4 admission by which toxic people manipulate you
"Toxic people" manipulate us by using these 4 techniques
Of course, you will meet a lot of people, and chat with some of them will not promise you anything good. Certainly there are people who will look for ways to manipulate you, to interfere in your life to get you to doubt your decisions,cause you to act the way they want them to.
The presence of these enemies close is dangerous because often you don't even realize that they're poisoning your life until it's too late.
It could even be someone very close to you – a colleague, your partner, or one of your best friends. These people have various methods of manipulation, which they use to maintain control over your life.
Nevertheless, learned about their tactics and recognize their methods of manipulation, you can easily escape from the energy captivity, in which they hold you.
Let's consider the most popular methods of manipulation, not to catch them:
1. Any ways they are trying to prove that it's all your fault
You can try all you want, but people who want to keep you under control, will always find a way to shift the blame on you.
If you start to defend themselves and Express criticism of such a person, he would react sharply to attack you with accusations. It's like tossing the hot potatoes from hand to hand and all your "hot" comment will be thrown back in your face.
2. Their catchphrase – "I know what you're gonna say"
Another way of manipulation is to convince you that they know what you think and how to react in this situation. Like, everything you do is completely predictable for them.
When they start to say something like: "I knew you'd say that", "I don't know what I have to wonder," they're just trying to find a way to "get" into your head, without using evidence or logic.
3. They skillfully prepare "word salad"
This tactic adored by those who want to avoid the questions they don't want to answer. To do this, they often give long, complex answers that ultimately nothing you do not clarify, you can't learn what you wanted.
To find out if you yulish, try to focus on what they say and observe whether they stick to one topic, or constantly jump on other random topics that are unimportant and irrelevant to the conversation.
4. In three stages they bring the man to the thought of inferiority Is another way of manipulation, in which a man is brought to such a state that he begins to doubt his sanity and even their own rights. This method consists of three different stages.
First, the "victim" try to put in an awkward position that people have lost faith in yourself and your strength. As soon as the "victim" gets to a situation and trying to get out of it, "puppet master" says: "You're crazy!" or "don't be crazy!"
After some time the "victim" was actually starting to believe that acts overly emotional and crazy, which eventually leads to depression. published
Translation Of Svetlana Bodrick
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: mixstuff.ru/archives/125440
Of course, you will meet a lot of people, and chat with some of them will not promise you anything good. Certainly there are people who will look for ways to manipulate you, to interfere in your life to get you to doubt your decisions,cause you to act the way they want them to.
The presence of these enemies close is dangerous because often you don't even realize that they're poisoning your life until it's too late.

It could even be someone very close to you – a colleague, your partner, or one of your best friends. These people have various methods of manipulation, which they use to maintain control over your life.
Nevertheless, learned about their tactics and recognize their methods of manipulation, you can easily escape from the energy captivity, in which they hold you.
Let's consider the most popular methods of manipulation, not to catch them:
1. Any ways they are trying to prove that it's all your fault
You can try all you want, but people who want to keep you under control, will always find a way to shift the blame on you.
If you start to defend themselves and Express criticism of such a person, he would react sharply to attack you with accusations. It's like tossing the hot potatoes from hand to hand and all your "hot" comment will be thrown back in your face.
2. Their catchphrase – "I know what you're gonna say"
Another way of manipulation is to convince you that they know what you think and how to react in this situation. Like, everything you do is completely predictable for them.
When they start to say something like: "I knew you'd say that", "I don't know what I have to wonder," they're just trying to find a way to "get" into your head, without using evidence or logic.
3. They skillfully prepare "word salad"
This tactic adored by those who want to avoid the questions they don't want to answer. To do this, they often give long, complex answers that ultimately nothing you do not clarify, you can't learn what you wanted.
To find out if you yulish, try to focus on what they say and observe whether they stick to one topic, or constantly jump on other random topics that are unimportant and irrelevant to the conversation.
4. In three stages they bring the man to the thought of inferiority Is another way of manipulation, in which a man is brought to such a state that he begins to doubt his sanity and even their own rights. This method consists of three different stages.
First, the "victim" try to put in an awkward position that people have lost faith in yourself and your strength. As soon as the "victim" gets to a situation and trying to get out of it, "puppet master" says: "You're crazy!" or "don't be crazy!"
After some time the "victim" was actually starting to believe that acts overly emotional and crazy, which eventually leads to depression. published
Translation Of Svetlana Bodrick
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: mixstuff.ru/archives/125440
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