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Choose a partner wisely! 10 types of toxic energofinprom

Toxic people defy logic. Some happy in the dark svoem negative impact on others, while others seem to enjoy destruction and interference of people.

It is important to learn how to interact with different people, but communication with a really toxic person will never justify the wasted time and energy, it only depletes. Toxic people constantly create around themselves an unnecessary complication, conflicts, and worst of all, stress.

People can inspire or Deplete, so choose a partner wisely.” – Hans F. Hansen

A recent study in a German University. Friedrich Schiller, showed how serious the subject of toxicity in the interaction. It was found that exposure to factors that cause strong negative emotions — for example, those that you experience in dealing with toxic people — caused the brain of the respondents on the strongest stress response. Whether the negative perception, the cruelty, the victim syndrome, or just crazy, but toxic people provoke in you a state of stress, which should be avoided at any cost.

Already long ago, scientists found that the stress of having a long lasting negative impact on the brain. Even a few days of stress reduce the activity of neurons in the hippocampus – an important part of the brain responsible for judgment and memory. Weeks of stress cause reparable damage to the brain cells, but the months of stress can destroy them. Toxic people don't just spoil the mood, communication with them is bad for your brain.

The ability to manage their emotions and stress directly affect performance. Company TalentSmart conducted research with more than a million people. It turned out that 90% of the best workers had a high ability to control their emotions in stressful situations, different them to remain calm and in control. One of their greatest talents – the ability to recognize toxic people and keep them at a distance.

They say that the human form of the five people he spends the most time. If you make at least one toxic in this top five, we'll find out how he or she prevent your development. You cannot distance yourself from toxic people, not recognizing them at first. The trick is to distinguish the truly toxic people from simply annoying or difficult to communicate. Below are the 10 types of toxic energofinprom, from which you need to stay away in order to not become so.

1. Gossip

“Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Gossip enjoy other people's misfortunes. At first it may seem funny to discuss someone's mistake in his personal or professional life, but over time it begins to tire, disgusts and offends others. In life, too many more positive things, and too much to learn from interesting people to spend your time talking about other people's failures.


2. Temperamental

Some people absolutely do not control their emotions. They pounce and pour out their feelings, believing that you the cause of all their troubles. Temperamental people are hard to throw away of life because of their inability to control their emotions is a pity. At the critical moment these people just merge into you that negativity and should be avoided at all costs.

3. The victim

Victims difficult to recognize, because you empathize with their problems. But modern comes the understanding that they have all the time “a difficult moment”. Victims actively avoid any personal responsibility, inflating every little obstacle in your path to the size of insurmountable obstacles. They do not see life the complexities of opportunity to learn a lesson and grow. Instead, they see every nuisance as a final final. There's an old saying: “Pain is inevitable, but suffering is a personal choice.” She perfectly conveys a sense of the toxicity of the victims that every time you choose suffering.

4. A self-centered

Fixated on people spoil the mood, keeping a dispassionate distance from other people. Usually recognize these people by feeling of their loneliness in their company. This is because, in their opinion, it is pointless for them to really be with somebody in contact. They see you nothing more than a tool to increase self-esteem.

5. Envious

In the opinion of the envious, the grass of neighbor is always greener. Even when an envious person can sometimes be something very good, it never gets any fun. The reason is that envious people constantly compare themselves and their progress to other people, while the sense of satisfaction must be sought in himself. Besides, let's be honest: in the world there is always someone who is better than you, if you look carefully. Too frequent communication with the envious dangerous because they are taught to devalue their success.

6. Manipulator

Manipulators out of your time and effort, under the guise of friendship. These schemers can be difficult because they manipulate the friendship. They know what you like, what pleases you, what can make you laugh, but the trick is that they use this information for their own purposes. The manipulator is always something you need. If you look at the relationship with them, they always buy something and never or very rarely give themselves. They will do anything to win you over, just to then you are.

7. Dementor

In his series of books about Harry Potter J. To.Rowling has described some of the evil creatures called Dementors, who sucked the soul, making people so just an empty physical shells. At the approach of a Dementor getting dark, cold and people might bring back their worst memories. Rowling said she wrote Dementors on the basis of very negative people — those that by their presence suck the life force from others.

Dementors drain of people, forcing everyone their negativity and pessimism. For them the glass is always half empty and they can ruin even the most favorable situation, filling her with his fears and anxieties. Research conducted by the University of Notre Dame, showed that students living with pessimistic neighbours, become much prone to negative thinking and even depression.

8. Spoiled

There are toxic people who initially nurture bad intentions, enjoying someone else's pain and misfortunes. They want or to hurt you or something from you to, or you are not interested in them. Pleased that these people can quickly recognize, in order to quickly exclude them from your circle of friends.

9. Critic

Critics will immediately tell you what is good and what is bad. They have the habit to take what you like, and make sure that you will feel awful because of this. Instead appreciate those who are not like them and learn from them new, critical people look down on others. Critics suppress your desire to be passionate, expressive person, so it is better not to communicate and to be yourself.


10. Arrogant

Arrogant people is a waste of time because they see the challenge for yourself in everything that you do. Arrogance is a false confidence, which is usually masking huge insecurities. Research at the University of Akron has shown that arrogance is associated with a lot of problems at work. Arrogant people are often poor performers are less inclined to agree and have more problems of cognitive perception than the average person.

How to protect yourself, recognizing them:

Toxic people crazy with your irrational behavior. Do not be deceived on this matter, their behavior is beyond common sense. So why do you allow your emotions to respond to them and to involve themselves in this nonsense?

The more irrational and inadequate person, the easier it should be to escape from his traps. Don't try to beat them at their own game. Distancingfrom them emotionally and treat the interaction with a scientific project (or if you are their therapist, if you prefer). You do not need to respond to their emotional chaos, consider just the facts.

Not to get involved emotionally, we need awareness. You can't force someone to stop to provoke you, if you don't see exactly how it happens. You may find yourself in a situation where you will need to gather strength and choose the best option for you of further actions. It's okay, don't be afraid to give yourself more time for this.

Many people think that due to the fact that they work or live with someone, they have no ability to control the chaos. Nothing of the sort. Recognizing a toxic person, you will be able to understand and predict its behavior. This will help you to logically think about when and where you will have to deal with them, and in some cases this can be avoided. You can set clear boundaries, but it should be done consciously and in advance. If you let it go, you will constantly be involved in difficult conversations. If you set boundaries and decide when and where you will be dealing with a difficult person, you will be able to control the greater part of this chaos. The only thing that you need to stand firm and hold your boundarieswhen they want to break, what to expect.published


Author: Travis Bradberry


Source: 9journal.com.ua/10-%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B2-%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BA%D1%81%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%BD%D1%8B%D1%85-%D0%BB%D1%8E%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%B9-%D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%8B%D1%85-%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B8%D1%82/