If you're busy, read this right now! I wonder why there is never enough time for the most important things.

“There is no time, and we have to suffer, nothing will happen without me, nothing will happen there without me ...” sang Andrei Mironov. Nothing seems to change. We are all endlessly in a hurry somewhere, we are tearfully worried that there is not enough time for anything, we do not know how to properly prioritize and protect our nerves. You get tired every day, but you don’t have time. How to find time?

"Site" He shares with you a modern parable about the most precious thing - time. You have to read it, even if it’s hard.

“Satan has called a world congress of demons.” In his opening speech, he said: “We cannot prohibit self-improvement. We cannot stop them from reading and becoming wiser. We cannot prevent them from accessing the knowledge of their ancestors. As soon as they establish a connection with the family, we immediately lose power over them.

So let them do what they want, but we will steal their time, and they will never be able to improve thoughtfully. That's what you have to do. You have to get in the way of them everywhere and keep that connection going throughout the day.” “How do we do that?” the demons cried out.

“Occupy them with trifles and invent many ways to occupy their minds with all unnecessary things. And most importantly, inspire them to seek material wealth and enrichment. Let them be imbued with the desire to earn as much money as possible, buy cars, apartments, cottages.

Let them earn more and more money to go to restaurants and cafes, to buy expensive, fashionable clothes, to make expensive repairs in apartments and furnish them with fashionable furniture. Tempt them to spend, spend and borrow, borrow, take multi-year loans. And when they ignite the desire for personal enrichment, they will no longer need it. personal growth and self-development...

Convince their wives to go to work, and their husbands to work 6-7 days a week for 10-12 hours a day, so they have time to take care of their families and raise their children.

Do not let them spend time with their children, so that their children wander from morning to night on the street and be friends with bad companies, then they will stop learning and nothing good will come of them. Their families will fall apart, and they will become lonely, and we will help them to drink from grief.

Stimulate their minds so that the televisions and computers in their homes work all the time. Make sure that every store and restaurant in the world constantly sounds noisy, stupid, not memorable music. It will block their minds. Place many magazines and newspapers on the tables in the cafe.

Bombard their minds with news and advertising 24 hours a day. Let them see a sea of billboards along the way. Fill their inboxes with advertisements, mail order catalogs, newsletters, and offers of free goods, services, and false hopes.

Show skinny, pretty models in magazines and on TV so that their husbands will believe that external beauty is the most important thing. Make them unhappy with their wives.

Make their wives too tired to love their husbands. If they don't give their husbands the love they need, husbands will start looking elsewhere. It's fast. destroy their families!

At Christmas and Easter, distract them with festive fuss, concerts on television and drunken feasts, so that they do not teach their children the true meaning of these holidays. Even if they return on vacation tired. Make sure they are always busy.

So that they did not have time and energy to go to nature and admire the creation of the Universe, the singing of birds, green grass, the murmur of a stream ... Instead, send them to amusement parks, sports events, games, concerts, and movies. And let them all be always busy, busy, busy!

Inundate their lives with so many “good” things that they don’t have time to seek power from the universe. Soon they will live and work, relying only on themselves, sacrificing their health and families for their business and money. This will work!

It was a great plan! The demons happily went on a mission, forcing everyone living everywhere to be more busy and rush back and forth, leaving less time for themselves and their families.

The secret to a happy life Simple! Do not try to succeed in all areas. Try to review priorities from time to time: money, family, health, self-development. One area often requires more attention at a given time than the other. And do not forget that in the pursuit of success, you can in an instant turn from a purposeful person into a driven horse.

Did the devil succeed in his clever design? Judgment! Give this information to your friends, unless you’re too busy.


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