How to vacation with your family in Russia

Philosophers, psychologists, doctors still scratching their spears in the arguments about when and why the Russians have any fashion and entrenched in the minds of the stamp is about the benefits of holidays abroad. It is possible that in the "dashing nineties" trip to the border was much more secure and the cost is more profitable.
Today stay with the child in Russia is much cheaper, more often than not requires red tape with visas, request a variety of documents, currency exchanges, and other inconveniences. So why do the Russians continue to leave for 2-3 weeks in Egypt, Tunisia, Thailand, exposing themselves and their children at risk, sometimes completely unjustified? The current is so strong once stereotypes?
The weight of tradition
On a lot of people in Russia do continue to cling to those stereotypes that have developed in them since perestroika times. There is a deep misconception that a vacation in Egypt or Tunisia is much cheaper, safer, and more comfortable than a trip to a domestic resort. But the real situation, which is quite capable to keep track of their own analyzing news feeds suggest the opposite.
A trip to the kuchugury, rest which is available to any citizen, absolutely guaranteed it eliminates the following risks:
- terrorist attacks and street violence;
- manifestation of national or religious intolerance;
- complicated procedure of check-out, processing passports, visas, insurance, other documents;
- problems related to ignorance of the local language, customs and traditions, the difference of mentality.
Myths and rates
There is another reason why many Russians continue to travel to distant countries, in spite of any danger. We are talking about the value. It is considered that in some countries, the holidays can hold much cheaper. Not so long ago such a statement indeed had some ground.
However, today the situation has radically changed. As example, the Russian resorts of the Azov coast — at least the same quiet and peaceful village of kuchugury, the site which offers quite reasonable prices, decent transport and social infrastructure, a variety of Wellness and entertainment programmes.
The favorable mild climate, warm Azov sea, a cozy picturesque landscapes and historical monuments – is not that enough? And those who consider themselves fans of a combination of buffet and "all inclusive" obviously, this place will not disappoint! Let's think — whether really to fly to distant lands?
According to the website azov-inn.ru/

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