Do not publish these photos in social networks, if you do not want to attract fraudsters
Six million seven hundred twenty thousand four hundred thirty four
Agree, almost all of us have an account in at least one popular social network. The number of users of such sites is in the millions, and this is not surprising. With their help we communicate with friends, follow the lives of friends and strangers, get news and share their thoughts.
However, driven by the desire to publish impressive post, we sometimes forget about the basic rules of safety and share information, which can be used by unfriendly minded people. Site have prepared for you a list of photos that cannot be spread in the social network, as they can be used by scammers.
Boarding passes
Share the news about the upcoming holiday — it is a common request of users of social networks. However, it is not necessary to tell us about the journey, laying in this photo of his boarding pass on the plane.
After you have the reservation number or the bar code, the attackers can log in to your personal office on the website of the airline. And it contains information about the route of flight, information about submitted documents, regular customer points, and even a few digits of your Bank card. This is enough to cancel your reservation for a return ticket or even to commit payment fraud with your Bank account.
Lottery tickets
In 2015, a resident of Australia named Chantelle won the lottery of $ 825. Before you get the money, she posted a selfie with the lucky ticket. This attracted the attention of one of the virtual friends of a girl who used the barcode and got the win.
Let the story Chantelle will be a science for other fans of lotteries. It is not necessary to share the news about the prize before it will be in your hands. And better and does not cry about the money prize in the social networks, and personally just tell people that you trust.
Bank card
Couples photos Bank cards can be quite a swindler in order to reset your account. Therefore never publish to the social networks images, which show your payment details.
Do not also store photos Bank card in the phone. After all, if it is stolen, the attackers will have unlimited access to your money for as long as you do not block a room that is tied to the account.
Tickets for events
Do not post in the tickets for concerts, festivals and sporting events, especially if they are marked with a unique barcode.
They can be used by scammers who are happy to attend the event instead of you. To publish such pictures only after you have used the tickets that we paid for.
Unverified screen shots
Do not post a screenshot if you didn't check what details it shows. In particular, make sure that it was not even a hint of your password in the social network.
This is especially true of those who don't use the function "hide" when entering data.
It's also dangerous to post photos of identity documents. Acting on your behalf, the fraudsters can, for example, a Bank loan or even to register a fictitious firm.
Therefore, in order not to become a carrier of the foreign debt, keep your data secret.
Spicy photos in BOS
This item mainly concerns girls. Often scammers pretend to be charming and very wealthy men. They take strangers on candid conversations and after a few days of chatting please send racy photos.
Before agreeing to sharing such intimate snapshots, consider whether they may be subject to blackmail. There are cases when malefactors, having received explicit photos trust of the girl, began to demand from it the large sums, threatening to publish compromising materials.
Pictures that will help to crack you
Here we will focus not so much on the pictures as captions. Did you ever publish a post that contains this phrase: "This is my first dog named Winnie the Pooh", or "This is my mother in his youth. Then she still bore the name Queen", or ""100 years of solitude" Marquez is my favorite book."
By themselves, these phrases don't pose any danger. Unless they are the answers to the secret question that you set for password recovery by email. Most people in this column indicate pet names, maiden name of mother, favorite books or movies.
The surest way to protect yourself from the attacks of the scammers is to set the privacy settings to your account and open it only for a real, known person. In this case, even if you inadvertently publish too much information, the chances that someone from subscribers would use it for selfish purposes, will be minimal.
Source National Geographic Russia, Ridus
Photos on the preview Peter Griffin, viki_odintcova
via www.instagram.com/p/3mLtxjFm8D/?taken-by=viki_odintcova
Agree, almost all of us have an account in at least one popular social network. The number of users of such sites is in the millions, and this is not surprising. With their help we communicate with friends, follow the lives of friends and strangers, get news and share their thoughts.
However, driven by the desire to publish impressive post, we sometimes forget about the basic rules of safety and share information, which can be used by unfriendly minded people. Site have prepared for you a list of photos that cannot be spread in the social network, as they can be used by scammers.
Boarding passes

Share the news about the upcoming holiday — it is a common request of users of social networks. However, it is not necessary to tell us about the journey, laying in this photo of his boarding pass on the plane.
After you have the reservation number or the bar code, the attackers can log in to your personal office on the website of the airline. And it contains information about the route of flight, information about submitted documents, regular customer points, and even a few digits of your Bank card. This is enough to cancel your reservation for a return ticket or even to commit payment fraud with your Bank account.
Lottery tickets

In 2015, a resident of Australia named Chantelle won the lottery of $ 825. Before you get the money, she posted a selfie with the lucky ticket. This attracted the attention of one of the virtual friends of a girl who used the barcode and got the win.
Let the story Chantelle will be a science for other fans of lotteries. It is not necessary to share the news about the prize before it will be in your hands. And better and does not cry about the money prize in the social networks, and personally just tell people that you trust.
Bank card

Couples photos Bank cards can be quite a swindler in order to reset your account. Therefore never publish to the social networks images, which show your payment details.
Do not also store photos Bank card in the phone. After all, if it is stolen, the attackers will have unlimited access to your money for as long as you do not block a room that is tied to the account.
Tickets for events

Do not post in the tickets for concerts, festivals and sporting events, especially if they are marked with a unique barcode.
They can be used by scammers who are happy to attend the event instead of you. To publish such pictures only after you have used the tickets that we paid for.
Unverified screen shots

Do not post a screenshot if you didn't check what details it shows. In particular, make sure that it was not even a hint of your password in the social network.
This is especially true of those who don't use the function "hide" when entering data.

It's also dangerous to post photos of identity documents. Acting on your behalf, the fraudsters can, for example, a Bank loan or even to register a fictitious firm.
Therefore, in order not to become a carrier of the foreign debt, keep your data secret.
Spicy photos in BOS
This item mainly concerns girls. Often scammers pretend to be charming and very wealthy men. They take strangers on candid conversations and after a few days of chatting please send racy photos.
Before agreeing to sharing such intimate snapshots, consider whether they may be subject to blackmail. There are cases when malefactors, having received explicit photos trust of the girl, began to demand from it the large sums, threatening to publish compromising materials.
Pictures that will help to crack you

Here we will focus not so much on the pictures as captions. Did you ever publish a post that contains this phrase: "This is my first dog named Winnie the Pooh", or "This is my mother in his youth. Then she still bore the name Queen", or ""100 years of solitude" Marquez is my favorite book."
By themselves, these phrases don't pose any danger. Unless they are the answers to the secret question that you set for password recovery by email. Most people in this column indicate pet names, maiden name of mother, favorite books or movies.
The surest way to protect yourself from the attacks of the scammers is to set the privacy settings to your account and open it only for a real, known person. In this case, even if you inadvertently publish too much information, the chances that someone from subscribers would use it for selfish purposes, will be minimal.
Source National Geographic Russia, Ridus
Photos on the preview Peter Griffin, viki_odintcova
via www.instagram.com/p/3mLtxjFm8D/?taken-by=viki_odintcova
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