Shoulders — the first thing that will tell the fate of women! Here's how self-sacrifice can affect the health.
On fragile female shoulders the fate weighed a lot of difficulties and trials. And it is often this part of the body testifies to the quality of life of women. Not for nothing, the people there are so many expressions on this subject: "Titans hold the sky on his shoulders", "Marriage is a heavy yoke on the shoulders of women," "Embrace yourself for the shoulders"...
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Experts in the field of psychosomatic medicine, assert that the shoulders are responsible for the eternal dilemma between "Need" and "Want". And really, if you look at women who've lived a fairly decent life span, it is immediately clear who gave himself as a victim of circumstances because it was necessary, and who gets from life what he wanted. Edition "Website" will tell you what is the role of the shoulders in a woman's life from the point of view of psychological health.
Psychosomatics geminimen shoulders play the role of a conductor of emotional energy flow of the heart, passing it with the hands. Thus we are able to embrace, to caress, to stroke, to beat... it is Proven that if a person is at odds with their wishes or inhibits your creativity, then his shoulders will eventually become constrained and strained. Look at people who have a lot of regret about not made — they are a little slouch.
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Remember, the older people always tell us that first you need to understand and love yourself, and you also need to put your desires on the first plan, and then to satisfy the interests of others. When a woman sacrifices her every time "Want", always feels a sense of guilt, and fear her usual state, the muscles adapt to such emotions and, consequently, deform shoulders.
Talking about shoulders
If a woman pulls the shoulders back and chest forward.
This refers to the deliberate shoulders back, not sure slender posture. Thus the woman is trying to create a kind of happy women and to hide their inner feelings from prying eyes. And as you know, closed from all of the soul leads to back problems. Any question of a personal nature can make this woman cry, so to look strong and successful is her only salvation.
If the woman strained left shoulder.
This suggests that the woman already put an end to his life. She lives with an unloved man, indulges in sexual satisfaction, and anyway, she was just there as a shadow, and not live.
If a woman is tense right shoulder.
This suggests that the woman living with a tyrant. She's afraid to say that she cares about, she is haunted by a sense of fear, and it has been transformed from a personality to the toy.
Not soviva your desires, live to the full, learn to say "No" and remember that you always have a choice. Draw my life only in bright colors! Share useful information with your friends!
Now everyone can publish articles
Try this first! To WRITE an ARTICLE the Author
Oksana Dudnik Loves painting, ready to admire the pictures all the time! Oksana knows a lot about perfumes, well versed in fashion trends and will give odds to many well-known beauty bloggers. Her love of sport supported by sports category in sailing! Xenia prefers meat dishes, can not imagine a day without them. Favorite book charming girls — "the Emperor" Niccolo Machiavelli.

© DepositPhotos
Experts in the field of psychosomatic medicine, assert that the shoulders are responsible for the eternal dilemma between "Need" and "Want". And really, if you look at women who've lived a fairly decent life span, it is immediately clear who gave himself as a victim of circumstances because it was necessary, and who gets from life what he wanted. Edition "Website" will tell you what is the role of the shoulders in a woman's life from the point of view of psychological health.
Psychosomatics geminimen shoulders play the role of a conductor of emotional energy flow of the heart, passing it with the hands. Thus we are able to embrace, to caress, to stroke, to beat... it is Proven that if a person is at odds with their wishes or inhibits your creativity, then his shoulders will eventually become constrained and strained. Look at people who have a lot of regret about not made — they are a little slouch.

© DepositPhotos
Remember, the older people always tell us that first you need to understand and love yourself, and you also need to put your desires on the first plan, and then to satisfy the interests of others. When a woman sacrifices her every time "Want", always feels a sense of guilt, and fear her usual state, the muscles adapt to such emotions and, consequently, deform shoulders.
Talking about shoulders
- If a woman is holding the shoulders tense and raised high.
This is a sure sign that a woman is often worried and did not know the answer to the questions of life. Very often, during disputes, it raises the shoulders up and takes someone else's point of view.
If a woman pulls the shoulders back and chest forward.
This refers to the deliberate shoulders back, not sure slender posture. Thus the woman is trying to create a kind of happy women and to hide their inner feelings from prying eyes. And as you know, closed from all of the soul leads to back problems. Any question of a personal nature can make this woman cry, so to look strong and successful is her only salvation.

If the woman strained left shoulder.
This suggests that the woman already put an end to his life. She lives with an unloved man, indulges in sexual satisfaction, and anyway, she was just there as a shadow, and not live.

If a woman is tense right shoulder.
This suggests that the woman living with a tyrant. She's afraid to say that she cares about, she is haunted by a sense of fear, and it has been transformed from a personality to the toy.

Not soviva your desires, live to the full, learn to say "No" and remember that you always have a choice. Draw my life only in bright colors! Share useful information with your friends!
Now everyone can publish articles
Try this first! To WRITE an ARTICLE the Author

Oksana Dudnik Loves painting, ready to admire the pictures all the time! Oksana knows a lot about perfumes, well versed in fashion trends and will give odds to many well-known beauty bloggers. Her love of sport supported by sports category in sailing! Xenia prefers meat dishes, can not imagine a day without them. Favorite book charming girls — "the Emperor" Niccolo Machiavelli.
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