7 reasons why people are divided into the Humanities and techies
Thirty four million one hundred seventeen thousand three hundred seventy three
One million five hundred twenty nine thousand nine hundred twenty nine
The eternal dispute between "physicists and lyricists" which perhaps will never be solved. And all because, what is the division of people into 2 types is very conditional. In fact, systems of human abilities more than two. Besides, we all are born with potential abilities to any kind of activities.
AdMe.EN tried to figure out what and how affects the formation of the child's inclination to a particular activity and where are the notorious humanists and techies.
Fifty six million five hundred ninety thousand two hundred eighty six
Despite the fact that we are born potentially ready for any sphere of activity, we are all different. We each have a set of instincts and natural qualities, which can help us in mastering a particular profession. For example, someone found absolute pitch, and someone nature rewards an excellent memory.
So, musical talent Mozart's manifest itself already in 3 years and the great artists of the Renaissance Rafael amazing painted in 8 years.
Ninety seven million nine hundred ninety three thousand forty one
Even without special inclinations and talents, you can develop your skills in any field. Paying attention to certain skills intensively and by developing them, you can significantly increase your chances to succeed even in the form of business, which, it would seem, there is a certain predisposition.
For example, the Creator of the periodic system of chemical elements Dmitri Mendeleev the school is not too Shine: 2 years sitting in 1st class and even had three in chemistry.
Eighty nine million two hundred forty nine thousand nine hundred two
A huge role in the development of a child with instincts and abilities play teachers. A talented teacher may interest mathematics in the Humanities and Vice versa. Unfortunately, it is often found in the opposite situation, when the teacher may discourage any desire to take up the subject, to which, it would seem that the child has the tendency.
The famous Russian mathematician Nikolai Lobachevsky in the Imperial school helped to get the teacher Gregory Kartashevsky who saw the talent of the pupil and strongly contributed to its further development.
Seventy three million three hundred fifty nine thousand three hundred one
Diligence, perseverance, ability to overcome setbacks and not give up — these character traits can help the child not to give in to difficulties in the solution of complex mathematical problems or the wilds of the Chinese language.
Famous workaholic "from painting» van-Gogh he began to paint quite late — at the age of 27. Due diligence in just 10 years he went from a struggling artist to a real master.
Sixty five million three hundred fifty nine thousand thirteen
Often the tendency to a specific class dependent on heredity. History knows the cases when representatives of the whole family showed talent and special abilities in a particular area. Even today, if you look around, you can find a lot of examples of family dynasties: of doctors, teachers, etc.
So, the Swissthe Bernoulli family in XVII–XVIII centuries made a huge contribution to science. Among its members 9 the most famous mathematicians and physicists, and the Department of mathematics of the University of Basel for 105 years, almost without interruption occupied by representatives of this family.
Seven million eight hundred seventy one thousand four
Very often parents with early childhood hung on the child labels the Humanities or the techie, giving him thereby the pressure. The parents are actively developing in the child and encourage the ability of their elected (and possibly unconscious) activities. The child sensitively pays attention to "what parents want" and trying not to disappoint them.
Father Blaise Pascal he studied mathematics and spent lots of time on the mental development of his son, explaining the curious boy the geometry by supplying the necessary books.
Seventy six million one hundred twenty two thousand two hundred thirty one
And certainly not the last factor is the environment in which the child grows. At home the girl's parents taught her to read, and a boy — to the design of cubes; friends are addicted to the same subject and turn to like-minded people; in high school most of the guys choose, for example, a specialized math class and the child is reaching for their peers to keep up. All these circumstances affect, what is the path of the humanitarian or technical — in the end will go.
Thirty five million two hundred ten thousand nine hundred thirty one
P. S. no Matter, we refer you to the Humanities or to the techies. We believe that if you really want, you can reach the heights in any profession, more importantly, to exert maximum effort and believe in yourself.
Illustrator Julia Kamenschikova especially for Site
According to the materials of Chalk, the blog of the Association of Tutors, The Question, MK.ru
See also
13 differences between technicians from the Humanities
What a joke techies
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/o-chem-shutyat-tehnari-1212010/
One million five hundred twenty nine thousand nine hundred twenty nine
The eternal dispute between "physicists and lyricists" which perhaps will never be solved. And all because, what is the division of people into 2 types is very conditional. In fact, systems of human abilities more than two. Besides, we all are born with potential abilities to any kind of activities.
AdMe.EN tried to figure out what and how affects the formation of the child's inclination to a particular activity and where are the notorious humanists and techies.
Fifty six million five hundred ninety thousand two hundred eighty six
Despite the fact that we are born potentially ready for any sphere of activity, we are all different. We each have a set of instincts and natural qualities, which can help us in mastering a particular profession. For example, someone found absolute pitch, and someone nature rewards an excellent memory.
So, musical talent Mozart's manifest itself already in 3 years and the great artists of the Renaissance Rafael amazing painted in 8 years.
Ninety seven million nine hundred ninety three thousand forty one
Even without special inclinations and talents, you can develop your skills in any field. Paying attention to certain skills intensively and by developing them, you can significantly increase your chances to succeed even in the form of business, which, it would seem, there is a certain predisposition.
For example, the Creator of the periodic system of chemical elements Dmitri Mendeleev the school is not too Shine: 2 years sitting in 1st class and even had three in chemistry.
Eighty nine million two hundred forty nine thousand nine hundred two
A huge role in the development of a child with instincts and abilities play teachers. A talented teacher may interest mathematics in the Humanities and Vice versa. Unfortunately, it is often found in the opposite situation, when the teacher may discourage any desire to take up the subject, to which, it would seem that the child has the tendency.
The famous Russian mathematician Nikolai Lobachevsky in the Imperial school helped to get the teacher Gregory Kartashevsky who saw the talent of the pupil and strongly contributed to its further development.
Seventy three million three hundred fifty nine thousand three hundred one
Diligence, perseverance, ability to overcome setbacks and not give up — these character traits can help the child not to give in to difficulties in the solution of complex mathematical problems or the wilds of the Chinese language.
Famous workaholic "from painting» van-Gogh he began to paint quite late — at the age of 27. Due diligence in just 10 years he went from a struggling artist to a real master.
Sixty five million three hundred fifty nine thousand thirteen
Often the tendency to a specific class dependent on heredity. History knows the cases when representatives of the whole family showed talent and special abilities in a particular area. Even today, if you look around, you can find a lot of examples of family dynasties: of doctors, teachers, etc.
So, the Swissthe Bernoulli family in XVII–XVIII centuries made a huge contribution to science. Among its members 9 the most famous mathematicians and physicists, and the Department of mathematics of the University of Basel for 105 years, almost without interruption occupied by representatives of this family.
Seven million eight hundred seventy one thousand four
Very often parents with early childhood hung on the child labels the Humanities or the techie, giving him thereby the pressure. The parents are actively developing in the child and encourage the ability of their elected (and possibly unconscious) activities. The child sensitively pays attention to "what parents want" and trying not to disappoint them.
Father Blaise Pascal he studied mathematics and spent lots of time on the mental development of his son, explaining the curious boy the geometry by supplying the necessary books.
Seventy six million one hundred twenty two thousand two hundred thirty one
And certainly not the last factor is the environment in which the child grows. At home the girl's parents taught her to read, and a boy — to the design of cubes; friends are addicted to the same subject and turn to like-minded people; in high school most of the guys choose, for example, a specialized math class and the child is reaching for their peers to keep up. All these circumstances affect, what is the path of the humanitarian or technical — in the end will go.
Thirty five million two hundred ten thousand nine hundred thirty one
P. S. no Matter, we refer you to the Humanities or to the techies. We believe that if you really want, you can reach the heights in any profession, more importantly, to exert maximum effort and believe in yourself.
Illustrator Julia Kamenschikova especially for Site
According to the materials of Chalk, the blog of the Association of Tutors, The Question, MK.ru
See also
13 differences between technicians from the Humanities
What a joke techies
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/o-chem-shutyat-tehnari-1212010/
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