18 crazy things that only happen in Japan
Ninety seven million three hundred nineteen thousand one hundred ninety three
The land of the rising sun is similar to another world, where so many unimaginable things and strange traditions.
Site gathered some fascinating stories about how the everyday life of ordinary people of Japan.
Profession: to push people on the subway
In Japanese subway many passengers during rush hour that the stations employ special staff pushed people into wagons, — Hosea. Previously this work was done by mostly students.
$ 24 000 for a pair of melons
Even square watermelons from Japan are inferior in price to the Royal Yubari melon. In 2008 a pair of these melons sold at auction for $ 24 000. The cost of this variety due to its rarity: this melon is grown in small quantities on the island of Hokkaido, and the entire crop immediately dismantle dealers.
Chocolate for students with a taste of sake, wasabi, sweet potatoes, or chili
The sound of the title bar of Kit Kat in Japanese is similar to the phrase "You will pass", so it is often given to students before the exam instead of wishes of good luck. Like many other products, Japanese Kit Kat the most unusual toppings — from hot peppers and wasabi to green tea and pear.
A cafe where they sell soft
For a fee the man allowed to lie down beside the girl, to hug her, a long look into her eyes or to stroke her hair. But without sex! In Japan paying great attention to the visual component. For example, now very popular cafes, where waitresses are just dressed as pretty maids.
The largest collection of trains
In Japan there are the most different trains: two story, flying with the speed of a bullet train without a driver, a vintage that looked like cartoon characters like Thomas the tank engine. And subway has special women-only carriages to protect them from male harassment.
The machines where you can buy anything
This country is so popular for vending machines that they can buy the most incredible things. For example, simple bow or hand-written love letter.
Resort where people swim in wine, sake and coffee
The most amazing place where you can swim in the huge pool of wine. You can drink, without getting out on the land. Heals — floating in hundreds of gallons of coffee, sake, and even broth.
Homemade robots for kids
To have a pet in Japan is expensive which costs around like a new car. Therefore, children are more likely to buy toy robots imitating Pets.
Sakura is not only beautiful, but edible
Sakura — national flower of Japan and a delicacy which decorated desserts. Dishes with cherry blossoms is especially popular in spring when flowering begins and the whole country is covered with pale pink carpet.
No etiquette on public transport
Public transport not give place to women, children and the elderly. Who had time, he and sat down.
The fashion police gets here
Japanese street fashion is bright colors, ambiguous things and crazy design. Someone compares it to a separate type of contemporary art where everyone can Express themselves through combinations of incongruous colors and accessories.
Restaurants are ordered plastic food
This is a special profession — masters for the production of artificial food, which cannot be distinguished from the original. It is made from a powder or wax on ordering for restaurants, then to expose the samples of dishes on the counter for viewing by buyers.
The main decoration of a smile — double teeth
The Japanese believe "Hollywood smile" is too open and challenging. Popular selling service — not just crooked teeth, and the build-up and correction to make a "double teeth".
Easier to land the plane, than to cope with toilet
The panel next to the toilet like a chair of the captain of an intergalactic ship — there are dozens of buttons: you can listen to music, use a bidet, heated seat and even include a shower. In Japan is often cleaned, standing on the floor. So before entering the toilet wear special Slippers so as not to get my feet wet.
The strange Museum with an impressive collection
At the entrance to the Museum of toilet flaunts a gold pellet the size of a man and several sculptures in tense postures, and inside — slide for children in the form of a pan, a collection of artificial samples of feces of animals and people, interactive exhibits and a strange hat. This is the first Museum in the world dedicated to excrement.
Ice cream with the taste of noodles, meat or beer
No accounting for tastes. But foodies should definitely try all the variety of Japanese ice cream. Surprisingly not that you can buy ice cream with the taste of noodles, beer and horse meat. And the fact that it is sold at every corner and is an incredible demand.
Island ruled by bunnies
During the Second world war on the island Okinoshima brought rabbits for secret scientific research. Later the program was closed and the rabbits were released into the wild. They didn't waste any time, so today the little island is infested, what attracts thousands of tourists.
In Japan, even the autumn has its own, special
Photos on the preview depositphotos, depositphotos
via ru.depositphotos.com/24787383/stock-photo-crooked-teeth.html?utm_source=Adme&utm_medium=freesub&utm_campaign=RU-brand
The land of the rising sun is similar to another world, where so many unimaginable things and strange traditions.
Site gathered some fascinating stories about how the everyday life of ordinary people of Japan.
Profession: to push people on the subway
In Japanese subway many passengers during rush hour that the stations employ special staff pushed people into wagons, — Hosea. Previously this work was done by mostly students.
$ 24 000 for a pair of melons
Even square watermelons from Japan are inferior in price to the Royal Yubari melon. In 2008 a pair of these melons sold at auction for $ 24 000. The cost of this variety due to its rarity: this melon is grown in small quantities on the island of Hokkaido, and the entire crop immediately dismantle dealers.
Chocolate for students with a taste of sake, wasabi, sweet potatoes, or chili
The sound of the title bar of Kit Kat in Japanese is similar to the phrase "You will pass", so it is often given to students before the exam instead of wishes of good luck. Like many other products, Japanese Kit Kat the most unusual toppings — from hot peppers and wasabi to green tea and pear.
A cafe where they sell soft
For a fee the man allowed to lie down beside the girl, to hug her, a long look into her eyes or to stroke her hair. But without sex! In Japan paying great attention to the visual component. For example, now very popular cafes, where waitresses are just dressed as pretty maids.
The largest collection of trains
In Japan there are the most different trains: two story, flying with the speed of a bullet train without a driver, a vintage that looked like cartoon characters like Thomas the tank engine. And subway has special women-only carriages to protect them from male harassment.
The machines where you can buy anything
This country is so popular for vending machines that they can buy the most incredible things. For example, simple bow or hand-written love letter.
Resort where people swim in wine, sake and coffee
The most amazing place where you can swim in the huge pool of wine. You can drink, without getting out on the land. Heals — floating in hundreds of gallons of coffee, sake, and even broth.
Homemade robots for kids
To have a pet in Japan is expensive which costs around like a new car. Therefore, children are more likely to buy toy robots imitating Pets.
Sakura is not only beautiful, but edible
Sakura — national flower of Japan and a delicacy which decorated desserts. Dishes with cherry blossoms is especially popular in spring when flowering begins and the whole country is covered with pale pink carpet.
No etiquette on public transport
Public transport not give place to women, children and the elderly. Who had time, he and sat down.
The fashion police gets here
Japanese street fashion is bright colors, ambiguous things and crazy design. Someone compares it to a separate type of contemporary art where everyone can Express themselves through combinations of incongruous colors and accessories.
Restaurants are ordered plastic food
This is a special profession — masters for the production of artificial food, which cannot be distinguished from the original. It is made from a powder or wax on ordering for restaurants, then to expose the samples of dishes on the counter for viewing by buyers.
The main decoration of a smile — double teeth
The Japanese believe "Hollywood smile" is too open and challenging. Popular selling service — not just crooked teeth, and the build-up and correction to make a "double teeth".
Easier to land the plane, than to cope with toilet
The panel next to the toilet like a chair of the captain of an intergalactic ship — there are dozens of buttons: you can listen to music, use a bidet, heated seat and even include a shower. In Japan is often cleaned, standing on the floor. So before entering the toilet wear special Slippers so as not to get my feet wet.
The strange Museum with an impressive collection
At the entrance to the Museum of toilet flaunts a gold pellet the size of a man and several sculptures in tense postures, and inside — slide for children in the form of a pan, a collection of artificial samples of feces of animals and people, interactive exhibits and a strange hat. This is the first Museum in the world dedicated to excrement.
Ice cream with the taste of noodles, meat or beer
No accounting for tastes. But foodies should definitely try all the variety of Japanese ice cream. Surprisingly not that you can buy ice cream with the taste of noodles, beer and horse meat. And the fact that it is sold at every corner and is an incredible demand.
Island ruled by bunnies
During the Second world war on the island Okinoshima brought rabbits for secret scientific research. Later the program was closed and the rabbits were released into the wild. They didn't waste any time, so today the little island is infested, what attracts thousands of tourists.
In Japan, even the autumn has its own, special
Photos on the preview depositphotos, depositphotos
via ru.depositphotos.com/24787383/stock-photo-crooked-teeth.html?utm_source=Adme&utm_medium=freesub&utm_campaign=RU-brand
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