Cavemen XXI Century
A couple of the third year of the homeless living in a cave on the outskirts of Sevastopol
On the day when the corporation "Google" announced the creation of computer glasses «Google glass», 48-year-old Nikolai hammer and chisel hollowed rock to make the chimney.
"Everything that has earned, left wives»
On the left shoulder - navy tattoo, and on the right - the portrait of young love: round-faced girl, brunette. The former midshipman, now a caveman, Nicholas leaping under the bark of a dog coming down from the grotto a steep path to the highway. Seeing the camera, waving his arms. Like, I go away, I will not talk to you. But he was not an evil man, but just tired, battered by storms of life. Fifteen minutes later we were sitting in his cave at a small table.
- It happened - Nicholas lights my cigarette. - He lived in Russia, served in Sevastopol and Leningrad. Sailor, then a midshipman. He was married three times. All earned, left their wives - and the apartment and the car. Three women have three boy and one girl. - Mess photographs, I am ashamed - Look at the photo of the "Republic" and the shy new wife and mistress Oksana cave. But it does not get to make out the rubble and slowly smokes. - Do not have time to put things marafet.
- Up to six in the morning sat - Nikolai nods. - Just woke up.
Sun shine carve witness feast - empty bottles out of rubbing alcohol. They are about a dozen, some fall out of the bag. Near cooled hearth blackened embers and blackened pots. One - for the owners, there are the ruins eaten for breakfast rassolnik, the second - for dogs.
"Dances around the Christmas trees were taken»
- Who am I on education? Nobody - shrugs 33-year-old Oksana. - School just finished. I'm from Nizhnegorsky area of the village. She came to Sevastopol to his uncle, had a fight with him, went to live at her friends ... Then Kolka met here. He asked me: "Are you going to live with me?". I say: "I will." In general, working at a construction site cement thrust batches made. I know what concrete sausage, tore his back ... Now I have more than one a flask of water do not wear. Kohl all drags. Said sit at home, I'm going to work.
- Why, - he speaks proudly. - Don Cossacks lived like: worked and fought, and their wives sat at home.
If we describe the architecture of the cave in a familiar language square meters, Kolya and Susie - two-bedroom apartment. Grotto is a living room, kitchen and veranda, followed by a cave, separated by a small door - has to get through squatting. This bedroom. By the rock wall is pressed against the old sofa, next to a bedside table, her face candle stubs left - stove. Its Cole gave Sevastopol "deputy Artem and last name we do not know." Two days were spent on what primitive tools to gouge a hole for the flue. There is little room extension, the size of one and a half to two meters - a guest house.
- Often friends come. In winter homeless creep up almost frozen - in one voice say the owners of two-bedroom cave. - On holidays friends gather. What holidays? Well, that's fun to celebrate the New Year. Paha with Lyudka we had, dance around the Christmas trees were taken.
- Maybe today will drop, too? - I ask, wanting to see the cave tea party.
- Not enter - the bull pushes the crowded ashtray Nicholas. - He killed her a few months ago, better blue. Beat to death, God rest her soul. Who sits in jail, waiting for the verdict.
People throw away bread, books and kittens
Pasha, like a caveman going to "hunt": to produce food. The stock of wood that he finds near the garbage cans still have stands in bottles spring water - it gaining nearby. And the food here napryazhenka.
- I am running, looking for food. It happens that the call to the mobile phone, offer job - Kolya pulls from her purse the old but neat mobilku shows. - Have cellphones and me and my wife. Working. We have loads of them in the city.
If you managed to get the money to buy food and drink in the store. If the "stranded" - go to the course of the alcohol from the pharmacy, and edibles from bins.
- No bread, at least, will never stay - Xenia purses his lips. - His men kilograms discarded. It happens that, and found the meat, once brought a bucket full. Someone pickled, and then something they did not like and throw away. What it does not fry and eat? More books discarded Kohl brings them to me. I love to read.
The bedroom volumes eyeballs crammed table, a few books on the table in a grotto. Flipping catches tab made from an old postcard: a motorcycle man and woman in leather jackets and faded jeans. Hug. Below the caption: "We are on the way».
- And that "The Countess de Monsoreau" by Alexandre Dumas, a love story. Have you read? - Says Oksana, not looking at the cover. - I do not really like this, but now, just nothing else. And as more of the detectives, I Kohl brings. Somehow immediately brought thirty books! Malyshev, Dontsova Ustinov's - it's modern, yet classic and ours was.
- A book I read as a child - "Puss in Boots" - Nicholas laughs. - This is my reading-room was over.
Cave Koli and Susie three guard-dog pribludy and mice and lizards catching tricolor cat. Recently, a former warrant officer brought two more kittens, named Chip and Dale.
- People put them in a black garbage bag, tied and covered the old bucket - says Kohl. - Unleashes and they're ochumevshie, you see, did not have enough air. Took Me, let him live.
Ksenia shoots at me with eyes: to assess what he is kind and good? Kohl interfere in iron glass pop heartburn: drinking gulps, foam bubbles on the beard and mustache.
- Has shaved - a woman stroking a cave caveman back.
On the wall ... 'guest house' - hanging clock, one more - ticking on the table. Exact time, are reconciled by their mobilke.
- How, why do we need? - I am surprised by my question former midshipman. - Time must always know.
"It is nice here. Not only light, water and gas »
- I came here in the fall, three years ago - says Kohl. - To understand that you have to spend the winter, began to look for the door, counter to the cave entrance to fence. The tool has been some ...
Who does not know the grotto: net, fishing rod, lantern, tools, jars and pots, lap belts and books in multicolored covers ... It's a flea market in miniature. Almost all Kohl found in landfills and trashcan.
- Why am I homeless - that's not my business - surprised the former midshipman. - There would have died, I will no longer want to run away, to look for something. If someone buys this piece of land, I will go to another place, I noticed a secluded cave in the ravine. In general, it is not visible!
- It is very good, we have the only thing there is - it is light, water and gas - Oksana smiling.
Nick pulls his backpack, wears a T-shirt and sent to "hunt" and Oksana remains on the farm. Today will be a soup for dinner, alcohol, soul and dreams - easier to live with them.
- Continuous work - it's not for me. I'm on guard, guard house, - answers my question girlfriend caveman.
- I can not take a permanent job - included earner. - It used to be able to jump - and faster service. Sometimes I did not want to go home ...
- That's because you have such "beauties" were among women - very feminine bites Oksana ex-girlfriends.
Dream about the passport and the garden
From the "classic" homeless people who stink of urine per kilometer and freeze to death in winter park, Kohl and Ksenya separates the cave on a steep slope of Mount Sebastopol. Perhaps aware that the way to the bottom, where there is no return, there was one small step, so bite into rocks and dragged into his cave different stuff, trying to make her look like a real home.
- I dream of a country, which would be a piece of land - stretches and yawns Oksana. - It would be possible to grow tomatoes, cucumbers and winter roll.
- I dream about the passport lost - said Kohl. - Identification code I have evidence of recent divorce - also retained. Little is left and get a passport.
- Why do you need your passport in a cave?
- Home want to go in the Rostov region - a former midshipman drinking spring water from a five-liter cans. - Dad I 1936 and his mother in 1932 ... Over eighty she had, and I was twelve years old. The mother now, by the way, a birthday, if still alive, of course. Call today, we must ...
- Yeah, I call, "popolnyashku" buy necessary. And only five minutes to speak enough - Oksana inserts.
Nikolay sighs and thinks. Oksana takes out of my pack another cigarette.
- They believe that I live in the country, the money helped me to buy it, - thinks Kohl. - A cottage I "fucked." I'll tell you, even a heart attack either enough ...
On the question of where will the money to travel, Kohl said that friends will help. Probably lying: unless Besfamilny "deputy Artem" respond. And how much is a ticket home right now - do not know, "Twelve years ago, one hundred and twenty hryvnia went." Kicked an empty bottle in the bag from the rubbing alcohol, cave man down the hill into town.

On the day when the corporation "Google" announced the creation of computer glasses «Google glass», 48-year-old Nikolai hammer and chisel hollowed rock to make the chimney.
"Everything that has earned, left wives»
On the left shoulder - navy tattoo, and on the right - the portrait of young love: round-faced girl, brunette. The former midshipman, now a caveman, Nicholas leaping under the bark of a dog coming down from the grotto a steep path to the highway. Seeing the camera, waving his arms. Like, I go away, I will not talk to you. But he was not an evil man, but just tired, battered by storms of life. Fifteen minutes later we were sitting in his cave at a small table.

- It happened - Nicholas lights my cigarette. - He lived in Russia, served in Sevastopol and Leningrad. Sailor, then a midshipman. He was married three times. All earned, left their wives - and the apartment and the car. Three women have three boy and one girl. - Mess photographs, I am ashamed - Look at the photo of the "Republic" and the shy new wife and mistress Oksana cave. But it does not get to make out the rubble and slowly smokes. - Do not have time to put things marafet.
- Up to six in the morning sat - Nikolai nods. - Just woke up.
Sun shine carve witness feast - empty bottles out of rubbing alcohol. They are about a dozen, some fall out of the bag. Near cooled hearth blackened embers and blackened pots. One - for the owners, there are the ruins eaten for breakfast rassolnik, the second - for dogs.
"Dances around the Christmas trees were taken»
- Who am I on education? Nobody - shrugs 33-year-old Oksana. - School just finished. I'm from Nizhnegorsky area of the village. She came to Sevastopol to his uncle, had a fight with him, went to live at her friends ... Then Kolka met here. He asked me: "Are you going to live with me?". I say: "I will." In general, working at a construction site cement thrust batches made. I know what concrete sausage, tore his back ... Now I have more than one a flask of water do not wear. Kohl all drags. Said sit at home, I'm going to work.
- Why, - he speaks proudly. - Don Cossacks lived like: worked and fought, and their wives sat at home.
If we describe the architecture of the cave in a familiar language square meters, Kolya and Susie - two-bedroom apartment. Grotto is a living room, kitchen and veranda, followed by a cave, separated by a small door - has to get through squatting. This bedroom. By the rock wall is pressed against the old sofa, next to a bedside table, her face candle stubs left - stove. Its Cole gave Sevastopol "deputy Artem and last name we do not know." Two days were spent on what primitive tools to gouge a hole for the flue. There is little room extension, the size of one and a half to two meters - a guest house.
- Often friends come. In winter homeless creep up almost frozen - in one voice say the owners of two-bedroom cave. - On holidays friends gather. What holidays? Well, that's fun to celebrate the New Year. Paha with Lyudka we had, dance around the Christmas trees were taken.
- Maybe today will drop, too? - I ask, wanting to see the cave tea party.
- Not enter - the bull pushes the crowded ashtray Nicholas. - He killed her a few months ago, better blue. Beat to death, God rest her soul. Who sits in jail, waiting for the verdict.

People throw away bread, books and kittens
Pasha, like a caveman going to "hunt": to produce food. The stock of wood that he finds near the garbage cans still have stands in bottles spring water - it gaining nearby. And the food here napryazhenka.
- I am running, looking for food. It happens that the call to the mobile phone, offer job - Kolya pulls from her purse the old but neat mobilku shows. - Have cellphones and me and my wife. Working. We have loads of them in the city.
If you managed to get the money to buy food and drink in the store. If the "stranded" - go to the course of the alcohol from the pharmacy, and edibles from bins.
- No bread, at least, will never stay - Xenia purses his lips. - His men kilograms discarded. It happens that, and found the meat, once brought a bucket full. Someone pickled, and then something they did not like and throw away. What it does not fry and eat? More books discarded Kohl brings them to me. I love to read.
The bedroom volumes eyeballs crammed table, a few books on the table in a grotto. Flipping catches tab made from an old postcard: a motorcycle man and woman in leather jackets and faded jeans. Hug. Below the caption: "We are on the way».
- And that "The Countess de Monsoreau" by Alexandre Dumas, a love story. Have you read? - Says Oksana, not looking at the cover. - I do not really like this, but now, just nothing else. And as more of the detectives, I Kohl brings. Somehow immediately brought thirty books! Malyshev, Dontsova Ustinov's - it's modern, yet classic and ours was.
- A book I read as a child - "Puss in Boots" - Nicholas laughs. - This is my reading-room was over.
Cave Koli and Susie three guard-dog pribludy and mice and lizards catching tricolor cat. Recently, a former warrant officer brought two more kittens, named Chip and Dale.
- People put them in a black garbage bag, tied and covered the old bucket - says Kohl. - Unleashes and they're ochumevshie, you see, did not have enough air. Took Me, let him live.
Ksenia shoots at me with eyes: to assess what he is kind and good? Kohl interfere in iron glass pop heartburn: drinking gulps, foam bubbles on the beard and mustache.
- Has shaved - a woman stroking a cave caveman back.
On the wall ... 'guest house' - hanging clock, one more - ticking on the table. Exact time, are reconciled by their mobilke.
- How, why do we need? - I am surprised by my question former midshipman. - Time must always know.

"It is nice here. Not only light, water and gas »
- I came here in the fall, three years ago - says Kohl. - To understand that you have to spend the winter, began to look for the door, counter to the cave entrance to fence. The tool has been some ...
Who does not know the grotto: net, fishing rod, lantern, tools, jars and pots, lap belts and books in multicolored covers ... It's a flea market in miniature. Almost all Kohl found in landfills and trashcan.
- Why am I homeless - that's not my business - surprised the former midshipman. - There would have died, I will no longer want to run away, to look for something. If someone buys this piece of land, I will go to another place, I noticed a secluded cave in the ravine. In general, it is not visible!
- It is very good, we have the only thing there is - it is light, water and gas - Oksana smiling.
Nick pulls his backpack, wears a T-shirt and sent to "hunt" and Oksana remains on the farm. Today will be a soup for dinner, alcohol, soul and dreams - easier to live with them.
- Continuous work - it's not for me. I'm on guard, guard house, - answers my question girlfriend caveman.
- I can not take a permanent job - included earner. - It used to be able to jump - and faster service. Sometimes I did not want to go home ...
- That's because you have such "beauties" were among women - very feminine bites Oksana ex-girlfriends.
Dream about the passport and the garden
From the "classic" homeless people who stink of urine per kilometer and freeze to death in winter park, Kohl and Ksenya separates the cave on a steep slope of Mount Sebastopol. Perhaps aware that the way to the bottom, where there is no return, there was one small step, so bite into rocks and dragged into his cave different stuff, trying to make her look like a real home.
- I dream of a country, which would be a piece of land - stretches and yawns Oksana. - It would be possible to grow tomatoes, cucumbers and winter roll.
- I dream about the passport lost - said Kohl. - Identification code I have evidence of recent divorce - also retained. Little is left and get a passport.
- Why do you need your passport in a cave?
- Home want to go in the Rostov region - a former midshipman drinking spring water from a five-liter cans. - Dad I 1936 and his mother in 1932 ... Over eighty she had, and I was twelve years old. The mother now, by the way, a birthday, if still alive, of course. Call today, we must ...
- Yeah, I call, "popolnyashku" buy necessary. And only five minutes to speak enough - Oksana inserts.
Nikolay sighs and thinks. Oksana takes out of my pack another cigarette.
- They believe that I live in the country, the money helped me to buy it, - thinks Kohl. - A cottage I "fucked." I'll tell you, even a heart attack either enough ...
On the question of where will the money to travel, Kohl said that friends will help. Probably lying: unless Besfamilny "deputy Artem" respond. And how much is a ticket home right now - do not know, "Twelve years ago, one hundred and twenty hryvnia went." Kicked an empty bottle in the bag from the rubbing alcohol, cave man down the hill into town.
Aircraft after the accident in Domodedovo, passed 3 years
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