This guy hid a proposal of marriage on 148 photos
Sixty one million six hundred forty five thousand six hundred eighty nine
38-year-old ray Smith (Ray Smith) decided to make his girlfriend Claire's offer of marriage and wanted to find the most romantic way. He hid the words "will You marry me?" on joint 148 photos, and Claire had no idea.
The website was impressed by the act of this guy. Let's jump forward: when he asked directly, Claire immediately said "Yes".
In June, the couple found out that she was pregnant. It was then that ray did this a great idea. "I told her that I would take pictures to see how the child is growing up," admitted ray.
For five months he hid the words "will You marry me?" on each joint image. He had to do two of the same frame, with the inscription, so Claire could also see pictures.
Ray was sure that Claire would guess, but that did not happen. Then for Christmas he decided to ask the girl directly.
On Christmas morning, he gathered all the pictures together and opened them on the laptop. And then got down on one knee, told the whole story and asked the most important question.
Claire immediately said "Yes", she didn't even need to think about it. The girl was impressed by the romantic act of her future husband.
Source My Modern Met
Photo on preview Ray Smith
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38-year-old ray Smith (Ray Smith) decided to make his girlfriend Claire's offer of marriage and wanted to find the most romantic way. He hid the words "will You marry me?" on joint 148 photos, and Claire had no idea.
The website was impressed by the act of this guy. Let's jump forward: when he asked directly, Claire immediately said "Yes".
In June, the couple found out that she was pregnant. It was then that ray did this a great idea. "I told her that I would take pictures to see how the child is growing up," admitted ray.
For five months he hid the words "will You marry me?" on each joint image. He had to do two of the same frame, with the inscription, so Claire could also see pictures.
Ray was sure that Claire would guess, but that did not happen. Then for Christmas he decided to ask the girl directly.
On Christmas morning, he gathered all the pictures together and opened them on the laptop. And then got down on one knee, told the whole story and asked the most important question.
Claire immediately said "Yes", she didn't even need to think about it. The girl was impressed by the romantic act of her future husband.
Source My Modern Met
Photo on preview Ray Smith
See also
In London homeless do not allow to freeze in love. And that's what they did
Emergency call turned out for the family of this firefighter long-awaited happiness
The little girl's mother wrote a letter to the waiter who came to her aid
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-semya/mama-malenkoj-devochki-napisala-trogatelnoe-pismo-oficiantu-kotoryj-prishel-ej-na-pomosch-1447765/
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