20 photos of the first cherry blossoms in Japan, filled with anticipation of spring
Ninety three million seventy thousand one hundred forty
Cherry blossom is not just a symbol of the rising sun, is one of the long-awaited harbingers of spring. In the South it blooms in February.
The website went in search of the best photos in instagram, because every self-respecting Japanese has at least one picture of cherry blossoms.
Photo preview on instagram
See also
In Japan, spring bloom, not only Sakura
16 things I realized after living a year in Japan
50 unexpected facts about Japan
via www.adme.ru/vdohnovenie/50-neozhidannyh-faktov-o-yaponii-630305/
Cherry blossom is not just a symbol of the rising sun, is one of the long-awaited harbingers of spring. In the South it blooms in February.
The website went in search of the best photos in instagram, because every self-respecting Japanese has at least one picture of cherry blossoms.
Photo preview on instagram
See also
In Japan, spring bloom, not only Sakura
16 things I realized after living a year in Japan
50 unexpected facts about Japan
via www.adme.ru/vdohnovenie/50-neozhidannyh-faktov-o-yaponii-630305/
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