The first letters of body language
Very often we perceive the body apart from our existence, sometimes with annoyance thinking about what you need to take care of, clothe, feed, heal it, while it tells us about our desires, our anxieties, indicates internal tension and fatigue, significantly reflecting our thoughts and feelings.
And sometimes it is difficult in the city traffic of life to hear the voice of your body!
Twenty seven million seven hundred seventy four thousand six hundred forty five
The body certainly has its own special language. Look around you: someone comes with drooping shoulders, slow and heavy movements, and someone tells a sad and quiet voice. Here the person tries to stretch his shoulders, apparently in pain, and maybe, he thus complains of a feeling of chest tightness or discomfort in the heart area. And how many people suffer periodic headaches and back problems?
Emotionally significant experience, literally, "grow the body" and remains there, forming a zone of chronic muscle stress, or "muscle clamps". Psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich called this body structure "muscular armor".
The body mobilizes its forces, internal resources, reaching a certain stress level, to maintain, protect, and selects, usually, the reaction of the "hit" or "run", "attack" or "escape".
These mechanisms of response, inherited from ancestors, and work equally animal and human. But in the modern world, when the threat from the insidious predator gives way to unpleasant information, conflict with colleagues or family problems, human muscles also tense up, also breathing, increased blood pressure, but... the action does not occur. There is no way to attack or run away. The actions of no and physiological changes, unspent, unclaimed energy for impossible actions, the tension in the body — remain.
The muscles tense, and if the situation is not resolved properly there was no way to relax, it eventually arises in the body sections of the "frozen" stress or increased muscle tone.
These clips are nothing like the "raw" emotions that are imprinted in the body and begin to disturb the person in the form of various pains and ailments.
Thus, everyday the "freezing" of emotions, which leads to muscular armor, over time affects change in the character of a person, depriving him of the spontaneity, the joy of self-expression, blocking vital energy, reducing the quality of life and limiting the "natural" movement of the body.
Ninety seven million four hundred seventy nine thousand nine hundred forty eight
Map of corporal clipsPsychologists in the field of externally oriented therapy see a clear relationship between health conditions in various parts of the body and not specific emotions, stressful situations.
Headaches in the forehead they associate with the problems of choice and decision-making.
Pain in the temples linked to chronic tension of the masticatory muscles (clenched jaw). They are figuratively referred to as "headaches objections".
Headache zoster nature a common symptom of mental distress, the so-called "tension headaches".
Discomfort in the back of the neck associated with the issues of responsibility, fear of punishment, and the "lump" in the throat symbolically it can indicate "swallowed resentment".
Pain in the shoulder girdle point to suppressed, including constructive aggressiveness.
The tension in the anterior surface of the breast may be due to difficulties in contacts with your relatives, and ailments in the abdomen — difficulties in social contacts.
Discomfort in the upper back can indicate distress associated with the malevolence of others ("a symbolic stab in the back").
While back pain may reflect the lack of reliable support from others and the need for a decision.
And problems in the feet associated with the sense of "ground", feeling the soil under my feet, the resistance in life.
Map of corporal clips rather arbitrary, but the General principles of the location of the muscle stress is well known. Sometimes found and unusual items "muscular armor", describing a specific situation in life of any person.
When we experience sickness, then, of course, want to get as soon as possible the relief, healing. The word "healing" means a return to integrity, the unity of body and soul.
Thus, decreased muscle tone, relaxation of specific bodily zones not only relieves pain and discomfort in these areas, but also allows you to give vent to suppressed emotions, thereby freeing significant life energy that was "trapped" in the muscle clamps.
"Take care of your body so that your soul wanted to live" — so says a famous Chinese proverb.
What to do with the body?
My body — what do I do with it,
So single and so my? – asked the poet Osip Mandelstam.
There are many different ways to help your body find ease, flexibility and freedom of expression.
It all depends on the depth of the clamps and bodily strength "muscular armor".
If physical problems aren't as deep you can help:
Sports the experts especially recommend swimming and skiing.
Dance classesand contact improvisation not regulating movements, has long been known as an effective method of developing flexibility and spontaneity of the body.
If the clamps are strong enough and firmly embedded in the body, you can contact doctors, osteopaths, specialists in body-oriented therapy and tanatoterapiya using different methods of working with physical blocks and clamps, competent study which has an impact on the perception of the world as a whole.
The most important thing is to make a step towards your body, to want to please him, to hear his needs and desires. Turning to him with love, allowing him to be alive, free and spontaneous, you allow your body to respond in kind and enrich your life with new palette of vivid emotions and experiences.published
Author: Natalia Kirillina
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.popsy.ru/articles/full/stati/slushat_svoe_telo/
And sometimes it is difficult in the city traffic of life to hear the voice of your body!
Twenty seven million seven hundred seventy four thousand six hundred forty five
The body certainly has its own special language. Look around you: someone comes with drooping shoulders, slow and heavy movements, and someone tells a sad and quiet voice. Here the person tries to stretch his shoulders, apparently in pain, and maybe, he thus complains of a feeling of chest tightness or discomfort in the heart area. And how many people suffer periodic headaches and back problems?
Emotionally significant experience, literally, "grow the body" and remains there, forming a zone of chronic muscle stress, or "muscle clamps". Psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich called this body structure "muscular armor".
- It is created from spasticeski reduced, limited in relaxation of the muscles in certain areas of the body.
- It makes the body rigid, which eventually affects the structure of nature, by limiting the person's capabilities and manifestations.
- Protecting from life social adversity, muscle armor binds the bodily feeling of joy, freedom, fullness, causing people to gradually lose touch with themselves.
The body mobilizes its forces, internal resources, reaching a certain stress level, to maintain, protect, and selects, usually, the reaction of the "hit" or "run", "attack" or "escape".
These mechanisms of response, inherited from ancestors, and work equally animal and human. But in the modern world, when the threat from the insidious predator gives way to unpleasant information, conflict with colleagues or family problems, human muscles also tense up, also breathing, increased blood pressure, but... the action does not occur. There is no way to attack or run away. The actions of no and physiological changes, unspent, unclaimed energy for impossible actions, the tension in the body — remain.
The muscles tense, and if the situation is not resolved properly there was no way to relax, it eventually arises in the body sections of the "frozen" stress or increased muscle tone.
These clips are nothing like the "raw" emotions that are imprinted in the body and begin to disturb the person in the form of various pains and ailments.
Thus, everyday the "freezing" of emotions, which leads to muscular armor, over time affects change in the character of a person, depriving him of the spontaneity, the joy of self-expression, blocking vital energy, reducing the quality of life and limiting the "natural" movement of the body.
Ninety seven million four hundred seventy nine thousand nine hundred forty eight
Map of corporal clipsPsychologists in the field of externally oriented therapy see a clear relationship between health conditions in various parts of the body and not specific emotions, stressful situations.
Headaches in the forehead they associate with the problems of choice and decision-making.
Pain in the temples linked to chronic tension of the masticatory muscles (clenched jaw). They are figuratively referred to as "headaches objections".
Headache zoster nature a common symptom of mental distress, the so-called "tension headaches".
Discomfort in the back of the neck associated with the issues of responsibility, fear of punishment, and the "lump" in the throat symbolically it can indicate "swallowed resentment".
Pain in the shoulder girdle point to suppressed, including constructive aggressiveness.
The tension in the anterior surface of the breast may be due to difficulties in contacts with your relatives, and ailments in the abdomen — difficulties in social contacts.
Discomfort in the upper back can indicate distress associated with the malevolence of others ("a symbolic stab in the back").
While back pain may reflect the lack of reliable support from others and the need for a decision.
And problems in the feet associated with the sense of "ground", feeling the soil under my feet, the resistance in life.
Map of corporal clips rather arbitrary, but the General principles of the location of the muscle stress is well known. Sometimes found and unusual items "muscular armor", describing a specific situation in life of any person.
When we experience sickness, then, of course, want to get as soon as possible the relief, healing. The word "healing" means a return to integrity, the unity of body and soul.
Thus, decreased muscle tone, relaxation of specific bodily zones not only relieves pain and discomfort in these areas, but also allows you to give vent to suppressed emotions, thereby freeing significant life energy that was "trapped" in the muscle clamps.
"Take care of your body so that your soul wanted to live" — so says a famous Chinese proverb.
What to do with the body?
My body — what do I do with it,
So single and so my? – asked the poet Osip Mandelstam.
There are many different ways to help your body find ease, flexibility and freedom of expression.
It all depends on the depth of the clamps and bodily strength "muscular armor".
If physical problems aren't as deep you can help:
- massage,
- Spa salon,
- any free movement in the fresh air.
Sports the experts especially recommend swimming and skiing.
Dance classesand contact improvisation not regulating movements, has long been known as an effective method of developing flexibility and spontaneity of the body.
If the clamps are strong enough and firmly embedded in the body, you can contact doctors, osteopaths, specialists in body-oriented therapy and tanatoterapiya using different methods of working with physical blocks and clamps, competent study which has an impact on the perception of the world as a whole.
The most important thing is to make a step towards your body, to want to please him, to hear his needs and desires. Turning to him with love, allowing him to be alive, free and spontaneous, you allow your body to respond in kind and enrich your life with new palette of vivid emotions and experiences.published
Author: Natalia Kirillina
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.popsy.ru/articles/full/stati/slushat_svoe_telo/