13 situations of life if we always told the truth
Twenty four million three hundred seven thousand nine hundred sixty three
We often hide the truth. Sometimes good, sometimes not to offend or put the person in an awkward position, and sometimes openly fool. It happens sometimes that I tell the truth and don't believe you.
Today the Site decided to dream up on what would be going on around you, if everyone spoke only the truth.
Illustrator Natalia Popova specifically for the Website
See also
13 comics about the feelings we used to show
What would the real world be like if we behaved in it like the Internet
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-kultura/kakim-byl-by-realnyj-mir-esli-by-my-veli-sebya-v-nem-kak-v-internete-1480115/
We often hide the truth. Sometimes good, sometimes not to offend or put the person in an awkward position, and sometimes openly fool. It happens sometimes that I tell the truth and don't believe you.
Today the Site decided to dream up on what would be going on around you, if everyone spoke only the truth.

Illustrator Natalia Popova specifically for the Website
See also
13 comics about the feelings we used to show
What would the real world be like if we behaved in it like the Internet
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-kultura/kakim-byl-by-realnyj-mir-esli-by-my-veli-sebya-v-nem-kak-v-internete-1480115/
5 Mistakes We Make in Our Hearts Every Day
In Italy women would provide paid leave for time critical days