The 10 principles of prosperity from the the most expensive business coach Britain
In the UK, recently very fashionable business coaches (a mix of a business coach and psychotherapist). Coach Sloan Sheridan-Williams in London one of the most popular. Among its clients are top businessmen and politicians from around the world.
Sloan Sheridan-Williams is a Graduate of the University of Oxford and king's College London, lawyer, doctor-hypnology, psychotherapist, psychologist. One of her specialties is the treatment of eating disorders and other forms of dependence.
Dreaming is very important and necessary. But even more important to be internally flexible. Do not cling to their goals. Because life is more difficult. Yes, it is important to remember childhood dreams, but as far as they are relevant for you today? Would you even now listen to advice from 10-year-old? Let's say you dream about wealth.
Ask yourself honestly: why do I want this? What hidden need while trying to satisfy the desire for security, confidence in the future? Or you want to improve the sense of self-worth? With the latter I advise you to be careful.
When the achievement of the goal is attached to your Ego and pride is included, the process often becomes counterproductive. You will spend a large amount of energy and may lose its way. And if they get their way, most likely, be frustrated.
I always ask clients when we analyze their goals, what they really are driven: the desire for pleasure or an attempt to escape from the pain and something to compensate? Need to work on in order for the desire to achieve something has always stood a strong positive emotion, not an escape from pain. If you have a drive with a plus sign, it will be you to feed.
What is happiness? Emotional outburst, which usually doesn't last long. Our brain and body is physiologically not able to permanently be in a state of so-called happiness, it is extremely energy consuming.
In English language there is another concept — contentment (a state of satisfaction, of harmony, of ease, from content — "content"). I encourage clients to first seek for it. This is a more calm, peaceful, earthy state. To abide in him constantly — is quite real. Because life is always multi-faceted.
Work can be all super, but the house was not the best period. But nothing prevents you to live with a feeling of satisfaction — peace and trusting your own intuition and trying as often as possible to thank the universe for what you have.
For almost twenty years of practice I had the opportunity to counsel thousands of people. In my experience, people who live long and succeed, possess a number of psychological skills, habits and principles. I will list the most important.
Still they have faith. Not in the sense of religion, no. Just many successful people go through life with the feeling that they are not alone and are part of something bigger than themselves.
And yet such people are not reactive, but proactive. They prefer not to be victims of circumstances, and to take responsibility. And, of course, important to your lifestyle, primarily nutrition.
The more in the diet of foods containing antioxidants (e.g. green tea — we have in England now everybody is obsessed with matcha tea, or matcha) and otsluzhivshih (almost all types of vegetables, grains), the better.
In coaching sessions I always try as soon as possible to get to the root of the problem, more precisely to the emotion that is blocking you. Often it is not one of the emotions that usually lie at the core of your subconscious settings, eventually turning into a life program.
Fears and other negative emotions block the energy that is needed for change to move forward. For example, I say: "I fear change". But it is, so to say, the packaging, and not the problem itself. So I again begin to ask you questions. What are you really afraid of? For example, if you are clinging to stability, then what is the worst thing that can happen to you if you lose her? Loneliness, a state of emptiness?..
It makes sense to deal with the units underlying your ideas about yourself and the world. For example, there is a very common installation — "success to me does not Shine." For starters, that success and success mean to you personally. What you really want from life? What is really important to you?
If money, then, again — what they symbolize for you: achieve the comfort or importance of publicity, of high social status? How you internally allow yourself to have it all? By the way, the installation often with each other to interfere.
For example, you want to make a successful career, confident in his abilities and that the world is helping you. But in childhood you are led to believe that wealth is immoral. Or what to combine a career and family is wrong or impossible. In this case, the negative attitude will always prevail. Pain and fear are stronger and more enduring emotions than joy. My recommendation: often diagnose your installation and, if necessary, filter them, consciously getting rid of or radically reformulating the ones that limit you.
In the UK it's very fashionable to refer to the coaches. It is to the coaches, not psychologists. Especially popular Wellness consultants and so-called developers strategies for success (Peak Performance Strategists). Even fashion impact coaches (impact — "contribution", "impact") — business trainers, who teach to impress, to gain charisma to influence others.
Anyway, I'm convinced that for growth — personal, professional — need a guide. Not necessarily a coach or guru — it could be anyone whom you trust completely. And that will help you to objectively look at ourselves and find ways to change.
Alone and in one sitting such work is done is very difficult. I understand that in many cultures to refer to specialists of this kind is not accepted. I have many customers in Dubai, but most of them either kept secret that they hired a coach or secretly come for consultation in London.
What I mean? Act natural. Don't lie (recruiters are clever, they are such things instantly pick up on). It is important that the employer the impression that you know what you want. But it is important to give these people to understand that you if you need to be flexible and able to adapt to new conditions. Behave confidently, but in any case not arrogant. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
The interview is not a one-way process. You are in the same degree interview employer, what is it — you. Your goal is to collect as much information as possible about potential workplace. Especially on those moments, which for you is fundamentally important (I call them deal-breakers: for some it's a flexible schedule for someone is comfortable working place, etc.).
Many do not, because in advance I'm afraid of failure. Besides, if you ask a lot of questions, it shows your interest and ability to work in a team. Plus discharged situation — questioning turns into a more or less friendly conversation.
Social media is a business. And to treat them is rational and pragmatic. It is known that up to 70% of celebrity followers such as Obama, Lady Gaga and others, is fake. They either bought, either this is all fake accounts.
Professionally lead the social network, especially if we are talking about a few (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedln, YouTube, Pinterest, Snapchat) is a full-time job. Full-time job. And if you think that the visible presence of these resources useful to career to self-promotion, it's better to outsource.
Hire a virtual assistant who will conduct your accounts. Is this, by the way, inexpensive (in the UK — about 5-10 dollars per hour), and this virtual assistant can be a freelancer and be at least at the other end of the world.
For example, I'm in Instagram itself, but for Facebook and especially Twitter, which I need for business, of course, answer specially hired people who know all the technical details — when and what to tweet. (However, most clients still find me through word of mouth.).
In any case, such outsourcing allows you to save money and your time. Similarly, you can hire on the basis of freelance personal publicist, accountant, computer programmer — all of these services are now not so expensive.
Competition is a natural thing, but often counterproductive. When someone we are jealous or trying to compete, we usually are not interacting with a real person, with its projection in our view. Which is often highly subjective and far from the truth. Especially if we envy someone in social networks. But competing with ourselves, we are guaranteed to always move forward.
Suggest to identify and to formulate three of your strengths, which the surrounding should certainly notice and remember after meeting you — a personal or virtual. It had better be something you really possess, you do not need to create artificially.
For example, the following three qualities: creativity, communication skills and charisma. Let them become your main trump cards — use them for interviews, social networking, etc. for Example, you want to impress, creative person who always have a lot of ideas (even if ego are not your own ideas). Publish on your web pages that inspires you: quotes motivational, interesting articles, design ideas, etc.
This technique works — it's proven. The more you enter the state as if what you dream you already have, the higher the chances that you actually will. Can help all sorts of symbols, visual images, talismans with which you associate something you are aiming for.
It's just physical — these things affect the reticular activating system. It is the most ancient, reptilian part of the brain associated with the sense organs, he is responsible for our ability to focus on the goal.
What I would have made, for example, if you wanted to get a higher position? Would have booked a professional photo shoot, where would unfold in a new, more advantageous manner, straighten shoulders and smile of the winner. (For this case I would have went shopping and did the makeup and styling.)
One of my clients, a banker who dreams to become famous, and bought a copy of the statue "Oscar". In this sense, mudbone also work very well. But if these things cause you to have internal resistance, it is useful to understand why. Maybe guilty all the same bounding installation.
Listen to yourself first. For example, it is believed that every five years it makes sense to change jobs. But all very individually! Each situation is unique. If you feel that you are in demand if you retain inspiration and what you do, brings satisfaction, why go with such work? But there will not prevent an honest conversation with myself.
Answer the following questions: if I were recuperam hired on at my current position? Do I bear her a real favor? Stagnaro or still developing? Deciding to stay in current job, what compromise with myself I may conclude? What are the options on the market? What can I do to boost my qualifications? And if I fear change, why? Be aware that changes are inevitable. Everything in life is in constant change.
What makes successful people in the last 10 minutes of your working day
13 rules of life are strong in spirit
Author: Sloan Sheridan-Williams
Interviewed By: Svetlana There
Source: www.kireya.ru/publ/17-1-0-178
Sloan Sheridan-Williams is a Graduate of the University of Oxford and king's College London, lawyer, doctor-hypnology, psychotherapist, psychologist. One of her specialties is the treatment of eating disorders and other forms of dependence.

Dreaming is very important and necessary. But even more important to be internally flexible. Do not cling to their goals. Because life is more difficult. Yes, it is important to remember childhood dreams, but as far as they are relevant for you today? Would you even now listen to advice from 10-year-old? Let's say you dream about wealth.
Ask yourself honestly: why do I want this? What hidden need while trying to satisfy the desire for security, confidence in the future? Or you want to improve the sense of self-worth? With the latter I advise you to be careful.
When the achievement of the goal is attached to your Ego and pride is included, the process often becomes counterproductive. You will spend a large amount of energy and may lose its way. And if they get their way, most likely, be frustrated.
I always ask clients when we analyze their goals, what they really are driven: the desire for pleasure or an attempt to escape from the pain and something to compensate? Need to work on in order for the desire to achieve something has always stood a strong positive emotion, not an escape from pain. If you have a drive with a plus sign, it will be you to feed.
What is happiness? Emotional outburst, which usually doesn't last long. Our brain and body is physiologically not able to permanently be in a state of so-called happiness, it is extremely energy consuming.
In English language there is another concept — contentment (a state of satisfaction, of harmony, of ease, from content — "content"). I encourage clients to first seek for it. This is a more calm, peaceful, earthy state. To abide in him constantly — is quite real. Because life is always multi-faceted.
Work can be all super, but the house was not the best period. But nothing prevents you to live with a feeling of satisfaction — peace and trusting your own intuition and trying as often as possible to thank the universe for what you have.
For almost twenty years of practice I had the opportunity to counsel thousands of people. In my experience, people who live long and succeed, possess a number of psychological skills, habits and principles. I will list the most important.
- Such people try not to take to heart.
- Not relate to life and yourself too seriously.
- They are able to ignore the negativity and to cope with stress.
- They are well able to communicate. In particular — to convey to others their thoughts, needs, complaints. Therefore, they rarely take offense, as I try to clarify the situation and to dot the i's.
Still they have faith. Not in the sense of religion, no. Just many successful people go through life with the feeling that they are not alone and are part of something bigger than themselves.
And yet such people are not reactive, but proactive. They prefer not to be victims of circumstances, and to take responsibility. And, of course, important to your lifestyle, primarily nutrition.
The more in the diet of foods containing antioxidants (e.g. green tea — we have in England now everybody is obsessed with matcha tea, or matcha) and otsluzhivshih (almost all types of vegetables, grains), the better.
In coaching sessions I always try as soon as possible to get to the root of the problem, more precisely to the emotion that is blocking you. Often it is not one of the emotions that usually lie at the core of your subconscious settings, eventually turning into a life program.
Fears and other negative emotions block the energy that is needed for change to move forward. For example, I say: "I fear change". But it is, so to say, the packaging, and not the problem itself. So I again begin to ask you questions. What are you really afraid of? For example, if you are clinging to stability, then what is the worst thing that can happen to you if you lose her? Loneliness, a state of emptiness?..
It makes sense to deal with the units underlying your ideas about yourself and the world. For example, there is a very common installation — "success to me does not Shine." For starters, that success and success mean to you personally. What you really want from life? What is really important to you?
If money, then, again — what they symbolize for you: achieve the comfort or importance of publicity, of high social status? How you internally allow yourself to have it all? By the way, the installation often with each other to interfere.
For example, you want to make a successful career, confident in his abilities and that the world is helping you. But in childhood you are led to believe that wealth is immoral. Or what to combine a career and family is wrong or impossible. In this case, the negative attitude will always prevail. Pain and fear are stronger and more enduring emotions than joy. My recommendation: often diagnose your installation and, if necessary, filter them, consciously getting rid of or radically reformulating the ones that limit you.
In the UK it's very fashionable to refer to the coaches. It is to the coaches, not psychologists. Especially popular Wellness consultants and so-called developers strategies for success (Peak Performance Strategists). Even fashion impact coaches (impact — "contribution", "impact") — business trainers, who teach to impress, to gain charisma to influence others.
Anyway, I'm convinced that for growth — personal, professional — need a guide. Not necessarily a coach or guru — it could be anyone whom you trust completely. And that will help you to objectively look at ourselves and find ways to change.
Alone and in one sitting such work is done is very difficult. I understand that in many cultures to refer to specialists of this kind is not accepted. I have many customers in Dubai, but most of them either kept secret that they hired a coach or secretly come for consultation in London.
What I mean? Act natural. Don't lie (recruiters are clever, they are such things instantly pick up on). It is important that the employer the impression that you know what you want. But it is important to give these people to understand that you if you need to be flexible and able to adapt to new conditions. Behave confidently, but in any case not arrogant. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
The interview is not a one-way process. You are in the same degree interview employer, what is it — you. Your goal is to collect as much information as possible about potential workplace. Especially on those moments, which for you is fundamentally important (I call them deal-breakers: for some it's a flexible schedule for someone is comfortable working place, etc.).
Many do not, because in advance I'm afraid of failure. Besides, if you ask a lot of questions, it shows your interest and ability to work in a team. Plus discharged situation — questioning turns into a more or less friendly conversation.
Social media is a business. And to treat them is rational and pragmatic. It is known that up to 70% of celebrity followers such as Obama, Lady Gaga and others, is fake. They either bought, either this is all fake accounts.
Professionally lead the social network, especially if we are talking about a few (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedln, YouTube, Pinterest, Snapchat) is a full-time job. Full-time job. And if you think that the visible presence of these resources useful to career to self-promotion, it's better to outsource.
Hire a virtual assistant who will conduct your accounts. Is this, by the way, inexpensive (in the UK — about 5-10 dollars per hour), and this virtual assistant can be a freelancer and be at least at the other end of the world.
For example, I'm in Instagram itself, but for Facebook and especially Twitter, which I need for business, of course, answer specially hired people who know all the technical details — when and what to tweet. (However, most clients still find me through word of mouth.).
In any case, such outsourcing allows you to save money and your time. Similarly, you can hire on the basis of freelance personal publicist, accountant, computer programmer — all of these services are now not so expensive.
Competition is a natural thing, but often counterproductive. When someone we are jealous or trying to compete, we usually are not interacting with a real person, with its projection in our view. Which is often highly subjective and far from the truth. Especially if we envy someone in social networks. But competing with ourselves, we are guaranteed to always move forward.
Suggest to identify and to formulate three of your strengths, which the surrounding should certainly notice and remember after meeting you — a personal or virtual. It had better be something you really possess, you do not need to create artificially.
For example, the following three qualities: creativity, communication skills and charisma. Let them become your main trump cards — use them for interviews, social networking, etc. for Example, you want to impress, creative person who always have a lot of ideas (even if ego are not your own ideas). Publish on your web pages that inspires you: quotes motivational, interesting articles, design ideas, etc.
This technique works — it's proven. The more you enter the state as if what you dream you already have, the higher the chances that you actually will. Can help all sorts of symbols, visual images, talismans with which you associate something you are aiming for.
It's just physical — these things affect the reticular activating system. It is the most ancient, reptilian part of the brain associated with the sense organs, he is responsible for our ability to focus on the goal.
What I would have made, for example, if you wanted to get a higher position? Would have booked a professional photo shoot, where would unfold in a new, more advantageous manner, straighten shoulders and smile of the winner. (For this case I would have went shopping and did the makeup and styling.)
One of my clients, a banker who dreams to become famous, and bought a copy of the statue "Oscar". In this sense, mudbone also work very well. But if these things cause you to have internal resistance, it is useful to understand why. Maybe guilty all the same bounding installation.
Listen to yourself first. For example, it is believed that every five years it makes sense to change jobs. But all very individually! Each situation is unique. If you feel that you are in demand if you retain inspiration and what you do, brings satisfaction, why go with such work? But there will not prevent an honest conversation with myself.
Answer the following questions: if I were recuperam hired on at my current position? Do I bear her a real favor? Stagnaro or still developing? Deciding to stay in current job, what compromise with myself I may conclude? What are the options on the market? What can I do to boost my qualifications? And if I fear change, why? Be aware that changes are inevitable. Everything in life is in constant change.
What makes successful people in the last 10 minutes of your working day
13 rules of life are strong in spirit
- Unshakable faith in yourself
- The lack of fear of defeat
- Ingenuity, creativity
- Perseverance
- Good intuition
- Knowing yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, the ability to look fear in the face
- Sequence in mind, but flexibility in action
- The ability to ignore the critics and take responsibility
- Communication skills
- Gratitude for what is.published
Author: Sloan Sheridan-Williams
Interviewed By: Svetlana There
Source: www.kireya.ru/publ/17-1-0-178
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