13 comics about how our love looks before and after 30 years
Seventy six million two hundred sixty eight thousand six hundred sixty nine
For many, the 30th anniversary is a kind of psychological barrier. Some are afraid of this age, but we think that absolutely nothing. To be 30 years old, have a lot of advantages: you are still young, but already much smarter and more independent than at age 20.
Site remembered moments from his life and drew this comic.
Thirty four million four hundred two thousand forty two
Thirty eight million fourteen thousand two hundred sixty seven
Eleven million sixty thousand one hundred thirty nine
Forty three million five hundred thirty thousand four hundred ninety three
Fifty one million five hundred fifty six thousand eight hundred four
Seventy five million eight hundred fifty seven thousand three hundred forty two
Twenty nine million seven hundred ninety seven thousand five hundred ninety nine
Seventy four million five hundred ten thousand six hundred nine
Sixty seven million two hundred seventy nine thousand eight hundred twelve
Eighty million nine hundred forty three thousand six hundred fifteen
Forty four million one hundred ninety four thousand one hundred seventy eight
Eighty eight million four hundred ninety six thousand seven hundred seventy one
Seventy two million three hundred seventy three thousand five hundred thirty seven
Illustrator Astkhik Rakimova especially for Site
See also
15 illustrations that time flies like crazy
13 comics about the feelings we used to show
11 illustrations of how cool life changes when we grow up
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/11-illyustracij-o-tom-kak-kruto-menyaetsya-zhizn-kogda-my-vzrosleem-1469815/
For many, the 30th anniversary is a kind of psychological barrier. Some are afraid of this age, but we think that absolutely nothing. To be 30 years old, have a lot of advantages: you are still young, but already much smarter and more independent than at age 20.
Site remembered moments from his life and drew this comic.
Thirty four million four hundred two thousand forty two
Thirty eight million fourteen thousand two hundred sixty seven
Eleven million sixty thousand one hundred thirty nine
Forty three million five hundred thirty thousand four hundred ninety three
Fifty one million five hundred fifty six thousand eight hundred four
Seventy five million eight hundred fifty seven thousand three hundred forty two
Twenty nine million seven hundred ninety seven thousand five hundred ninety nine
Seventy four million five hundred ten thousand six hundred nine
Sixty seven million two hundred seventy nine thousand eight hundred twelve
Eighty million nine hundred forty three thousand six hundred fifteen
Forty four million one hundred ninety four thousand one hundred seventy eight
Eighty eight million four hundred ninety six thousand seven hundred seventy one
Seventy two million three hundred seventy three thousand five hundred thirty seven
Illustrator Astkhik Rakimova especially for Site
See also
15 illustrations that time flies like crazy
13 comics about the feelings we used to show
11 illustrations of how cool life changes when we grow up
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/11-illyustracij-o-tom-kak-kruto-menyaetsya-zhizn-kogda-my-vzrosleem-1469815/
14 hilarious children's gems that will make your day
12 damn annoying things that happen in every romantic comedy