I went to the Elevator, and there are already four…
Sixty two million four hundred eighty nine thousand five hundred thirteen
Stepping into an Elevator, there are already four: a five year old girl, a young boy, the grandfather and the woman. Doors for me are closed, the Elevator starts moving. Then suddenly the boy turns briefly glances at the present, and then loudly says so:
You're probably wondering why I have you all gathered today?
Such a turn I did not expect, grandpa especially. After a few seconds the Elevator stops, and the guy calmly leaves without saying another word.
In short, these jokes better be careful. I thought grandpa to his floor not get. He remained standing motionless with bulging eyes.
via pikabu.ru/story/v_lifte_2393538
Stepping into an Elevator, there are already four: a five year old girl, a young boy, the grandfather and the woman. Doors for me are closed, the Elevator starts moving. Then suddenly the boy turns briefly glances at the present, and then loudly says so:
You're probably wondering why I have you all gathered today?
Such a turn I did not expect, grandpa especially. After a few seconds the Elevator stops, and the guy calmly leaves without saying another word.
In short, these jokes better be careful. I thought grandpa to his floor not get. He remained standing motionless with bulging eyes.
via pikabu.ru/story/v_lifte_2393538