Equipment NIG: how to solve the problem of any complexity
To come to a DEFINITE result, Many people coming to a therapist or psychologist, often describe the problems they faced. Or describe something that does not suit them. Or emotions that are uncomfortable for them.
But few can describe exactly what result he wants instead. That is. if this problem disappears or goes, what happens instead?
Many, this question puts in a complete stupor. People are so immersed in an issue that they know things they don't want to, but don't know what they want instead. Psychology has long known that the strategy of "escape from the problem of" inefficient compared to the strategy "to come to a definite result." Not seeing what the person is trying to get away from the fact that he is not satisfied, it remains for years on the same place.
In fact, any problem you can see a whole other side and see that it is hidden from our view, of our consciousness, look inside it, with quite simple steps.
Take 2 sheets of A-4 format, and colored pencils. Draw the non-dominating hand (left-handed nezamisimaya arm — right for right-handers – left): inner image of the problem or the task that you want to allow.
The second sheet is blank. Signed in the corner, give the name "Outsider".
Put these leaves to the open space on the floor.
Become the first sheet the inner image of the task or problem you want to solve.
Answer the following questions:
1. How I feel about this place?
2. I'm looking at?
3. What are the sensations in your body?
Then go to sheet "outside Observer". And to look at the problem (the problem) through the eyes of another person.
He looks outside from his position on your task (problem) with this place?
Go back to the problem, listen to your own bodily and emotional reactions.
As it is now perceived problem?
What changed and what remained the same?
Become again a piece of "outside Observer".
What can I share with the person who has this problem?
Have a tip another look at her recommendations for this person?
Repeat step 5 and 6 (walk between the problem and the outside observer) until you feel that the exercise itself was exhausted and it was clear. published
Author: Oksana Solodovnikova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: //solodovnikova.org/content/razreshenie-problemy-tehnika-nig
But few can describe exactly what result he wants instead. That is. if this problem disappears or goes, what happens instead?
Many, this question puts in a complete stupor. People are so immersed in an issue that they know things they don't want to, but don't know what they want instead. Psychology has long known that the strategy of "escape from the problem of" inefficient compared to the strategy "to come to a definite result." Not seeing what the person is trying to get away from the fact that he is not satisfied, it remains for years on the same place.

In fact, any problem you can see a whole other side and see that it is hidden from our view, of our consciousness, look inside it, with quite simple steps.
Take 2 sheets of A-4 format, and colored pencils. Draw the non-dominating hand (left-handed nezamisimaya arm — right for right-handers – left): inner image of the problem or the task that you want to allow.
The second sheet is blank. Signed in the corner, give the name "Outsider".
Put these leaves to the open space on the floor.
Become the first sheet the inner image of the task or problem you want to solve.
Answer the following questions:
1. How I feel about this place?
2. I'm looking at?
3. What are the sensations in your body?
Then go to sheet "outside Observer". And to look at the problem (the problem) through the eyes of another person.
He looks outside from his position on your task (problem) with this place?
Go back to the problem, listen to your own bodily and emotional reactions.

As it is now perceived problem?
What changed and what remained the same?
Become again a piece of "outside Observer".
What can I share with the person who has this problem?
Have a tip another look at her recommendations for this person?
Repeat step 5 and 6 (walk between the problem and the outside observer) until you feel that the exercise itself was exhausted and it was clear. published
Author: Oksana Solodovnikova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: //solodovnikova.org/content/razreshenie-problemy-tehnika-nig
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