Gazebo from Sakura in Milan

Since 1992 in the country of the rising sun there is a "Society of Japanese Sakura", which marked the beginning of the annual spring festival of the Cherry Blossom, held in March in all prefectures. Such admiration Sakura was inspired by Swedish developer Studio Visiondivision" the project "Patient gardenter".
Worldwide well-known Japanese beauties-cherry and Eastern skill bonsai, implying the formation of artificial plants in the living miniatures with intricate shapes. Studio Visiondivision", where staff clearly embody the connection between the development of architecture, changes in the environment and urgent environmental problems, has decided to increase the scale of this art and to create a functional installation in the Park of Milan Polytechnic University (Italy) in the campus — huge pergola out of living cherry trees.

Ten cherry trees already planted in a circle with a diameter of eight meters on the University campus. Long ago, we know that these Oriental beauties – tender plants, and will not tolerate cutting branches. So to change their appearance and to persuade to cooperate with each other to create a two-tier structure is possible only by bending and twisting a flexible young trunks and branches by skilled hands of gardeners. To modify the shape and growth direction of the Sakura tree in the center of the circle plantings installed special wooden structure to which are attached the younger Sakura.
When the first layer is in the form of the dome will be ready, will begin the creation stage of the upper tier are inverted dome. Ready this beautiful gazebo will be soon – estimated "Visiondivision", this happens only after 80 years. Even the name of the project translates to English as "Hard gardener"! Current employees of the Park, controlling the growth of Sakura, were handed over a detailed plan for the maintenance of a live installation, but by the time of completion of the project, the gardeners will replace their grandchildren.

The lower tier of the gazebo will be a recreational area here, under the shade of the trees, you can have a picnic on the grass. In a breeze foamy pink Sakura be short-lived – about a week, then fall a bright rain and start to turn green on a pastel background of the carpet of petals. No wonder the Japanese are crazy about these trees – indeed, there is something to admire...
The second tier will be equipped with special ladders, railings and grab bars for safe access to the top. This layer will serve as a platform for viewing the surrounding area and at the same time gathering an excellent crop of fruits of Japanese cherry – berries ", sakurambo". This delicacy has excellent taste and contains a lot of nutrients.

Source: /users/104