15 things you should know before renting an apartment

To avoid mistakes when choosing a new apartment it is sometimes very difficult. Even experienced owners can wrapped in a beautiful wrapper, even the most unattractive proposal.
But to help those who first tenant, tenants can come with experience. Based on their advice, the Website has prepared for you a list of things to pay attention to before you sign a contract.
1. Check the number of outlets

Please note how many in the house outlets. The outlet must be in each room. Or soon you will have to entangle all the flat wires of the extension cord to connect to electricity by household appliances.
Check can withstand the outlet voltage. To do this, simply turn at the same time a kettle and a microwave. If the electronics will work in a usual mode, then the point of power well take a load.
2. Learn has Internet and TV

Few people are able to stay long in the house without Internet and TV. Find out in advance whether a rental unit to these benefits of civilization. If the landlord will respond negatively, ask whether he agrees that the cabling will do you, and does the owner subtract the associated costs from the rent.
3. Check that there is mold

The fungus in the apartment — extremely unpleasant thing. It becomes the cause of bad smell, unappealing looks, and pull this crap is almost impossible. While breathing in mold spores is dangerous to health. This is especially true of older people and children.
Therefore, a new apartment, be sure to check for the presence of dark fungal spots. They often form in the bathroom, in the kitchen and on window sills — in places where humidity is very high.
4. Inquire about the presence of counters

Often, the owner does not include the utility bills in the rent. This means that to pay the receipts you have. In this situation it is desirable that the house was counters. Then you will be able to control your spending.
5. Think about where you will Park

If you have a car, you will probably need a place to "sleepover". Find out enshrined handed over an apartment Parking space next to the house. If not, take a stroll around the area and think about where you are going to leave the car at night: is there a paid Parking lot, visible from the window of roadways not equipped with signs prohibiting Parking, or shopping centers with large areas for cars.
6. Look out the window

Here we are talking not about perfect form. You need to check whether there are directly in front of your window institutions with luminous signs. If you don't pay attention to it, neon rays, penetrating into the house through window glass, can cause prolonged insomnia.
To deprive you of sleep can also close to home major roads or night clubs and bars.
7. Find out whether living in the apartment animals

This point is relevant for those people who are allergic to wool. If you treat them, then, moving in a rented apartment must be sure that between the master fibers of the carpet or in the cracks of skirting Board you are not hiding a bundle of cat hair.
9. The Windows open, and doors close

Be sure to check whether the lock in the apartment door. You do not want ever to worry about their property.
Not be amiss to try to open and close the window. If you find that they are not open, you will not be able to ventilate the room, and in the heat will be very suffer from heat.
10. Describe the property remaining in the apartment

Together with the owner make a detailed list to give you things and attach this inventory to the contract. It is advisable to indicate whether items have any defects, then the owner tried to accuse you of property damage.
11. Find out if the apartment is sold

Often landlords fail to mention, that checked their apartment for sale. In this case, they are willing to get rid of the renters as soon as I find a buyer.
Of course, you will prescribe in the contract a penalty for premature termination, and the landlord this amount you will get paid. Nevertheless, please hurry to leave is unlikely you will please. So try to protect yourself from such unpleasant surprises and rent housing that is not for sale.
12. But if something breaks?

Specify in the contract who will pay if something breaks not due to your fault. If the owner is to take these costs themselves or deduct from their monthly fees?
If the owner requests to make repairs, he must also be willing to assume financial costs.
13. How often you will hold checks?

Don't forget to ask the owner how often he will check. To know the condition of the apartment — a completely natural desire of the landlord. However, some landlords cross the line and placed tenants into the zone of total control.
The only way to protect themselves from the constant presence in the house of the owner is to prescribe the frequency of visits in the contract. Preferably, the host came up with a checks once a month and in an agreed time. This visit can be combined with leases.
14. Set the "limits of greed"

Specify in the contract how often and how much the owner may increase the rent. If this is not done, the owner may soon start to request of you the amount of space that you are certainly not expected.
15. Pay attention to the cleanliness

If you brought in the uncleaned room, do not rush to sign the rental agreement. It's possible that the mess is much more hiding unpleasant flaws. You can ask the owner to clean up, but be prepared that it will refuse further negotiations, citing the fact that he has a queue of tenants.
Therefore, if the cause of your doubt — just dirt, don't give up. Carefully inspect the apartment and decide if you can independently bring it into normal form.
Photos on the preview depositphotos.com
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