When he came up with a cunning plan, but failed stupid wife

Sixty three million six hundred eighty eight thousand nine hundred seventy one

Man comes home after work and excitedly tells his wife:

Darling, I have wonderful news! I think my head is going to promote me. He's going to come tomorrow to visit us, you need to treat with something tasty.

I'm sorry, dear, but what do I serve? We have absolutely no money for some expensive delicacies in the fridge there was only a package of green peas and some vegetables…

— Honey, you're clever, think of something! Depends on my job!

— But, darling... What can I do?!

Okay... will Do: when coming chief, I'll tell him you're going to pork with vegetables and peas, and while you're in the kitchen, I poured the head of our homemade liqueurs. And then you break a dish and my question answer, I accidentally dropped a dish with pork, and served the vegetables and peas.

The next day to visit the family head comes my husband, he treats his trademark infusion. Suddenly from the kitchen came a horrible noise. The husband yells to his wife:

— Honey, what happened? You dropped something?

From the kitchen you can hear the muffled sobs and nothing more. Angry husband yelling louder than before:

— Expensive! Surely you dropped on the floor of their delicious pork!

No, came the muffled voice of his wife, I dropped the peas with vegetables…

via factroom.ru


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