itself environmentally friendly. Another interesting feature of this state is that the forests in Bhutan are not cut down, but rather planted. Not to say that this is a Buddhist country, a country of purity and enlightenment.
The country is still very poorly understood, and vast areas in the South and Central part quite mastered by the people and represent a huge parks with amazing flora and fauna. All that Bhutan has maintained for a very simple reason — banned hunting and is almost non-existent deforestation. The Kingdom self-sufficient in food and clothing. Virtually all of the population goes to national clothes — the CWC.
A festival dedicated to the arrival of the cranes
Traditional painting
The future monk. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: zefirka.net/2015/02/17/vseobshhee-narodnoe-schaste-v-butane/
In Bhutan, the smile of the population is an indicator of the level of welfare of the country. The government instead of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is focused on gross national happiness (Gross National Happiness) and created a Ministry of Happiness. Here the preference is given to spiritual values, ancient cultural traditions, respect for nature and respect for each other. These qualities are the basis of the ideology of the Bhutanese.

Bhutan is the only country in the world whose official religion, "the spiritual heritage" proclaimed tantric Buddhism. Therefore its main objective the government declares the pursuit of happiness of every citizen; it is enshrined in article 9 of the Constitution. 24.08.2008 state created the "Commission for the General people's happiness" (Gross National Happiness Commission) headed by the Prime Minister.

This is truly an amazing country without hunger and crime, where people live in joy, not knowing wars and poverty. The Bhutanese themselves, which unlike other countries of the region quite a bit, opened, hospitable, completely spoiled the modern world and cherish its unique culture.

One has only to drive off from the only airport of the Kingdom of Paro to the capital Thimphu and eyes invariably stumbles upon a striking image of phalluses, many of which were deposited on the whitewashed walls of houses, shops and canteens.
Often phallic symbols fighting for a place under the sun with Oriental dragons and posters which bollywood actress extol the delights of soft drinks.

The phallus is honored many people in India and Nepal Buddhists worship "lingam" in temples dedicated to Lord Shiva. And in Bhutan, the image of the genitals has its origins in a Buddhist monastery near Punakha, the former capital of the country. This monastery contains several "phalluses", the Lama brought from Tibet, one of which is silver. The monastery is a place of pilgrimage for childless women, believing that a local Lama by striking them with artificial phallus on the head, will save them from infertility.

Animals are forbidden to kill, but because almost all vegetarians. It is forbidden the import of chemical fertilizers, and all that grows on this earth, is itself environmentally friendly. Another interesting feature of this state is that the forests in Bhutan are not cut down, but rather planted. Not to say that this is a Buddhist country, a country of purity and enlightenment.

The country is still very poorly understood, and vast areas in the South and Central part quite mastered by the people and represent a huge parks with amazing flora and fauna. All that Bhutan has maintained for a very simple reason — banned hunting and is almost non-existent deforestation. The Kingdom self-sufficient in food and clothing. Virtually all of the population goes to national clothes — the CWC.

A festival dedicated to the arrival of the cranes

Traditional painting

The future monk. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: zefirka.net/2015/02/17/vseobshhee-narodnoe-schaste-v-butane/