What happens when an ordinary woman will star in ads for fashion brands
Thirty four million three hundred twenty four thousand two hundred eighty seven
Most of us think that will not stand the comparison with supermodels. It seems that these goddesses are perfect everywhere and always. And Natalie Crockett (Nathalie Croquet), is apparently quite an ordinary woman, not young and not the most slender, took a chance and repeated the famous advertising fashion brands.
The result surprised both herself and us in Website: Natalie is more than worthy (and sometimes funny sense of humor to it not to occupy!). She was assisted by fellow stylists, and shot professional photographer who then also processed the pictures. This project is an occasion to remember that the amazing images from the fruit of the efforts of the whole team and models in life don't seem so perfect.
So Natalie looks without kosmetika here's what happened:Lancome
Natalie buys for filming outfits advertised brands — she finds the second-hand clothes, complements it with the details or this. She wants to show that it is not necessary to chase the brands to look good.
For your project, Natalie chose the brightest of the campaign and was not afraid to repeat the images of Kate moss, Penelope Cruz and Natalia Vodianova.
Eleven Paris
Eric Bompard
Sonia Rykiel
Isabel Marant
Marc Jacobs
Isabel Marant
Eleven Paris
The most important thing in this project is a reminder that we are all individuality. And that we are beautiful and charming, when we love, we enjoy life.
Photo preview Nathalie Croquet
See also
Ordinary women tried on swimsuits Victoria's Secret, and this is what came of it
Stylist showed that any woman can look like a Queen
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-dizajn/stilist-pokazal-chto-lyubaya-zhenschina-mozhet-vyglyadet-kak-koroleva-1097060/
Most of us think that will not stand the comparison with supermodels. It seems that these goddesses are perfect everywhere and always. And Natalie Crockett (Nathalie Croquet), is apparently quite an ordinary woman, not young and not the most slender, took a chance and repeated the famous advertising fashion brands.
The result surprised both herself and us in Website: Natalie is more than worthy (and sometimes funny sense of humor to it not to occupy!). She was assisted by fellow stylists, and shot professional photographer who then also processed the pictures. This project is an occasion to remember that the amazing images from the fruit of the efforts of the whole team and models in life don't seem so perfect.
So Natalie looks without kosmetika here's what happened:Lancome

Natalie buys for filming outfits advertised brands — she finds the second-hand clothes, complements it with the details or this. She wants to show that it is not necessary to chase the brands to look good.

For your project, Natalie chose the brightest of the campaign and was not afraid to repeat the images of Kate moss, Penelope Cruz and Natalia Vodianova.
Eleven Paris
Eric Bompard

Sonia Rykiel


Isabel Marant


Marc Jacobs

Isabel Marant





Eleven Paris

The most important thing in this project is a reminder that we are all individuality. And that we are beautiful and charming, when we love, we enjoy life.
Photo preview Nathalie Croquet
See also
Ordinary women tried on swimsuits Victoria's Secret, and this is what came of it
Stylist showed that any woman can look like a Queen
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-dizajn/stilist-pokazal-chto-lyubaya-zhenschina-mozhet-vyglyadet-kak-koroleva-1097060/