2 minute test that will show how your intelligence is developing
As soon as the person left the cave, disputes about the high level of intelligence immediately began. One has a longer stick, the second has a sharper stone, and the third on the side is already spinning the wheel. With the advent of the Eysenck test, it became possible to compete in IQ sizes.
In turn, the Site has prepared a test that opens up prospects for the development of your intelligence.
Choose a pipe through which water will flow faster
Most likely, your intelligence ranges from 80 to 100, and at the same time you have the potential for unlimited development. You rely more on creativity in solving problems. Unfortunately, you are afraid to share your thoughts and ideas with people, so as not to find yourself in an awkward situation. But in vain! After all, one head is good, two is better, and five is simply excellent. Try to communicate more, it will enrich your mind and caress your soul.
Your IQ indicators are average, which is already good in the modern world. But you have one superpower: you know how to control someone else's mind. You can overcome any difficulties thanks to the skills and knowledge of other people, as if they were your own. Use them to your advantage - and you will always be one step ahead.
You stand out from society with an original approach to the issue. True, you meet few like-minded people, since it is sometimes quite difficult to follow your unbridled ideas. Despite the small response, never stop telling people about your plans and goals, this helps your intellect to actively develop and work more efficiently.
Your genius scores seem to be well over 120. If you manage to focus on what you love, and not be distracted by trifles, you can awaken your intelligence to 100%. With such a gift, you are simply doomed to success.
Illustrator Daniil Shubin specially for the Website
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