To find a moral compass
Thirty one million six hundred eight thousand eight hundred ninety nine
Thing a reasonable person — is to apply its mind to the case in accordance with the laws of nature. Epictetus
Modern time flies more rapidly. Why You ask? Because our world is saturated with information, which easily penetrates into us and capture our brain. It plunges us into a bizarre kaleidoscope of information, which enormously complicates a deep understanding of what is happening. We are just not able to understand what was happening. For this reason, the perception in our era it has become extremely superficial. In modern public pot story is brewed with the speed to which people do not have time to adapt, and the development of society loses even the semblance of harmony and balance. And particularly affected the moral and ethical foundations.
We don't just stop, stay in silence and think about the really important questions are about the criteria of good and evil, love and meaning in her life. We are convinced that the modern pace of life is normal, but it is silent, so in this case we have to run like a squirrel in the Ferris wheel, which is not able to stop, and at this rate is clearly not up to lofty matters.
It's like we're fried in the thick of history, in which everything is mixed up and the spirituality was the main victim of sewage flow of information and scientific and technical progress. In this world it is hard to understand what is happening around them. But nobody bothered us as the “sugar pills” proposed drug “unbridled consumption”. In the end, our society has become to satisfy his vanity by fashionable gadgets and things. People buy another TV, connect more high-speed Internet and consume, consume every day more and more information is NOT “digesting” it, perhaps believing that this is the path to wisdom and happiness. And finally, in today's world, where THOUGHT is replaced with digital content, people of a reasonable Person turns into a common information Carrier – man-flash.
Many of us have no understanding for what is worth spending time and energy on the observance of the moral laws, but somehow there is an opinion that we live and should live. Where did this false idea? Of course, from society! Many of us operate on the principle: "I like everything." If there is nothing wrong in this. But is it?
Before the age of XXI century, we have witnessed large-scale human degradation, in which the depravity, cowardice and dishonour are the usual norm, and the frivolous and shallow people are becoming popular. Under the slogan of protection of "freedom of personality" cultivated indifference and selfishness. Romanticists cruelty and murder, exalted the cult of money and things.
In order to immerse man in the swamp illusory concept of life, is around so much that you begin to think about the fact that someone intentionally set the goal to cause people feelings of meaninglessness and despair of life, to "liberate" man from responsibility for their present and future. It seems that for this people literally bombarded by propaganda that dense fog of information prevents them to see what is happening and come to their own conclusion.
The most fashionable word of today is "tolerance". "We must be tolerant to each other," say the intellectuals and liberals. "We need to respect each other" — the headlines are full of Newspapers. "We are all human beings" — is heard on television. And at first glance it seems so. But let us look at what tolerance. If you look in any dictionary or just type this word in search engine, then one of the values is the following: "Tolerance is the body's inability to distinguish alien bodies. It reached such a state of gradual suppression of toxic substances the body's immune system, causing it to apathy and indifference. Complete tolerance is death."
Perhaps there really is something to think about. It's one thing to respect the world view each other, and the other to eradicate the seeds of good and light in favor of a sick society, of the icon who put on pieces of meat instead of clothes, questioning the very definition of “a reasonable Man”.
Looking around, you can see how people intentionally infect information terrible sores, and the main tools are lies, immorality, and the substitution of concepts, permeated many media. These defects are built in the modern society in the principle rules, and when the rot is too obvious, it unfortunately is out of past disturbance.
Imagine that you are in their light clothing saw the ink stain. You know that a stain spoils your thing, and, of course, want to fix this and take some action. But not to waste their efforts on finding a spot, you decide to stain and ruin clothes, making her color dirty spots. The same thing is happening with society. Instead remove the source of pollution, we can see how dirty and everything else, and hear appeals to treat this in a respectful and tolerant, which ultimately leads us to a complete social apathy and indifference.
It seems that under the banner of tolerance and using a wide range of propaganda tools, coordinated the efforts of some groups by those in power of several Western countries aimed at education and we have the same indifference to the most important spiritual concepts: good and evil, morality and immorality. Because of this, all definitions of true values gradually lose their sacred meaning and become merely a set of common words. As a result, many are beginning to absorb the immorality, like a sponge, not even trying to understand the true nature of things.
We gradually accustom to the new immoral world order, or rather disorder (disorder – order demon?). And since the venom of stupidity and immorality injected slowly and for a long time, we almost do not notice it. Obviously, all this leads humanity to the fate of Pompeii, what has long been saying some modern writers and philosophers who, paying attention to the perversity of the existing system, propose to follow the path of morality and ethics.
For example, the Russian macroeconomics Mikhail Khazin on the forum "Dialogue of civilizations", talked about the fact that the Eurasian space is the territory in which morality should play a leading role. Interestingly, he drew attention to the propaganda as the main method in the modern world, which is intentionally used for "blurring" of true values. With this as the main tools of "erosion", according to him, are used, above all "freedom", understood as the right of every individual to choose for himself the value base, and "political correctness" — as prohibiting the company to analyze the value base of their members. As a consequence, this leads to the fact that in our country purposefully formed a society in which there is no place clear principles of morality. And where they come from, if we wash understanding of moral values and everyone has their own idea and their beliefs about what is good and what is bad?
In this context attracts more attention to the book "the Morality of the XXI century" in which the author, an eminent philosopher of our time, Dario Salas Sommer, formulate specific moral criteria, based on immutable laws of Nature. In this book he thoroughly and clearly explains the fundamental role of morality and what moral qualities of a person that determine his thoughts and actions directly affect the quality of his life.
Reflecting on the theme of blurring common in modern society, moral criteria, Kelsen writes: "we Must recognize that most people has moral subjectivism, according to which the goal of moral actions is the attainment of a subjective state of pleasure or happiness when one evaluates how "good" everything that gives him pleasure, and bad — everything that was causing him pain and suffering. In this approach, the concept of morality not associated with ethical and reasonable behavior"... Subjectivism justifies all the most primitive animal impulses and desires, completely freeing the person from anxiety, shame or guilt, if the implementation of these desires and impulses brings him pleasure... Of these misconceptions, it follows that you can kill with impunity, if you don't like someone. Rape. Rob, if you want to have what someone else has. On the contrary, all the good and right things that require mental effort, already regarded as unnecessary and objectionable.
However, the need of good, light need and following of morality is inherent in us initially. What prevents us to understand the truth of moral categories, to find the right criteria and to change your life? First and foremost, of course, the desire for comfort and mental laziness, limiting our own possibilities. The same Dario Salas Sommer speaks to this question of what “our instrument of knowledge is limited and malfunctions, but no one is interested in its development, because someone benefits from that person remained obedient consumer.”
To hide the truth is actually very simple, you only need everywhere to spread lies, and eventually it will be passively accepted without any doubt. Paying attention to it, Dario Salas Sommer points out that “in the language of the lost the true semantics of the words, the meaning of which everyone interprets as he wants. The concept of honor has become Antiques, and a shameful example to follow, sexual perversion became "alternative behavior", communication of people in the midst of the contact between the images. People appreciate how useful or useless things, criminals find victims, and so on to infinity".
A classic example of the moral impoverishment of society — is the abolition of the terms "mom" and "dad" in several European countries. Concepts which for centuries was considered the most important and the main light. When the child utters the first word, "mom" or "dad", he realizes that in his life there are native people that he lives in a family with its own traditions and customs. Uttering these words, the child takes from their parents accumulated over many years of experience of previous generations and preparing to follow moral paths, maintaining in his heart the main core of life – love. Think about what it can learn from the parents of the man who since childhood lives in a world of the concepts of "parent 1" and "parent 2". Then he will be: "truth 1" — "2 true", "truth 1" — "the truth 2".
To get out of this weird kaleidoscope of crooked mirrors necessary, an inner compass that interacts with the field clear and immutable criteria of morality, and a shared map of the universe that allows you to find the right path. All of this can be found, for example, in the works of such major philosophers-moralists like Confucius, Dario Salas Sommer and Epictetus.
Epictetus said: “what happens is not in your will, and to live for good or evil in your will. No one bothers you, no matter what happens with you, to act always and in all things consistent with truth and goodness. Whatever happens, you will turn yourself in teaching and in favor.” He said that the heart, following the laws of morality — an inexhaustible spring of pure water, and believed that the spirit of man is by nature in need of improvement and development that can be achieved through hard work on oneself.
In exactly the same key says the philosopher of our days Dario Salas Sommer, offering to build a life based on moral purity and perfection of consciousness. In my opinion from his book "the Morality of the XXI century" you can learn many deep thoughts and a clear definition that enables everyone to improve life. To comply with the laws of the highest morality need to learn, but it is really worth it!
Let us remember that before the training necessarily includes ethical education of the person, the teacher helped the students to develop the ability to consciously think and not just absorb information. What the disciples were given the necessary moral compass points in mind.
As the ancient philosophers have taught their pupils? No one crammed a huge number of books, draw freedom is not infringed. Teachers and students could spend hours walking through the garden and to have a leisurely dialogue that promotes thinking and knowledge of the truth. In the history of philosophy has even entered the term "maieutics", which meant eternal spiritual search of man by means of constant reflection. "Know thyself" — this statement Helena can be read on the wall of one of the ancient Delphic temple. And each had the opportunity to stop and think.
So let's we stop and think in the twenty-first century about morality! published
Author: Vyacheslav Azarov
Source: /users/1077
Thing a reasonable person — is to apply its mind to the case in accordance with the laws of nature. Epictetus
Modern time flies more rapidly. Why You ask? Because our world is saturated with information, which easily penetrates into us and capture our brain. It plunges us into a bizarre kaleidoscope of information, which enormously complicates a deep understanding of what is happening. We are just not able to understand what was happening. For this reason, the perception in our era it has become extremely superficial. In modern public pot story is brewed with the speed to which people do not have time to adapt, and the development of society loses even the semblance of harmony and balance. And particularly affected the moral and ethical foundations.
We don't just stop, stay in silence and think about the really important questions are about the criteria of good and evil, love and meaning in her life. We are convinced that the modern pace of life is normal, but it is silent, so in this case we have to run like a squirrel in the Ferris wheel, which is not able to stop, and at this rate is clearly not up to lofty matters.
It's like we're fried in the thick of history, in which everything is mixed up and the spirituality was the main victim of sewage flow of information and scientific and technical progress. In this world it is hard to understand what is happening around them. But nobody bothered us as the “sugar pills” proposed drug “unbridled consumption”. In the end, our society has become to satisfy his vanity by fashionable gadgets and things. People buy another TV, connect more high-speed Internet and consume, consume every day more and more information is NOT “digesting” it, perhaps believing that this is the path to wisdom and happiness. And finally, in today's world, where THOUGHT is replaced with digital content, people of a reasonable Person turns into a common information Carrier – man-flash.
Many of us have no understanding for what is worth spending time and energy on the observance of the moral laws, but somehow there is an opinion that we live and should live. Where did this false idea? Of course, from society! Many of us operate on the principle: "I like everything." If there is nothing wrong in this. But is it?
Before the age of XXI century, we have witnessed large-scale human degradation, in which the depravity, cowardice and dishonour are the usual norm, and the frivolous and shallow people are becoming popular. Under the slogan of protection of "freedom of personality" cultivated indifference and selfishness. Romanticists cruelty and murder, exalted the cult of money and things.
In order to immerse man in the swamp illusory concept of life, is around so much that you begin to think about the fact that someone intentionally set the goal to cause people feelings of meaninglessness and despair of life, to "liberate" man from responsibility for their present and future. It seems that for this people literally bombarded by propaganda that dense fog of information prevents them to see what is happening and come to their own conclusion.
The most fashionable word of today is "tolerance". "We must be tolerant to each other," say the intellectuals and liberals. "We need to respect each other" — the headlines are full of Newspapers. "We are all human beings" — is heard on television. And at first glance it seems so. But let us look at what tolerance. If you look in any dictionary or just type this word in search engine, then one of the values is the following: "Tolerance is the body's inability to distinguish alien bodies. It reached such a state of gradual suppression of toxic substances the body's immune system, causing it to apathy and indifference. Complete tolerance is death."
Perhaps there really is something to think about. It's one thing to respect the world view each other, and the other to eradicate the seeds of good and light in favor of a sick society, of the icon who put on pieces of meat instead of clothes, questioning the very definition of “a reasonable Man”.
Looking around, you can see how people intentionally infect information terrible sores, and the main tools are lies, immorality, and the substitution of concepts, permeated many media. These defects are built in the modern society in the principle rules, and when the rot is too obvious, it unfortunately is out of past disturbance.
Imagine that you are in their light clothing saw the ink stain. You know that a stain spoils your thing, and, of course, want to fix this and take some action. But not to waste their efforts on finding a spot, you decide to stain and ruin clothes, making her color dirty spots. The same thing is happening with society. Instead remove the source of pollution, we can see how dirty and everything else, and hear appeals to treat this in a respectful and tolerant, which ultimately leads us to a complete social apathy and indifference.
It seems that under the banner of tolerance and using a wide range of propaganda tools, coordinated the efforts of some groups by those in power of several Western countries aimed at education and we have the same indifference to the most important spiritual concepts: good and evil, morality and immorality. Because of this, all definitions of true values gradually lose their sacred meaning and become merely a set of common words. As a result, many are beginning to absorb the immorality, like a sponge, not even trying to understand the true nature of things.
We gradually accustom to the new immoral world order, or rather disorder (disorder – order demon?). And since the venom of stupidity and immorality injected slowly and for a long time, we almost do not notice it. Obviously, all this leads humanity to the fate of Pompeii, what has long been saying some modern writers and philosophers who, paying attention to the perversity of the existing system, propose to follow the path of morality and ethics.
For example, the Russian macroeconomics Mikhail Khazin on the forum "Dialogue of civilizations", talked about the fact that the Eurasian space is the territory in which morality should play a leading role. Interestingly, he drew attention to the propaganda as the main method in the modern world, which is intentionally used for "blurring" of true values. With this as the main tools of "erosion", according to him, are used, above all "freedom", understood as the right of every individual to choose for himself the value base, and "political correctness" — as prohibiting the company to analyze the value base of their members. As a consequence, this leads to the fact that in our country purposefully formed a society in which there is no place clear principles of morality. And where they come from, if we wash understanding of moral values and everyone has their own idea and their beliefs about what is good and what is bad?
In this context attracts more attention to the book "the Morality of the XXI century" in which the author, an eminent philosopher of our time, Dario Salas Sommer, formulate specific moral criteria, based on immutable laws of Nature. In this book he thoroughly and clearly explains the fundamental role of morality and what moral qualities of a person that determine his thoughts and actions directly affect the quality of his life.
Reflecting on the theme of blurring common in modern society, moral criteria, Kelsen writes: "we Must recognize that most people has moral subjectivism, according to which the goal of moral actions is the attainment of a subjective state of pleasure or happiness when one evaluates how "good" everything that gives him pleasure, and bad — everything that was causing him pain and suffering. In this approach, the concept of morality not associated with ethical and reasonable behavior"... Subjectivism justifies all the most primitive animal impulses and desires, completely freeing the person from anxiety, shame or guilt, if the implementation of these desires and impulses brings him pleasure... Of these misconceptions, it follows that you can kill with impunity, if you don't like someone. Rape. Rob, if you want to have what someone else has. On the contrary, all the good and right things that require mental effort, already regarded as unnecessary and objectionable.
However, the need of good, light need and following of morality is inherent in us initially. What prevents us to understand the truth of moral categories, to find the right criteria and to change your life? First and foremost, of course, the desire for comfort and mental laziness, limiting our own possibilities. The same Dario Salas Sommer speaks to this question of what “our instrument of knowledge is limited and malfunctions, but no one is interested in its development, because someone benefits from that person remained obedient consumer.”
To hide the truth is actually very simple, you only need everywhere to spread lies, and eventually it will be passively accepted without any doubt. Paying attention to it, Dario Salas Sommer points out that “in the language of the lost the true semantics of the words, the meaning of which everyone interprets as he wants. The concept of honor has become Antiques, and a shameful example to follow, sexual perversion became "alternative behavior", communication of people in the midst of the contact between the images. People appreciate how useful or useless things, criminals find victims, and so on to infinity".
A classic example of the moral impoverishment of society — is the abolition of the terms "mom" and "dad" in several European countries. Concepts which for centuries was considered the most important and the main light. When the child utters the first word, "mom" or "dad", he realizes that in his life there are native people that he lives in a family with its own traditions and customs. Uttering these words, the child takes from their parents accumulated over many years of experience of previous generations and preparing to follow moral paths, maintaining in his heart the main core of life – love. Think about what it can learn from the parents of the man who since childhood lives in a world of the concepts of "parent 1" and "parent 2". Then he will be: "truth 1" — "2 true", "truth 1" — "the truth 2".
To get out of this weird kaleidoscope of crooked mirrors necessary, an inner compass that interacts with the field clear and immutable criteria of morality, and a shared map of the universe that allows you to find the right path. All of this can be found, for example, in the works of such major philosophers-moralists like Confucius, Dario Salas Sommer and Epictetus.
Epictetus said: “what happens is not in your will, and to live for good or evil in your will. No one bothers you, no matter what happens with you, to act always and in all things consistent with truth and goodness. Whatever happens, you will turn yourself in teaching and in favor.” He said that the heart, following the laws of morality — an inexhaustible spring of pure water, and believed that the spirit of man is by nature in need of improvement and development that can be achieved through hard work on oneself.
In exactly the same key says the philosopher of our days Dario Salas Sommer, offering to build a life based on moral purity and perfection of consciousness. In my opinion from his book "the Morality of the XXI century" you can learn many deep thoughts and a clear definition that enables everyone to improve life. To comply with the laws of the highest morality need to learn, but it is really worth it!
Let us remember that before the training necessarily includes ethical education of the person, the teacher helped the students to develop the ability to consciously think and not just absorb information. What the disciples were given the necessary moral compass points in mind.
As the ancient philosophers have taught their pupils? No one crammed a huge number of books, draw freedom is not infringed. Teachers and students could spend hours walking through the garden and to have a leisurely dialogue that promotes thinking and knowledge of the truth. In the history of philosophy has even entered the term "maieutics", which meant eternal spiritual search of man by means of constant reflection. "Know thyself" — this statement Helena can be read on the wall of one of the ancient Delphic temple. And each had the opportunity to stop and think.
So let's we stop and think in the twenty-first century about morality! published
Author: Vyacheslav Azarov
Source: /users/1077