Man finds family lost 25 years ago in unusual way

Often in real life, stories happen cooler than in the movies. Exactly. Website He wants to share it with you.
When Sarah Brierley. Saroo Brierley was only 5 years old and boarded the wrong train.He was more than 1,500 miles away from his home.- in Calcutta. The boy tried to find his way back, but in the big city no one understood him and no one tried to help him. Sarah lived on the street for a while, then a local adoption agency found him a new family from Australia. She took Sarah from her native India.
He learned English and grew up with adoptive parents, but never lost hope of finding his family.

A quarter of a century later, Sarah learned about the Google Earth service and with the help of it, armed with scraps of memories, began to search for a lost house. He did not know the name of his hometown or the train he took to Calcutta. He grew up in a warm climate and spoke Hindi as a child. Sarah was often told that he looked like an East Indian. It took years of studying vague satellite photos until the man finally realized he had found his home. Sarah met his biological mother, who was waiting for her son.
A man shares his life story in a book. "The Long Road Home". Also about him shot the film “The Lion”, which received 6 nominations for “Oscar” in 2017.

This story proves once again: Technology doesn’t necessarily make us lonely and more isolated from each other, but it also makes such miracles possible. Saru taught the world an invaluable lesson: even thousands of miles and time cannot be a barrier to those who believe in the power of their dreams.
Source matadornetwork
Photo by preview saroobrierley.com
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