About life, girls and boys

1.Odna girl got to school five, while the other two. First skipping back home, he fell and broke his leg. And the second was, with his head down and found the purse.
Moral: All events in life, entail a chain of other events. So do not worry about nothing and fall into euphoria from minor victories.
Moral summary: HZ, where you find where you lose.
2. Two boy who loved a girl. One wrote her poems and carried a briefcase. And the other pulled the braids and puts a button. On graduation she gave the second.
Moral: Women are subconsciously choose more decisive and courageous individuals of the opposite sex who can protect her and the offspring.
Morale short: try to understand these women.
3.U a boy whose parents drank heavily, smoked and never worked. And the other, parents were doctors of science, is not swearing obscenities and dressed for dinner. The first boy grew up, does not drink, does not smoke, studying in graduate school. A second followed in the second best-selling of the gop-stop, missed dose.
Moral: Children who grow up in dysfunctional families, dreaming to grow and change their life around. Children living in the greenhouse conditions, are often unable to withstand the realities surrounding them out of reality.
Moral brief: Here's how to bring up children?
Beautiful and seductive Asian girls
The fate of two forgotten pioneer camps in the vicinity of Serpukhov (52 photos)