Beauty — the concept of behavioral!
Female beautyis Not a secret that women always or almost always concerned about their appearance. This feature is for the most part is innate, one might even say unconscious. This is understandable, because it is based on the biological "objective" to attract the best males and play the offspring from him. Very clear and understandable challenge from mother nature with one hand. On the other, to put it mildly, difficult and taking a lot of time and effort to open, strengthen andenable the full capacity of the main resource required for this task is beauty.
The company Dove conducted a global survey of women around the world about what they think about beauty and about their satisfaction with myself about it. It turned out that only 2% of women confidently call myself beautiful. Others use a less categorical words – attractive, cute, feminine. And about 40% of the respondents admitted that they feel uncomfortable calling themselves beautiful.
More than half of the women who completed the survey agreed that media and advertising are told all the "unrealistic" standards of beauty. What, then, is a real beauty, if the images are visible to us from our TV screens and advertising posters have so little relation to reality?
Two-thirds of participating in the same study believe that true beauty is much broader and deeper than just physical attraction. The basis of true beauty, happiness and love. It is really so. The woman, whose eyes glow of happiness, no man in the world will not be able to call ugly.
In psychological terms, beauty is the closest to the behavioral aspect. After all, behavior is the external manifestation of our mindset, emotions, feelings, state of mind. Appearance is only a shell, under which hides a whole universe of feelings, thoughts, values, beliefs. Seeing beauty only as a physical attraction, both men and women work themselves into a narrow, narrow confines. By the way, those frames are close not only metaphorically, but also literally (take, for example, known standard 90h60h90).
As the saying goes, "clothes make the man", and appearances can be very deceptive. After you know the person closer, the idea of it is starting to become much wider than if it remained for us to just "photo".
If interest in another person only exists on the physical plane, the process of meeting him, reminiscent of the impulsive purchase. Perhaps this is the kind of impulsive buying and pushing the male half of the media and advertising, narrowing the scope of perception such thing as beauty.
So pretty often, the concept of behavioural rather than anatomical. The exterior certainly has great importance in beauty, but its effect on perception is limited to the context level. This was the lowest level in the hierarchy of neurological levels, to answer the question "where?" "when?" and "who?". As you know, following behind him is the level of conduct which exceeds the previous largest.How a person behaves, what he says and does to the psyche is more important than how it looks.
For example, the quality of charm, denoting the attractive force will not be able to play any cosmetologist, stylist, hair stylist or even plastic surgeon. The fact that they all operate at the level of context.And the word "charm" at its core the behavioral, as derived from the Church Slavonic word "Bayati", meaning "to tell, to speak, to heal". And if you add to it personality, status, beliefs that are absolutely not visible to the naked eye, it will be not surprising the fact that two thirds of women from the survey above, recognized the beauty of something more than physical attraction.
If to return to the study conducted by Dove (which was attended by women from more than 40 countries), more than 80% of respondents agreed that absolutely every woman has something that makes it beautiful, attractive and unique. This fits with the results of the study, which was conducted by Dutch scientists. They came to the conclusion that men are sexually attracted to any women of childbearing age regardless of their appearance.
In conclusion, we can say that a single standard of beauty has never been, and never will be, no matter how hard they impose on media and advertising. Nature itself will not give them the right to exist, in order not to expose the world of "attack of the clones".
To complete the article I want one of my favorite parables on the theme of beauty:
Once two sailors went on a journey around the world to find their destiny.
They had sailed to an island where the leader of one of the tribes had two daughters.
— Senior — beauty and the younger not very.
One of the sailors said to his friend:
All, I have found my happiness, stay here and marry the daughter of the leader.
— Yes, you're right, the eldest daughter of chief — the beautiful, smart. You made the right choice — marry.
— You did not understand me, friend! I'm going to marry the youngest daughter of the leader.
— What are you, crazy? She's so... not really.
— It's my decision, and I'll do it.
Each swam on in search of his happiness, and the groom went a-Courtin.
I must say that the tribe was made to give the bride price with cows.
A good bride was worth ten cows.
Drove it ten cows and walked up to the leader.
— Chief, I want to get married your daughter and give her ten cows!
Is a good choice. My older daughter is a beautiful, smart, and she's worth ten cows. I agree.
— No, chief, you do not understand. I want to marry your youngest daughter.
— Are you kidding me? Don't you see, she's so... not really.
— I want to marry it.
— Well, but, as an honest man, I can't take ten cows, it's not worth it.
I take it for three cows, not more.
— No, I want to pay you exactly ten cows.
They got married.
Several years passed, and the wandering one, on his ship, decided to visit the remaining friend and see how he's doing.
Sailed, is on the shore and meet the woman of unearthly beauty.
He asked her how to find his friend. She showed. Comes in and sees his friend sitting around the kids running around.
— How to live?
— I'm happy.
In walks the most beautiful woman.
— Here is the, meet. This is my wife.
— How? Are you married again?
— No, it's the same woman.
But as it happened, she changed so much?
— And you ask her yourself.
Was approached by a friend to the woman and asks:
— Sorry for my ignorance, but I remember how you were... not very. What happened that you became so beautiful?
—Just one day, I realized that I was standing ten cows. published
Author: Dmitry Ostrouchov
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: //www.b17.ru/article/krasavica_-_ponjatie_povedencheskoe/

The company Dove conducted a global survey of women around the world about what they think about beauty and about their satisfaction with myself about it. It turned out that only 2% of women confidently call myself beautiful. Others use a less categorical words – attractive, cute, feminine. And about 40% of the respondents admitted that they feel uncomfortable calling themselves beautiful.
More than half of the women who completed the survey agreed that media and advertising are told all the "unrealistic" standards of beauty. What, then, is a real beauty, if the images are visible to us from our TV screens and advertising posters have so little relation to reality?
Two-thirds of participating in the same study believe that true beauty is much broader and deeper than just physical attraction. The basis of true beauty, happiness and love. It is really so. The woman, whose eyes glow of happiness, no man in the world will not be able to call ugly.

In psychological terms, beauty is the closest to the behavioral aspect. After all, behavior is the external manifestation of our mindset, emotions, feelings, state of mind. Appearance is only a shell, under which hides a whole universe of feelings, thoughts, values, beliefs. Seeing beauty only as a physical attraction, both men and women work themselves into a narrow, narrow confines. By the way, those frames are close not only metaphorically, but also literally (take, for example, known standard 90h60h90).
As the saying goes, "clothes make the man", and appearances can be very deceptive. After you know the person closer, the idea of it is starting to become much wider than if it remained for us to just "photo".
If interest in another person only exists on the physical plane, the process of meeting him, reminiscent of the impulsive purchase. Perhaps this is the kind of impulsive buying and pushing the male half of the media and advertising, narrowing the scope of perception such thing as beauty.
So pretty often, the concept of behavioural rather than anatomical. The exterior certainly has great importance in beauty, but its effect on perception is limited to the context level. This was the lowest level in the hierarchy of neurological levels, to answer the question "where?" "when?" and "who?". As you know, following behind him is the level of conduct which exceeds the previous largest.How a person behaves, what he says and does to the psyche is more important than how it looks.

For example, the quality of charm, denoting the attractive force will not be able to play any cosmetologist, stylist, hair stylist or even plastic surgeon. The fact that they all operate at the level of context.And the word "charm" at its core the behavioral, as derived from the Church Slavonic word "Bayati", meaning "to tell, to speak, to heal". And if you add to it personality, status, beliefs that are absolutely not visible to the naked eye, it will be not surprising the fact that two thirds of women from the survey above, recognized the beauty of something more than physical attraction.
If to return to the study conducted by Dove (which was attended by women from more than 40 countries), more than 80% of respondents agreed that absolutely every woman has something that makes it beautiful, attractive and unique. This fits with the results of the study, which was conducted by Dutch scientists. They came to the conclusion that men are sexually attracted to any women of childbearing age regardless of their appearance.
In conclusion, we can say that a single standard of beauty has never been, and never will be, no matter how hard they impose on media and advertising. Nature itself will not give them the right to exist, in order not to expose the world of "attack of the clones".

To complete the article I want one of my favorite parables on the theme of beauty:
Once two sailors went on a journey around the world to find their destiny.
They had sailed to an island where the leader of one of the tribes had two daughters.
— Senior — beauty and the younger not very.
One of the sailors said to his friend:
All, I have found my happiness, stay here and marry the daughter of the leader.
— Yes, you're right, the eldest daughter of chief — the beautiful, smart. You made the right choice — marry.
— You did not understand me, friend! I'm going to marry the youngest daughter of the leader.
— What are you, crazy? She's so... not really.
— It's my decision, and I'll do it.
Each swam on in search of his happiness, and the groom went a-Courtin.
I must say that the tribe was made to give the bride price with cows.
A good bride was worth ten cows.
Drove it ten cows and walked up to the leader.
— Chief, I want to get married your daughter and give her ten cows!
Is a good choice. My older daughter is a beautiful, smart, and she's worth ten cows. I agree.
— No, chief, you do not understand. I want to marry your youngest daughter.
— Are you kidding me? Don't you see, she's so... not really.
— I want to marry it.
— Well, but, as an honest man, I can't take ten cows, it's not worth it.
I take it for three cows, not more.
— No, I want to pay you exactly ten cows.
They got married.
Several years passed, and the wandering one, on his ship, decided to visit the remaining friend and see how he's doing.
Sailed, is on the shore and meet the woman of unearthly beauty.
He asked her how to find his friend. She showed. Comes in and sees his friend sitting around the kids running around.
— How to live?
— I'm happy.
In walks the most beautiful woman.
— Here is the, meet. This is my wife.
— How? Are you married again?
— No, it's the same woman.
But as it happened, she changed so much?
— And you ask her yourself.
Was approached by a friend to the woman and asks:
— Sorry for my ignorance, but I remember how you were... not very. What happened that you became so beautiful?
—Just one day, I realized that I was standing ten cows. published
Author: Dmitry Ostrouchov
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: //www.b17.ru/article/krasavica_-_ponjatie_povedencheskoe/