The principles of macrobiotics: the harmonization of spirit and body
Of all the celebrities who have tried macrobiotic, the most ambitious is this diet was made by the singer Madonna. In 2001 she was inspired by the ideas of macrobiotic teachings, hired well-known expert on macrobiotics, Mayumi Nishimura as his personal chef.
Mayumi Nishimura seven years he lived in the house of the Madonna, fed her family the correct macrobiotic dishes, accompanied Madonna during a tour, even in the way of providing proper nutrition to support harmony of body and spirit.
Straightening his shoulders, Mayumi has published a collection of macrobiotic recipes "Mayumi's Kitchen" ("Mayim's Kitchen: Macrobiotic Cooking for Body and Soul"), the introduction to which Madonna wrote personally: "I'm glad you decided to publish this book. All my favorite recipes. ...I am happy that people around the world will now be able to apply your unique approach to macrobiotically food."
The book begins with an overview of new products for the reader and menu 10 day detox diet, after which you can start to fully feed according to the principles of the macrobiotic teachings.
The principles of macrobiotics
According to macrobiotics, our health – physical and spiritual – depends on the balance of two energies – Yin and Yang. Food can change the ratio, and thus either heal us or cause disease.
To support vivacity of spirit, health of body and perfect weight, should be excluded from the diet sugar, salt, caffeine, yeast, red meat, hard cheese, eggs.
The basis of the diet should be whole grains (50% of diet), vegetables and seaweed (25-30%), beans (5-10%), fish, nuts, seeds, fruits (5-20%) and soups prepared with the above ingredients (1-2 cups per day).
All the products in macrobiotics are divided into Yin and Yang, and maintaining balance between them is crucial for the harmonization of spirit and body.
What foods to eat?
Menu macrobiotic diet for Mayumi Nishimura close to traditional Japanese, but with a significant predominance of whole-grain cereals – quinoa, amaranth, brown rice, barley, Hato m (hato mugi – sold on Amazon), legumes – chickpeas, lentils, beans. The recipes often use soy products – tofu, seitan, tempeh, miso broth, shitake mushrooms, daikon, Lotus root, burdock root, seaweed.
One day the 10-day macrobiotic detox diet
Most of these products are now available, much can be ordered online. However, trying on the macrobiotic diet should pay attention to one important point.
Macrobiotics as a separate item stresses the importance of eating local, traditional for your region of food. So if you live in Russia, your macrobiotically diet may differ from what is offered by the Japanese cook.
50% of the diet will be whole grains, but it will not quinoa and Hato m and the fact that traditionally grows with us.
Menu macrobiotics for Russia
Since time immemorial, grew four main crops – rye, buckwheat, barley and oats. In the South also sowed wheat and millet. But rice and corn appeared on our table relatively recently, and therefore can not be recommended, at least on a permanent basis.
Previously from whole rye grain wax ripeness was preparing the so-called "green" mess, which was a real delicacy for the rich. Rye sprouts – an excellent dietary product, rich source of vegetable proteins and vitamins.
Buckwheat is not just a dish, and one of the symbols of our culture – "Buckwheat – our mother, and rye bread – the father native". About its usefulness, you can talk for hours.
Barley can be cooked two delicious cereals – barley and barley. The first in many ways better – more high fiber, protein and vitamins, less calories.
A well-deserved fourth place is occupied by cereal or oatmeal. Not only the British, this brings to mind the immortal "Oatmeal, sir?" but our ancestors loved and appreciated this dish for the strength and energy that it gave.
All meals is recommended to drink in the morning, if possible it is better not to boil, and steamed for the night.
Do not forget about the amazing properties of seedlings. They will help provide your body virtually all the vitamins and minerals.
A huge role in the macrobiotic diet is given to vegetables. Fell into disgrace only nightshade family (potatoes, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, etc.), which is recommended to avoid.
Separately, macrobiotics stresses the importance of eating vegetables in season. So with the arrival of spring gradually expand the diet at the expense of green salads, vegetable stews and soups based on them.
Products of protein nature (legumes, nuts, fish) is better to use the second half of the day – two to three times a week. Special restrictions here, except try to give preference to local species.
For example, walnut forest, and pine nuts is much better than their overseas counterparts (cashew, pecan, macadamia). Marine fish healthier river and cooked on the grill or a couple – preferably baked or fried.
Highly recommended to consume sea salt, rich in iodine and other trace elements. Desserts (cakes, cookies, pastries) can only healthy people and not more than two or three times a week.
Approximate menu macrobiotics
Recipe for whole wheat bars (dessert)
On a small baking sheet lay out a thick layer of half the mixture. Then put fruit jam and pour the rest of oat mixture. Bake for 25 minutes. Before you cut into bars, allow the dessert to cool.
Put the rice in a spoon and light it on fire. If you see this, it is impossible in any case
Product compatibility table to "separate food"
Many doctors do not recommend the macrobiotic food to children and pregnant women. For security purposes, should be regularly, at least once a month to check the levels of vitamins and minerals in the blood. First of all – the vitamin B12 and serum iron.published
Author: Andrew Cherevatenko
Source: www.dietplan.ru/pitanie/menyu-makrobioticheskoj-diety/
Mayumi Nishimura seven years he lived in the house of the Madonna, fed her family the correct macrobiotic dishes, accompanied Madonna during a tour, even in the way of providing proper nutrition to support harmony of body and spirit.

Straightening his shoulders, Mayumi has published a collection of macrobiotic recipes "Mayumi's Kitchen" ("Mayim's Kitchen: Macrobiotic Cooking for Body and Soul"), the introduction to which Madonna wrote personally: "I'm glad you decided to publish this book. All my favorite recipes. ...I am happy that people around the world will now be able to apply your unique approach to macrobiotically food."
The book begins with an overview of new products for the reader and menu 10 day detox diet, after which you can start to fully feed according to the principles of the macrobiotic teachings.
The principles of macrobiotics
According to macrobiotics, our health – physical and spiritual – depends on the balance of two energies – Yin and Yang. Food can change the ratio, and thus either heal us or cause disease.
To support vivacity of spirit, health of body and perfect weight, should be excluded from the diet sugar, salt, caffeine, yeast, red meat, hard cheese, eggs.
The basis of the diet should be whole grains (50% of diet), vegetables and seaweed (25-30%), beans (5-10%), fish, nuts, seeds, fruits (5-20%) and soups prepared with the above ingredients (1-2 cups per day).
All the products in macrobiotics are divided into Yin and Yang, and maintaining balance between them is crucial for the harmonization of spirit and body.

What foods to eat?
Menu macrobiotic diet for Mayumi Nishimura close to traditional Japanese, but with a significant predominance of whole-grain cereals – quinoa, amaranth, brown rice, barley, Hato m (hato mugi – sold on Amazon), legumes – chickpeas, lentils, beans. The recipes often use soy products – tofu, seitan, tempeh, miso broth, shitake mushrooms, daikon, Lotus root, burdock root, seaweed.
One day the 10-day macrobiotic detox diet
- porridge of brown rice with Japanese plum
- miso soup with daikon, seaweed and onion
- daikon greens with sesame seeds and lemon
- rice pasta with soy meat and vegetable salad (carrots, onions, celery, corn, cress or arugula)
- freeze-dried coffee
- Soup made from barley, Hato m, sweet vegetables and shiitake mushrooms
- Pumpkin with cabbage leaves
Most of these products are now available, much can be ordered online. However, trying on the macrobiotic diet should pay attention to one important point.
Macrobiotics as a separate item stresses the importance of eating local, traditional for your region of food. So if you live in Russia, your macrobiotically diet may differ from what is offered by the Japanese cook.
50% of the diet will be whole grains, but it will not quinoa and Hato m and the fact that traditionally grows with us.

Menu macrobiotics for Russia
Since time immemorial, grew four main crops – rye, buckwheat, barley and oats. In the South also sowed wheat and millet. But rice and corn appeared on our table relatively recently, and therefore can not be recommended, at least on a permanent basis.
Previously from whole rye grain wax ripeness was preparing the so-called "green" mess, which was a real delicacy for the rich. Rye sprouts – an excellent dietary product, rich source of vegetable proteins and vitamins.
Buckwheat is not just a dish, and one of the symbols of our culture – "Buckwheat – our mother, and rye bread – the father native". About its usefulness, you can talk for hours.
Barley can be cooked two delicious cereals – barley and barley. The first in many ways better – more high fiber, protein and vitamins, less calories.
A well-deserved fourth place is occupied by cereal or oatmeal. Not only the British, this brings to mind the immortal "Oatmeal, sir?" but our ancestors loved and appreciated this dish for the strength and energy that it gave.
All meals is recommended to drink in the morning, if possible it is better not to boil, and steamed for the night.
Do not forget about the amazing properties of seedlings. They will help provide your body virtually all the vitamins and minerals.
A huge role in the macrobiotic diet is given to vegetables. Fell into disgrace only nightshade family (potatoes, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, etc.), which is recommended to avoid.
Separately, macrobiotics stresses the importance of eating vegetables in season. So with the arrival of spring gradually expand the diet at the expense of green salads, vegetable stews and soups based on them.
Products of protein nature (legumes, nuts, fish) is better to use the second half of the day – two to three times a week. Special restrictions here, except try to give preference to local species.
For example, walnut forest, and pine nuts is much better than their overseas counterparts (cashew, pecan, macadamia). Marine fish healthier river and cooked on the grill or a couple – preferably baked or fried.
Highly recommended to consume sea salt, rich in iodine and other trace elements. Desserts (cakes, cookies, pastries) can only healthy people and not more than two or three times a week.
Approximate menu macrobiotics
- oatmeal (or steamed in the evening buckwheat) sometimes (two to three times a week) you can add cooked vegetables or miso soup
- vegetable salad or whole grain pasta
- bean soup or cheese, tofu, or white fish fillet grilled or brown rice (sometimes)
Recipe for whole wheat bars (dessert)
- 1/2 measure (1 measure = 240 ml) whole wheat flour
- 1.5 measure of oatmeal
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp nutmeg
- 1/2 tsp baking soda (you can do without it)
- 1/4 tsp sea salt
- 1/3 measure maple syrup
- 1/3 measures of corn oil
- 1/2 tsp vanilla
- 1/3 Cup unsweetened fruit jam
On a small baking sheet lay out a thick layer of half the mixture. Then put fruit jam and pour the rest of oat mixture. Bake for 25 minutes. Before you cut into bars, allow the dessert to cool.
Put the rice in a spoon and light it on fire. If you see this, it is impossible in any case
Product compatibility table to "separate food"
Many doctors do not recommend the macrobiotic food to children and pregnant women. For security purposes, should be regularly, at least once a month to check the levels of vitamins and minerals in the blood. First of all – the vitamin B12 and serum iron.published
Author: Andrew Cherevatenko
Source: www.dietplan.ru/pitanie/menyu-makrobioticheskoj-diety/