17 delicate tattoos, which seem to bloom with the arrival of spring
Ninety two million six hundred forty two thousand six hundred fifty nine
Work Rita Zolotuhina (Rita Zolotukhina) break all the stereotypes about tattoos. They are incredibly realistic and natural. The fact that the inspiration for Ukrainian artist steel plants.
Site have collected the best masterpieces of Rita, from which it is impossible to look away.
Photos on the preview rit.kit.tattoo
See also
15 elegant tattoos that seemed drawn tenderness
The work of this artist is forced to question everything you've seen before
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-dizajn/raboty-etoj-hudozhnicy-zastavyat-usomnitsya-vo-vsem-chto-vy-videli-do-etogo-1473715/
Work Rita Zolotuhina (Rita Zolotukhina) break all the stereotypes about tattoos. They are incredibly realistic and natural. The fact that the inspiration for Ukrainian artist steel plants.
Site have collected the best masterpieces of Rita, from which it is impossible to look away.
Photos on the preview rit.kit.tattoo
See also
15 elegant tattoos that seemed drawn tenderness
The work of this artist is forced to question everything you've seen before
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-dizajn/raboty-etoj-hudozhnicy-zastavyat-usomnitsya-vo-vsem-chto-vy-videli-do-etogo-1473715/
12 star sons who took over the charisma and charm of his parents
12 animals, who have something to tell people about the love and passion