10 celebrities, from which fanateyut their star colleagues
Seventy seven million three hundred three thousand two hundred fifty eight
Many of us delighted in seeing on screen to your favorite celebrity. We go to the premiere of their films, buy the seats for their concerts in the front row and want something to be close to them. As it turned out, this desire is not alien to the very stars.
Site gathered for you 10 famous people that have their own idols is incredibly popular among their colleagues.
Cara Delevingne / Angelina Jolie
Kara admires the willpower Jolie and her activities as goodwill Ambassador of the UN and said that Angelina has inspired her to become an actress, and now to try yourself in the role of Director. The young model admits that Angelina for her true hero.
Pink / Johnny Depp
The singer has long been married, but even from her husband, she makes no secret of his tender love for the famous actor. Moreover, the husband is fully aware of the feelings of Pink, and even tried to introduce the hero and his loyal fan girl, but the girl did not dare to approach Depp for an autograph. However, to fulfill the cherished desire and even embrace the big Pink managed. It happened on the Jimmy Kimmel show.
Kim Kardashian / Victoria Beckham
Today the secular lady from the famous family the Kardashians not much like the singer and designer Victoria Beckham, but a few years ago it was different. In his youth, Kim tried to copy the image of his idol — "peppercorns" Vicky Adams. It was her, she was considered the most talented of all the Spice Girls, wore appropriate clothing, and even did the same hairstyle.
Selena Gomez / Natalie Portman
The same as Natalie, Selena started her career in movies in his childhood. But the actress not only follows the path of his older colleagues: with Portman, she takes the example and in all that relates to fashion, calling her a style icon. The outfits and hairstyles Gomez from the red carpet often to notice the motives inherent in the images of Natalie adored her.
Kristen Stewart / Harrison Ford
Perhaps a future star of "Twilight" and the Muse of woody Allen charmed the brave Han Solo from "Star wars" or the adventurer Indiana Jones, because the performer of these roles, the actress believes their greatest passion. Ford heads personal top Actresses in which there are ladies: Amy Adams and El fanning.
Ashton Kutcher / Jennifer Aniston
Since the release of the series "Friends" Ashton became a passionate fan of Rachel green, played by Jennifer. Home Kutcher has collected photos actress posters with clippings from magazines. And already becoming a star, decided to invite Jennifer aniston for a date. Jen's husband brad pitt was against it, but she refused a young fan.
Lady Gaga / Britney Spears
Among the idols Lady Gaga included Madonna, Elton John, David Bowie, but who would have thought that in her youth, she, like millions of teenagers around the world, was a fan of Britney Spears, zakusalas her songs and copying the style. Now she is not only able to have a friendly chat with the darling, but also writes songs for her.
Ariana Grande / Jim Carrey
With a sense of humor, the singer and actress is all right, because she has always dreamed about meeting the most destructive Hollywood comedian Jim Carrey. And the desire the young lady was executed. It turned out that even the first nick devoted fans network sounded like JimCarreyfan42 — all in honor of the beloved hero.
Emma Watson / Julia Roberts
Childhood dreams of Emma Watson was quite specific: she didn't want to be just a star or a Princess, she wanted to be... Julia Roberts. The actress won Emma her luxurious smile. Part of the dream came true: Watson appeared on the cover of one of the glossy magazines in a mini-dress, remarkably similar to the famous outfit Roberts in "Pretty woman."
Helen Mirren / VIN Diesel
Who would have thought, but the elegant Oscar-winning actress indifferent to the actor, it wasn't some kind of James bond, and the famous cinogenic VIN Diesel. When one of the ceremonies Helen heard the speech of the Wine, her heart melted. The actress has conquered the mind, the humor and of course the coolness of this handsome. And recently she was able to work with his idol on the set of "fast & Furious-8".
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Many of us delighted in seeing on screen to your favorite celebrity. We go to the premiere of their films, buy the seats for their concerts in the front row and want something to be close to them. As it turned out, this desire is not alien to the very stars.
Site gathered for you 10 famous people that have their own idols is incredibly popular among their colleagues.
Cara Delevingne / Angelina Jolie

Kara admires the willpower Jolie and her activities as goodwill Ambassador of the UN and said that Angelina has inspired her to become an actress, and now to try yourself in the role of Director. The young model admits that Angelina for her true hero.
Pink / Johnny Depp

The singer has long been married, but even from her husband, she makes no secret of his tender love for the famous actor. Moreover, the husband is fully aware of the feelings of Pink, and even tried to introduce the hero and his loyal fan girl, but the girl did not dare to approach Depp for an autograph. However, to fulfill the cherished desire and even embrace the big Pink managed. It happened on the Jimmy Kimmel show.
Kim Kardashian / Victoria Beckham

Today the secular lady from the famous family the Kardashians not much like the singer and designer Victoria Beckham, but a few years ago it was different. In his youth, Kim tried to copy the image of his idol — "peppercorns" Vicky Adams. It was her, she was considered the most talented of all the Spice Girls, wore appropriate clothing, and even did the same hairstyle.
Selena Gomez / Natalie Portman

The same as Natalie, Selena started her career in movies in his childhood. But the actress not only follows the path of his older colleagues: with Portman, she takes the example and in all that relates to fashion, calling her a style icon. The outfits and hairstyles Gomez from the red carpet often to notice the motives inherent in the images of Natalie adored her.
Kristen Stewart / Harrison Ford

Perhaps a future star of "Twilight" and the Muse of woody Allen charmed the brave Han Solo from "Star wars" or the adventurer Indiana Jones, because the performer of these roles, the actress believes their greatest passion. Ford heads personal top Actresses in which there are ladies: Amy Adams and El fanning.
Ashton Kutcher / Jennifer Aniston

Since the release of the series "Friends" Ashton became a passionate fan of Rachel green, played by Jennifer. Home Kutcher has collected photos actress posters with clippings from magazines. And already becoming a star, decided to invite Jennifer aniston for a date. Jen's husband brad pitt was against it, but she refused a young fan.
Lady Gaga / Britney Spears

Among the idols Lady Gaga included Madonna, Elton John, David Bowie, but who would have thought that in her youth, she, like millions of teenagers around the world, was a fan of Britney Spears, zakusalas her songs and copying the style. Now she is not only able to have a friendly chat with the darling, but also writes songs for her.
Ariana Grande / Jim Carrey

With a sense of humor, the singer and actress is all right, because she has always dreamed about meeting the most destructive Hollywood comedian Jim Carrey. And the desire the young lady was executed. It turned out that even the first nick devoted fans network sounded like JimCarreyfan42 — all in honor of the beloved hero.
Emma Watson / Julia Roberts

Childhood dreams of Emma Watson was quite specific: she didn't want to be just a star or a Princess, she wanted to be... Julia Roberts. The actress won Emma her luxurious smile. Part of the dream came true: Watson appeared on the cover of one of the glossy magazines in a mini-dress, remarkably similar to the famous outfit Roberts in "Pretty woman."
Helen Mirren / VIN Diesel

Who would have thought, but the elegant Oscar-winning actress indifferent to the actor, it wasn't some kind of James bond, and the famous cinogenic VIN Diesel. When one of the ceremonies Helen heard the speech of the Wine, her heart melted. The actress has conquered the mind, the humor and of course the coolness of this handsome. And recently she was able to work with his idol on the set of "fast & Furious-8".
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