The only state in the world, in which there is the Ministry of Happiness.

Bhutan - the only state in the world whose official religion, "spiritual heritage" proclaimed tantric Buddhism. Therefore, its main purpose, the Government announces the pursuit of happiness for each of its citizens; enshrined in Article 9 of the Constitution. 24.08.2008 established State "universally popular Fortunately, the Commission» (Gross National Happiness Commission), headed by the prime minister. 22 The question "Are you happy?" Is set at the time of census. During the last census in 2005 45.2% of the population responded to this question is "very happy", 51.6% "happy" and only 3.3% "not very happy".
Curiously, the conventional concept of gross domestic product replaced in Bhutan more appropriate indicator - "gross national happiness". It is the only state in the world, in which there is the Ministry of Happiness, so happiness put in charge of national policy angle.
This is truly an amazing country without hunger and crime, where people live in joy, knowing war and poverty. Bhutanese themselves, of which, unlike other countries in the region are quite a few, open, hospitable, completely spoiled the modern world, and carefully preserve their unique culture.
Animals are not allowed to kill, but because almost all vegetarians. It prohibits the importation of chemical fertilizers, and everything that grows on the land itself is environmentally friendly. Another interesting feature of this state can be regarded as something that forests in Bhutan are not cut down, but instead planted. Not to say that this is a country of Buddhism, it is a country of purity and enlightenment. The country is still very poorly understood, and large areas in the south and in the central part completely assimilated by people and represent enormous reserves with amazing flora and fauna. All that Bhutan has kept a very simple reasons - banned hunting and practically conducted deforestation. Kingdom self-sufficient in food and clothing. At the same time almost the entire population goes to the national dress - CWC
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