Vusal Salmanov — 11th grader, who invented "the sleeve"Braille
The participants of the program "lift to the future" school combined with the development of its own innovative projects: specializing in cryogenic laboratories to help deaf and blind to communicate by messengers, design medical bracelets and invent new ways to extract oil in Russia.
A few weeks in the field camp focused on an intensive project activities, perform the role of a social Elevator: they get acquainted with future research supervisors and gain experience of team work.
Publish story Vusal Salmanov — student from Birobidzhan, who invented "the sleeve"Braille.
I grew and learned in a small town in the far East, we have a total of a dozen schools, I went to the municipal secondary. But I say this: if you are active, if you have a clear interest, then it does not matter where you live and who surrounds you. Your wishes will find their way, you will be able to interest him whom you need. I have so happened.
I was first introduced to the project "lift to the future" in 2013. It was the Winter school, it was held in Zvenigorod. In the same year, Khabarovsk Krai and the Jewish Autonomous region is heavily impounded, we were right, but whether in connection with this great flood, or for other reasons suddenly from all of our schools have collected the best students and academic excellence, sent for the free trip to Zvenigorod. I and a few others were there for the whole Jewish Autonomous oblast.
"When your supervisor — a young girl fascinated by science, you might say, you're lucky"
I must say, until I came to this community, the science interested me in so far as. It was just in my circle of interests is quite wide, but still not in the top. I, like all boys, interested in computers, programming even a little, but no more.
The first school in Zvenigorod gave me a very important insight: it is important not just to read, can and should engage in project work, and coolest in the team. I then worked on a project dedicated to the development of agriculture in the far East. Far did not go, but I got huge experience and, of course, a bunch of cool Dating. And I realized that now I really need that "lift to the future".
The next Summer school I have already applied myself. The school was held in Vladimir. I went there with a rather strange project: I was very interested in physics and astronomy and designed their own ideas about the Universe. Very much I like movies Hawking, lectures on astrophysics on the Internet and the TV channel "Science 2.0". I will never tell you what were my ideas about the Universe, it's ridiculous, but thanks to this passion I have gained vast experience of research, analysis, teamwork. It was very helpful.
But the most important thing I brought from Vladimir, — an acquaintance with her future scientific leader Xenia, Gnitko. She's even studying to be a nuclear physicist, along the way, interested in cryptography and neuroscience. Me these activities terribly interested. And we became friends. Generally, when your supervisor — a young girl fascinated by science, you might say, you're lucky.
In 2015, the school "Lift" took place in Moscow. I went there already quite consciously, I knew that I was interested in, I knew what to do with my interests. And felt that "lift to the future" — is the place where I can have something to implement, not just to properly describe on paper. And I was not wrong. Although everything turned out, almost by accident. To us there arrived Professor Alexander Suvorov, the one that a child deprived of sight and hearing. Incredible people. We are very fortunate that we had the opportunity to chat with him. That's just "chat" — it says loudly. This communication looked like this: we taken out the words on his hand, letter by letter. Imagine how it was long and hard? And then we came up with the idea.
The idea was that two people, one of which hears and sees, while not fluent in the language of Braille and the other does not hear, does not see, but know the language of the blind, still able to talk. And to make it happen quickly and easily. For three weeks we have left in school, we (Xenia, Gnitko, Daniel Holowaty, Irina Kuzmina and I) came up with and created a working prototype of a device called a "sleeve" Braille. It's literally a sleeve that the man wears on his forearm. I, for example, sending the message from the messenger Telegram, and the microcomputer converts the text into a sequence of vibrations that correspond to restitutionem Braille. It is known that people with hearing and sight very sensitive tactile and Braille almost all of them know, so here's a new way of communicating it seemed to us very promising.
So we came up with a gadget! It was bliss: I had the opportunity to work at the intersection of the coolest areas of activity — information technologies, electronics and neuroscience. A working prototype of the "sleeve" Braille we presented to our colleagues and experts, and Alexander Suvorov tested it first. He understood us! However, on reading the symbols the Professor took about five seconds, but still it was a victory and a breakthrough. To use the sleeve, we need training. And this gadget is part of a system of sensory substitution. In the system, except for the sleeves, even included special software and manuals.
To the next competition in the USA, where I went with this project, I modernized it a bit, but there wasn't really achieved because of the level of your English. I will pull up and present to the world our invention at the proper level. But the fact that I was from Birobidzhan swept in Phoenix, Arizona, at the international fair of scientific projects is a kind of regular height, which I took. And that "lift to the future" I was this height at the time raised.
"I want the deaf-blindness does not prevent people to learn, work and communicate with the world. If you think about it, it's a miracle"
Actually, "lift" is not only the knowledge, the experience, the tools that you just hand — on, explore, play. This is primarily a Dating. It's the people. And I'm not just about pleasant communication say these people are part of the environment, which I lacked. It is here a small professional community. One all know is impossible, even if you're the smartest on the street. But if you did, your competencies are different and you can help each other.
I want to continue to engage in wearable electronics and embedded technologies. Want to bring our device to a level worthy of the world market. If we already came up with a program and algorithms for the vibration, it means that we step away from the development of more complex and more useful devices. I want a deaf-blindness does not prevent people to learn, work and communicate with the world. If you think about it, it's a miracle. Previously, it was necessary that both parties knew a common language, and now has a chance to make the language known one and the second one could use just such a translator.
SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel that allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about the recovery, the rejuvenation of man. Love for others and ourselves, as the feeling of high vibrations — an important factor for improvement
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When I was in USA, I saw the level at which there is science. Every school has its own laboratory, my peers have every opportunity to develop their research interests. Well, I now live on the edge of the country, and nothing, I here "Lift" was used. Now I pass the exam, I want to go to Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University Peter the Great, will study nuclear physicist. Yes, I was inspired by my scientific leader. And Yes, I will learn what I am really interested in, and parallel to do what, among others, also promising. I don't see any obstacles neither for the one nor for the other.published
Also interesting: of the 18 projects Elon musk: where are investments of technoprogressives
The 26-year-old doctor was an experienced entrepreneur and investor
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: theoryandpractice.ru/posts/13796-vusal-salmanov
A few weeks in the field camp focused on an intensive project activities, perform the role of a social Elevator: they get acquainted with future research supervisors and gain experience of team work.
Publish story Vusal Salmanov — student from Birobidzhan, who invented "the sleeve"Braille.

I grew and learned in a small town in the far East, we have a total of a dozen schools, I went to the municipal secondary. But I say this: if you are active, if you have a clear interest, then it does not matter where you live and who surrounds you. Your wishes will find their way, you will be able to interest him whom you need. I have so happened.
I was first introduced to the project "lift to the future" in 2013. It was the Winter school, it was held in Zvenigorod. In the same year, Khabarovsk Krai and the Jewish Autonomous region is heavily impounded, we were right, but whether in connection with this great flood, or for other reasons suddenly from all of our schools have collected the best students and academic excellence, sent for the free trip to Zvenigorod. I and a few others were there for the whole Jewish Autonomous oblast.
"When your supervisor — a young girl fascinated by science, you might say, you're lucky"

I must say, until I came to this community, the science interested me in so far as. It was just in my circle of interests is quite wide, but still not in the top. I, like all boys, interested in computers, programming even a little, but no more.
The first school in Zvenigorod gave me a very important insight: it is important not just to read, can and should engage in project work, and coolest in the team. I then worked on a project dedicated to the development of agriculture in the far East. Far did not go, but I got huge experience and, of course, a bunch of cool Dating. And I realized that now I really need that "lift to the future".

The next Summer school I have already applied myself. The school was held in Vladimir. I went there with a rather strange project: I was very interested in physics and astronomy and designed their own ideas about the Universe. Very much I like movies Hawking, lectures on astrophysics on the Internet and the TV channel "Science 2.0". I will never tell you what were my ideas about the Universe, it's ridiculous, but thanks to this passion I have gained vast experience of research, analysis, teamwork. It was very helpful.
But the most important thing I brought from Vladimir, — an acquaintance with her future scientific leader Xenia, Gnitko. She's even studying to be a nuclear physicist, along the way, interested in cryptography and neuroscience. Me these activities terribly interested. And we became friends. Generally, when your supervisor — a young girl fascinated by science, you might say, you're lucky.
In 2015, the school "Lift" took place in Moscow. I went there already quite consciously, I knew that I was interested in, I knew what to do with my interests. And felt that "lift to the future" — is the place where I can have something to implement, not just to properly describe on paper. And I was not wrong. Although everything turned out, almost by accident. To us there arrived Professor Alexander Suvorov, the one that a child deprived of sight and hearing. Incredible people. We are very fortunate that we had the opportunity to chat with him. That's just "chat" — it says loudly. This communication looked like this: we taken out the words on his hand, letter by letter. Imagine how it was long and hard? And then we came up with the idea.
The idea was that two people, one of which hears and sees, while not fluent in the language of Braille and the other does not hear, does not see, but know the language of the blind, still able to talk. And to make it happen quickly and easily. For three weeks we have left in school, we (Xenia, Gnitko, Daniel Holowaty, Irina Kuzmina and I) came up with and created a working prototype of a device called a "sleeve" Braille. It's literally a sleeve that the man wears on his forearm. I, for example, sending the message from the messenger Telegram, and the microcomputer converts the text into a sequence of vibrations that correspond to restitutionem Braille. It is known that people with hearing and sight very sensitive tactile and Braille almost all of them know, so here's a new way of communicating it seemed to us very promising.

So we came up with a gadget! It was bliss: I had the opportunity to work at the intersection of the coolest areas of activity — information technologies, electronics and neuroscience. A working prototype of the "sleeve" Braille we presented to our colleagues and experts, and Alexander Suvorov tested it first. He understood us! However, on reading the symbols the Professor took about five seconds, but still it was a victory and a breakthrough. To use the sleeve, we need training. And this gadget is part of a system of sensory substitution. In the system, except for the sleeves, even included special software and manuals.

To the next competition in the USA, where I went with this project, I modernized it a bit, but there wasn't really achieved because of the level of your English. I will pull up and present to the world our invention at the proper level. But the fact that I was from Birobidzhan swept in Phoenix, Arizona, at the international fair of scientific projects is a kind of regular height, which I took. And that "lift to the future" I was this height at the time raised.
"I want the deaf-blindness does not prevent people to learn, work and communicate with the world. If you think about it, it's a miracle"
Actually, "lift" is not only the knowledge, the experience, the tools that you just hand — on, explore, play. This is primarily a Dating. It's the people. And I'm not just about pleasant communication say these people are part of the environment, which I lacked. It is here a small professional community. One all know is impossible, even if you're the smartest on the street. But if you did, your competencies are different and you can help each other.
I want to continue to engage in wearable electronics and embedded technologies. Want to bring our device to a level worthy of the world market. If we already came up with a program and algorithms for the vibration, it means that we step away from the development of more complex and more useful devices. I want a deaf-blindness does not prevent people to learn, work and communicate with the world. If you think about it, it's a miracle. Previously, it was necessary that both parties knew a common language, and now has a chance to make the language known one and the second one could use just such a translator.
SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel that allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about the recovery, the rejuvenation of man. Love for others and ourselves, as the feeling of high vibrations — an important factor for improvement
Put LIKES and share with your FRIENDS! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXd71u0w04qcwk32c8kY2BA/videos
Subscribe - https://www.facebook.com//
When I was in USA, I saw the level at which there is science. Every school has its own laboratory, my peers have every opportunity to develop their research interests. Well, I now live on the edge of the country, and nothing, I here "Lift" was used. Now I pass the exam, I want to go to Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University Peter the Great, will study nuclear physicist. Yes, I was inspired by my scientific leader. And Yes, I will learn what I am really interested in, and parallel to do what, among others, also promising. I don't see any obstacles neither for the one nor for the other.published
Also interesting: of the 18 projects Elon musk: where are investments of technoprogressives
The 26-year-old doctor was an experienced entrepreneur and investor
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: theoryandpractice.ru/posts/13796-vusal-salmanov