Fraudsters call us probably 2-3 times a month, but now I know what to answer them so that they do not think to disturb them anymore.

The world is not only made up of bright and honest people. At all times there were enough cunning people who went against their own conscience and used any tricks to profit at the expense of others. And with the development of technology, a variety of deceivers have only more opportunities for their dishonest “labor”.

Many readers have answered at least once. scammer It was only during the conversation that they realized that something was wrong. But if some people call crooks rarely (or almost never), then others are pestered with calls almost every day. So what do we do then?

About telephone fraudsters already said and written a lot. It is not surprising, because many people have faced them. And although the schemes, as a rule, boil down to the fact that the “victim” must provide personal data or even independently transfer money to the cunning, but various tricks can make even a not too trusting person believe. How does that happen?

The fact is that phone scammers are well versed in the psychology of people and are able to knock the interlocutor out of the usual rut. They create an exciting atmosphere, force impulsive actions. They rush and scare, they know how to keep the situation under control.

And impressionable people easily fall for this bait, begin to play by the rules of a confident and peremptory “security officer of the bank”. And how not to believe, if fraudsters have learned, for example, to change their phone number so that the “victim” on the screen displayed the official number of any bank or institution?

In any case, you should not panic and hurry, you do not need to call back to unfamiliar numbers or send SMS messages there. You can also not follow suspicious links from messages or provide strangers with your personal data (as well as your bank card details).

However, it also happens that a person does not provide any data, and he is regularly called crooks, posing as important employees of the most serious authorities. What can we do to make these doubtful people stop bothering with their stupidities? How to get your number removed from the database of potential customers?

How to Respond to Scam Calls
  1. Recording conversations
    Starting a conversation, scammers try to immediately attach importance to their person. They immediately name their position and present themselves. Hearing this start of a conversation, you can immediately turn on the recording of the conversation. Surprisingly, in most cases, the scammer shuts down immediately. The fact is that modern technologies allow you to determine the true personality of a person by voice. Therefore, the equipment of fraudsters is configured in such a way as to immediately end the conversation if the recording begins. Trying to protect themselves.

  2. Confirm the legend
    Cunning people are very convincing when everything goes according to their plan. But once the interlocutor throws out some non-standard number, the “security officer” is instantly lost. For example, a fraudster reports some legend invented by him, which, according to all scenarios, the interlocutor must immediately refute. But if a person does not refute, but confirms the legend, we are unlikely to find anything to say. They'll just hang up.

  3. Ask non-standard questions
    When a fraudster hears a question that he does not know the answer (although according to legend he should know), he usually ends the conversation himself. For example, a girl called, introduced herself as a police captain. To the clarifying question: “How many stars are on your epaulettes?” she began to mumble something, whisper something to someone. Then she hung up.

Of course, everyone responds to scam calls in their own way. Some, realizing who is calling, immediately turn to rudeness, others immediately end the conversation. There are even inventors who, for example, cover the phone with pots and hit on top with a metal spoon (they say that it works very effectively).

Tell me how you respond to scammers so they don't bother you anymore. How do you respond to calls like this?


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