Spinal twist: the Most useful exercise for the whole body
Spinal twist
Full exercise is very difficult, therefore here described by its lightweight version, which is also quite difficult for beginners.
Forty million nine hundred seventy one thousand seven hundred eighty seven
1. Original position. Sit on the floor, straighten your legs in front of him and put them together.
2. Make the stomach in the same flat as the back. Breathe normally. Do without stress following movement.
3. Slightly bend your right leg, lifting the knee up. Bend your left leg at the knee, with the hand position it under your right knee and press left heel to the right buttock with external parties (either put your left foot under the pelvis with the soles up and sit on the foot so that the heel was under the left ischium, sock – under the right). Men should correct the scrotum so that the genitals have not experienced pressure.
4. Even a little bend your right leg at the knee and, helping with your hands, put your right foot on the floor with the outer side of the left knee.
5. Not turning and not Perekareva pelvis, slowly (after a deep breath, exhale) unfold the shoulder belt to the right, maintaining its horizontal position, turn your left shoulder over right hip. Left elbow position on the outer side of the right leg, and grab middle, index and thumb of the hand over the thumb of the right foot (or left hand for the right ankle).
While the right knee should be placed as close as possible to the left axilla. Using the left hand as a lever, even more turn (slowly) shoulders to the right, twisting the spine.
6. Right hand bend at the elbow and put it behind you at waist level as far as possible open palm out.
7. Without undue stress pull straight spine straight up, spread your chest, turn your head to the left (option – to limit the right). Opinion guide on the area between the eyebrows.
8. Suck in your mid up the anus and feel the movement of the spine. Attention fix on the spine. Hold this position for a while until you feel that enough. Despite the fact that the lungs are compressed, breathe in freely, rhythmically, deeply, but without strain. Then slowly (on inhale) return to starting position, relax, take a few free breaths-breaths.
9. Do the same in the other direction.
Eighty million six hundred twenty thousand two hundred six
10. Execute exercise 2...3 times.
11. In conclusion – get on the floor and relax.
One of the main conditions for the correct execution of exercises – hips, with twisting of the spine should be vertical, for what it's position needs to be adjusted still in the preparatory stage, the ischium, and shoulder joints should be horizontal and parallel to each other planes, the distortions are unacceptable.
Strive to practice this very useful exercise daily (at least once a day). It is recommended to perform it once a day in warm season, and twice in cold weather.
At the beginning of the practice the duration of fixation the final posture should not exceed 5...15 (for feeling). When muscles become elastic enough, but in the ultimate position to be in for at least one minute (when running in each direction). The duration of the commit phase it is necessary to increase gradually (for feeling), excessive zeal is not permissible because it can lead to disastrous results. Caution do not exceed their capabilities.
Seek to avoid pain. Perform the exercise slowly, smoothly, without sudden movements. Make sure your breath didn't hold back.
To keep the spine healthy, it is necessary to exercise each of the possible directions. The spine can move in six directions: to bend forward, backward, left and right, and twist left and right. This exercise — one of a kind, it strengthens the spine by twisting it left and right, so it cannot be replaced.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: podduev.narod.ru/asana/matsyendra.html
Full exercise is very difficult, therefore here described by its lightweight version, which is also quite difficult for beginners.
Forty million nine hundred seventy one thousand seven hundred eighty seven
1. Original position. Sit on the floor, straighten your legs in front of him and put them together.
2. Make the stomach in the same flat as the back. Breathe normally. Do without stress following movement.
3. Slightly bend your right leg, lifting the knee up. Bend your left leg at the knee, with the hand position it under your right knee and press left heel to the right buttock with external parties (either put your left foot under the pelvis with the soles up and sit on the foot so that the heel was under the left ischium, sock – under the right). Men should correct the scrotum so that the genitals have not experienced pressure.
4. Even a little bend your right leg at the knee and, helping with your hands, put your right foot on the floor with the outer side of the left knee.
5. Not turning and not Perekareva pelvis, slowly (after a deep breath, exhale) unfold the shoulder belt to the right, maintaining its horizontal position, turn your left shoulder over right hip. Left elbow position on the outer side of the right leg, and grab middle, index and thumb of the hand over the thumb of the right foot (or left hand for the right ankle).
While the right knee should be placed as close as possible to the left axilla. Using the left hand as a lever, even more turn (slowly) shoulders to the right, twisting the spine.
6. Right hand bend at the elbow and put it behind you at waist level as far as possible open palm out.
7. Without undue stress pull straight spine straight up, spread your chest, turn your head to the left (option – to limit the right). Opinion guide on the area between the eyebrows.
8. Suck in your mid up the anus and feel the movement of the spine. Attention fix on the spine. Hold this position for a while until you feel that enough. Despite the fact that the lungs are compressed, breathe in freely, rhythmically, deeply, but without strain. Then slowly (on inhale) return to starting position, relax, take a few free breaths-breaths.
9. Do the same in the other direction.
Eighty million six hundred twenty thousand two hundred six
10. Execute exercise 2...3 times.
11. In conclusion – get on the floor and relax.
One of the main conditions for the correct execution of exercises – hips, with twisting of the spine should be vertical, for what it's position needs to be adjusted still in the preparatory stage, the ischium, and shoulder joints should be horizontal and parallel to each other planes, the distortions are unacceptable.
Strive to practice this very useful exercise daily (at least once a day). It is recommended to perform it once a day in warm season, and twice in cold weather.
At the beginning of the practice the duration of fixation the final posture should not exceed 5...15 (for feeling). When muscles become elastic enough, but in the ultimate position to be in for at least one minute (when running in each direction). The duration of the commit phase it is necessary to increase gradually (for feeling), excessive zeal is not permissible because it can lead to disastrous results. Caution do not exceed their capabilities.
Seek to avoid pain. Perform the exercise slowly, smoothly, without sudden movements. Make sure your breath didn't hold back.
To keep the spine healthy, it is necessary to exercise each of the possible directions. The spine can move in six directions: to bend forward, backward, left and right, and twist left and right. This exercise — one of a kind, it strengthens the spine by twisting it left and right, so it cannot be replaced.
- When performing this exercise, the supply of blood to the vertebrae and nerves emerging from the spine, increases to a maximum and thus, it exerts a regenerating effect on the entire body. Well-trained chest, abdomen, internal organs, and thyroid. This is one of the best exercises.
- Twisting is indispensable to increase the flexibility of the spine and the training of his nerves, to improve blood circulation in this area of the body, and also for strengthening of muscles of back, arms and legs. It eliminates curvature of the spine, corrects slouching back and shoulders, improves posture, helps to relax the muscles of the spine; stimulates the musculature of both lateral surfaces of trunk; gives the body flexibility and helps slow the aging process; extremely effective in the treatment of simple cases of shift of the intervertebral discs; sciatica cures; removes lumbago, and rheumatic pains in back and limb joints.
- Affecting a large number of nerves connecting the brain with the body, this exercise tones up and revitalizes not only the nerves of the back and nervous system in General. It relieves headaches due to alignment of blood flow and toning of the urinary bladder channel, the governing brain.
- Acting initially on the right side of the stomach (it is therefore necessary to begin execution with twisting of the spine to the right, as stated above) improves peristalsis and prevents constipation. It massages the abdominal organs, eliminating, thus, gastrointestinal diseases; kindles the gastric fire, improves appetite and digestion; eliminates indigestion and tendency to flatulence; a positive effect on the intestines; cures helminthiasis, diseases of the liver and spleen.
- Stimulates activity of pancreas, cures diabetes.
- A positive effect on the kidneys and adrenal glands (one of the best exercises), regulates the release of adrenaline by the adrenal glands.
- Preventive and therapeutic effect in diseases of the prostate gland (prostatitis, adenoma). In this case, it is recommended to take pollen.
- Helps to get rid of asthma.
- Contributes to the prevention and treatment of obesity.
- Practice leads to increased confidence, increased determination and persistence, the disappearance of sloth and torpor.
- Posture is very useful after a hard work, especially sedentary.
- To cure the above ailments very important regularity of the asana.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: podduev.narod.ru/asana/matsyendra.html