14 hilarious children's gems that will make your day

Ninety five million eight hundred seventy two thousand four hundred eighty seven

What are the kids saying? Yes about everything! Not a day goes by without the child uttered the phrase, which turns conventional notions of life turned on its head.

The website has collected children's cues that raise a smile and guaranteed to lift your spirits.

  • Asked yesterday son, 6 years old:
    — Why do you punish the teacher?
    I laughed.
    — What was so funny that even when you couldn't stop?
    — I can't remember! I have a bad memory, but a sense of humor is good.

  • — Mom, we have a dog adopted?
    — Why is "reception"?
    — Well, you're not her birth mother! So, each of the.
  • Cooked steamed vegetables. Put The Mache. The one I tried, the plate pushed in and says:
    — Mommy, this is delicious, you have me all better prepare! More is not ready...

  • Today ask your son 5 years:
    — Do you want a brother?
    — What does it do?
    — Well it is small such going to babysit him in the stroller to roll.
    Yeah! He will have a stroller and I don't have!!!
    — Well, it's small, and you're an adult.
    — Mom, don't jerk me around, buy me a bike!
  • My daughter never wants to wear a dress. Ask:
    — Tell me a secret — why?!
    — I think if I'll wear it, I will immediately offer to be married.

  • — My daughter, tell me, what are the similarities between eyes and ears?
    — First, are the senses, and secondly, they can clap!
  • Son Simon came from a garden, dressed.
    — Mom, you know how I learned t-shirt new to add? LUMP!

  • Walking with my daughter, 4 years old, in the Park, they sell cotton candy. The daughter asks:
    — Mommy, please buy me this edible fur?
  • Son bought two parakeets. Approaches the cage and says:
    — Something you too well... you Have parents to buy!

According to the materials detorg / twitter

See also
15 pearls of childhood that lead adults into confusion
17 children's sparkling gems

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