Long the house had problems, until his grandmother advised... Now no sickness and quarrels!
Have you ever had so that when she came to visit in someone's home you feel a pleasant sensation, but in someone else — negativity, fear, disgust? And it is not associated with a poor interior. All in the energy space. Bad, when it does not, but even worse when it's bad.
It brings not only fatigue and irritability, quarrels and leakage of money, but disease and even destruction of the family. How to identify that your house has accumulated negative energy and how to get rid of it, you tell the editors "Website".
Purification from negative energiebranche accumulation of negative energy in the house
If there are points which coincide with what is happening at your house, you need to think about how to cure your home. Don't be scared, all methods are quite simple and do not require the intervention of supernatural forces and the like.
How to rid the house of negative energy
To prevent
Perhaps you this may seem funny, because we live in the 21st century. But people capable of their negative thoughts to charge items around negative energy. Besides, you never know what you want the people who come to your house. Do not take the time and get the healing of his house — certainly can't hurt!
We wish you happiness! Share useful information with your family and friends!
Now everyone can publish articles
Try this first! To WRITE an ARTICLE the Author
Oksana Dudnik Loves painting, ready to admire the pictures all the time! Oksana knows a lot about perfumes, well versed in fashion trends and will give odds to many well-known beauty bloggers. Her love of sport supported by sports category in sailing! Xenia prefers meat dishes, can not imagine a day without them. Favorite book charming girls — "the Emperor" Niccolo Machiavelli.

It brings not only fatigue and irritability, quarrels and leakage of money, but disease and even destruction of the family. How to identify that your house has accumulated negative energy and how to get rid of it, you tell the editors "Website".
Purification from negative energiebranche accumulation of negative energy in the house
- The appearance of cockroaches and other harmful insects.
- Lost and lost things.
- Often sick family members and Pets.
- Not growing and dying plants.
- Often burn out light bulbs and electrical appliances without any obvious reason.
- Leaking pipes is often broken plumbing.
- Their own doors slamming and Windows.
- There are unpleasant smells without a source.
- Frequent conflicts in the family.
- Residents apathy to everything around, constant fatigue.
- Bad dreams, sleep restores energy.
- Away visited spiteful jealous person.
- In the house someone died in.
- Perhaps, before you settled in the house lived a dysfunctional family or had a dullness.

If there are points which coincide with what is happening at your house, you need to think about how to cure your home. Don't be scared, all methods are quite simple and do not require the intervention of supernatural forces and the like.
How to rid the house of negative energy
- Cleansing your own energy
You yourself can bring negativity your house. To clear your energy. need to take a shower, but not normal, and salt. Salt is a conductor of energy and is able to accumulate it, and in combination with a water rinse. Taking a shower, RUB the body normal salt, massage well and wash off. You must be in a good mood, and think about how to get rid of everything bad. Trust me, you'll feel the warmth and light at heart after the procedure.
- Rid the house of unnecessary
All things have memory and can store energy. That is why you need time to get rid of unnecessary items, especially if it is associated with unpleasant memories. Remember: everything that is not used for more than a year, accumulates negative energy. Before you start getting rid of unnecessary things in the house open all Windows and doors — draught removes all negative. Wear simple homemade clothes, but neat. Don't wear jewelry and be in a neutral mood. Dispose of all broken glassware, even if it a little scratch. Also, do not store it in a dirty condition. Clothes, too, or take to a shop or throw it away. Watch battery, they don't have to stop.
Now get to the mirrors: wipe them with a damp cloth in a clockwise direction, the number of laps depends on how old the mirror. If the figure you don't remember, do 13. If you have antique mirrors or former tenants, they need to get rid of.
- Sprinkling and fumigation
Prepare the basin with snow or Holy water, but not water. Wash it gently the room and wash your hands. Then set fire to the dry twigs of Hypericum and carry it to all corners of the home.
- Cleansing using candles
Need a Church candle. Take a candle and put on her small circle cut from white paper. Light the candle and start the movement of the entrance door is the main gate to the negative energy. Thoroughly clean the spark peephole of the door and its entire surface, not forgetting about the pen and the bell. Then move on to processing the inner side of the door, making all the same. Next move around the building clockwise. Pay special attention to Windows, mirrors, corners, hangers, and a computer and television, because they accumulate a lot of energy dirt. When you finish cleansing house candle, your saucer will be one or more burnt-out candles. Immediately toss them in the garbage disposal. Do not leave your home.
- Cleansing the hands after cleaning
After you have done all the rituals, you need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Next, wash them with salt and wait until they dry. Then knead your fingers. After that, RUB the palm of your hand clockwise and shake them. Thus you will save yourself from the negatives obtained in the process of cleaning.
- Re-cleaning
To learn to get rid of you from all negative energy, three days after harvesting light a candle and wait till you burn half. Look at the shape of melted wax: if it's ugly and dark, then home cure should be repeated. If bright and beautiful, your house is clean. The purification procedure of the home should be carried out 1-2 times a year or after negative events (the death of loved ones, bad guests).
To prevent
- The sound of bells
Hang on the front door and around the house little bells. It is proved that their ringing scares away the negative effects and positive effect on the human body.
- Light the candles
From time to time party in the house of candles. This can be over dinner, or in the bathroom for relaxation. The purifying power of fire is not comparable with anything!
- Wet cleaning and airing
Keep your house clean and do wet cleaning each week. Time to throw out the garbage. And from time to time do open doors and Windows to be draught.
- Get a cat
Yes, cats are able to protect the house from negative energy. Since ancient times, this animal is endowed with magical powers.
Perhaps you this may seem funny, because we live in the 21st century. But people capable of their negative thoughts to charge items around negative energy. Besides, you never know what you want the people who come to your house. Do not take the time and get the healing of his house — certainly can't hurt!
We wish you happiness! Share useful information with your family and friends!
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Try this first! To WRITE an ARTICLE the Author

Oksana Dudnik Loves painting, ready to admire the pictures all the time! Oksana knows a lot about perfumes, well versed in fashion trends and will give odds to many well-known beauty bloggers. Her love of sport supported by sports category in sailing! Xenia prefers meat dishes, can not imagine a day without them. Favorite book charming girls — "the Emperor" Niccolo Machiavelli.
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