Dzh.Osava: Macrobiotic Zen - the rules of healthy eating
Translated from the Greek "macro" means "great, great", "biotic" - that has to do with life. Thus, under the macrobiotic understood as "a great outlook on life».
Makrobiotika- ancient Eastern philosophy. It is a way of life has been known for several thousand years, since the time of Ancient Greece and Ancient East. "In times of crisis, humanity, especially at the end of the XX century, which is characterized by the growth of incurable diseases, the loss of spiritual values, the destruction of the moral foundations on the one hand, and international tensions, the threat of nuclear voyny- the other - macrobiotics return to save mankind" - wrote the largest US specialist in macrobiotics, Michio Kushi
. First introduced to the West with a Japanese scientist J. macrobiotics. Osawa. In 1965 he published his book "Macrobiotic Zen" in the United States. He was an avid supporter of the system.
J.. Osawa at an early age had lost their relatives. At the age of thirty mother dies Ohsawa. Die and two sisters and his younger brother. Ill and George. The doctors left hopelessly sick young man of eighteen. The fact that he had eaten earlier in excessive amounts - sweets and refined sugar (which, according to Ohsawa, led to his illness), he was unable to fly. It was not the boy's money not only for food but also for medicine. And then he came to the aid of popular wisdom. Due to the method of eastern medicine cured and later George was not sick, not including tropical ulcers, which Osawa deliberately infected himself during his studies.
Based on their observations Osawa brought basic health parameters.
A person with a genuine health:
It never feels overwhelmed, never gets cold, is always ready for any job;
has a good appetite, and is content with the simplest food;
He falls asleep in three minutes and waking up after 4-5 hours. Sleeps dreamless and restless motions;
has a good memory, do not forget anything. It can remember up to five thousand names;
always in a good mood. Full of gratitude. Not subject to anger. Do not lose heart and keeps the goodwill in all circumstances;
devoid of selfishness. All life is the truth and happiness of others. It has a clear head. In the able to establish order. It acts quickly and accurately. action beauty or form is an expression of the Law of the Universe. Health and happiness is also an expression of the Law of the universe, embodied in our daily lives;
It serves justice. Equity in macrobiotics means universal law. Anyone who thinks and acts according to the law, has the essential characteristic health.
The main principle of the interaction of two opposing makrobiotiki- nachal- energy of yin and yang (antagonistic but interrelated forces, "a harmony of opposites»).
These concepts in the Bible, the Old Testament interpreted as heaven and earth. The New Testament speaks of them as the alternating rhythms of life.
Jan-man, embodying all the active, positive, warm, light, etc.
Yin feminine, symbolizing all the passive, negative, cold, dark.
Yin Yang and the two different kinds of energy. Yang - centripetal, centrifugal Yin. Their collaboration gave birth to the whole world. Thanks to their constant interrelation night follows day, winter-summer, the inspiration and exhalation, etc. The internal organs are then filled (yin), then emptied (yang), the compressed (yang), then unclenched (yin).
It is no coincidence that the food is divided into two groups according to their energy impact.
Concentrated energy (yang): salt, meat, eggs, poultry, fish, cheese, milk, legumes, cereals
. The expansive energy (yin): Vegetables, fruit, juice, coffee, sugar, alcohol, medicines, drugs
. Food yin cools the body, making it softer and more sluggish. If it is consumed in excess, it engenders a sense of fatigue, anemia, pallor, loss of appetite. Movement and speech is slow. More time is needed for sleep. It's hard to wake up in the morning. People, including in your diet predominantly yin foods, experiencing depression, vulnerability, weakness.
Food yang warms the body, making it harder. But if it is consumed in excess, can cause a feeling of tension, feverishness. The person becomes irritable, short-tempered and even aggressive. Movement and speech become faster. In the dream it takes less time.
Classification of products in the "yin" and "yang»
Fruits Alcohol
Lemonade Fruit juice Coffee Tea
Well Water
Dairy products Nuts and seeds Animal food
Ice cream
Soft cheeses
Hard cheeses
Pumpkin seeds
Sesame seeds
White fish
Red fish
Vegetables Grains Legumes
Green peas
Products in the table are arranged in descending order from the most "yin" to the most "yang".
Can. The basis of the macrobiotic diet up krupy- as porridge without milk and sugar, as well as whole grain flour mill and pasta unrefined flour. And the grits must be solid.
According to the classification by J.. Ohsawa, the first place in the list of cereals for energy values belong buckwheat. It is better to use it in cold weather in winter, as among the other grains it is the most yanevaya- warming.
Second place belongs to the millet. Then there are rice, oats, barley and so on. D.
By the way, is very popular in this diet uses rice, especially brown, kept his brown skin.
Groat, boiled, baked, stewed, roasted, ground into flour (it is best to cook them in a pressure cooker). Cereal can be mixed with each other and with vegetables.
Vegetables in the macrobiotic diet is given is not less important. They complement each other perfectly. But they must have "of the season." They need to grow in the nearby area.
Vegetables boiled, stewed, baked. The heat treatment and salt make them more Yanev.
Raw vegetables are used in conjunction with the animal food to neutralize its toxic effects on the body. There are best in hot, dry weather, as they have a cooling inevym property.
Fruits, according to macrobiotic diet is strictly limited because they contain large amounts of sugar.
Soy beans, kidney beans, lentils, peas and sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, various nuts have offered instead of animal proteins. Seeds and nuts can be lightly obzharivat- so they will be better assimilated.
As a seasoning in the macrobiotic diet are encouraged to use sesame seeds in combination with sea salt and soy sauce, unrefined soybean and other vegetable oils and algae.
By the way, and salt in dishes prepared makrobiotami, uses sea and gray stone.
You can not.
G. Ahara gives advice to his followers: "Do not drink more than two inevyh products at the same time, or after a short time you will feel good. So it will be if you, for example, drink a glass of champagne, eat ice cream and snack serving chocolate or drink coffee with cake and eat some sweet fruit. With two inevymi body products usually handle
in the state. " Rules. Carefully chew pischu- first rule.
In the East, it is believed that thorough chewing of food not only improves its uptake, but also affects the clarity of thought.
Furthermore, the process of chewing helps to relax the body. It is a natural, nature designed outlet for aggressive moods.
Meals need to cook and eat with blagodarnostyu- another important rule in the macrobiotic diet. In many cultures there is a perception that you can not eat food prepared sick or angry person.
Proponents of macrobiotics argue that food gives man not only health, but also conducive to moral and spiritual development. Michio Kushi in the book "Du-in" wrote: "Daily adherence to the principles of macrobiotic food gives us the opportunity to feel in 10 days, various positive changes in the physical and psychological condition, including the following:
relief from fatigue;
a greater sense of clarity in thinking;
the gradual recovery of flexibility and endurance;
the beginning of recovery from various physical and mental ailments;
gradual acquisition of composure and calmness;
gradual acquisition of a sense of love for all men;
gaining self-confidence, which leads to the development of integrity;
improved adaptation to changes in the environment;
relief from the heavy burden of feelings of confusion, greed and selfishness;
the gradual development of such qualities as resourcefulness;
develop and improve a sense of gratitude;
increasing desire for orderliness in all aspects of life.
J.. Osawa found that people, starting with the diet containing 30 percent of the products of animal origin, and 70 percent of plant (of which 10 percent are cereals), gradually through eight intermediate days can go to the food one brown rice.
G. Ahara created his own version of macrobiotic nutrition theory, slightly different from the theory of John. Ohsawa. He noted the healing properties of alkalizing diet, from which virtually eliminated buckwheat, unfertilized eggs and even apples.
But a diet offers Michio Kushi:
Each meal is not less than 50 percent should consist of cereal grains, prepared on a different way. Zlaki- grade rice, wheat, a full bread, cereals.
Every day, there are 5 percent (1-2 small cups) of miso soup or soup with tamari light taste. When their cooking are several kinds of vegetables, sea grass, cereals and leguminous.
It is worth a special mention what miso and tamari. Miso- pickled vegetable paste on the basis of soy, rich digestible proteins, enzymes that promote digestion. Miso is the result of a long fermentation (2-3 years).
Tamari - salted and fermented sauce, which is prepared on the basis of soya and wheat, used in small quantities as a seasoning to the soup and vegetables
. About 20-30 percent of each meal should be vegetables: 2 / W part - cooked in different ways, roasted in the oven and on the 1/3 raw in salads
. 10-15 per cent of the daily food should fall on the dishes of legumes (peas, lentils) and seaweed (permitted is moderately seasoned their tamari and sea salt).
Once or twice a week can have a small amount of fish, its white flesh. For dessert frukty- allowed once or twice a week.
D. Jarvis, who wrote the book "Honey and other natural products", also a supporter of the macrobiotic theory. But the core of his theory of apple cider vinegar with a pronounced oxidizing properties and containing, according to the author, more potassium compounds than other products. For this reason, Jarvis gives apple cider vinegar utmost importance in the treatment of obesity, migraine, food poisoning, certain diseases of the skin, nervous system, and even lameness.
Nutritionist 3. Evenshteyn criticizing theory Jarvis in many positions, said that the daily rate of apple cider vinegar, recommended Jarvis is much too high. According to the formula of balanced nutrition Academician Pokrovsky, the need for a healthy person in the free organic acid is 2 grams, which is almost 20 times less than the offers Jarvis.
Evenshteyn agrees that the potassium compounds are useful for the organism. But it is incomparably more than is contained in garden beans, dried apricots, dried apricots, yellow peas, cherries, peaches, pears, raisins, potatoes, peanuts, turnips, barley grits, cabbage.
A lot of potassium in apple juice, dried potatoes, celery, beets ...
Pauling, the Nobel laureate, proposed to introduce in the daily ration of up to 2 grams of ascorbic acid. Although her daily need much below- 70-100 mg. Their point of view scientist argues that it increases the protective functions of the body, and ascorbic acid is the best remedy for the prevention of cancer and colds.
Nutritionists, standing in the position of a balanced diet, warn those who want to use the method of Pauling: ultra-high doses of ascorbic acid contribute to the formation of kidney stones, provoke gastrointestinal disorders, atherosclerosis (as it increases the concentration of cholesterol in the blood)
Nevertheless, some stars are addicted to excessive consumption of vitamins. Barbara Kartlend- oldest-known English writer - eating, for example, for breakfast 70 vitamin tablets
. Sylvester Stallone is not less concerned about their appearance and health. It takes 65 kinds of vitamins and herbal medicines on the basis of. Eighteen times in the year, he drinks a rejuvenating drug "Gerovital H-3" and "wobbles" in the gym.
Makrobiotika- ancient Eastern philosophy. It is a way of life has been known for several thousand years, since the time of Ancient Greece and Ancient East. "In times of crisis, humanity, especially at the end of the XX century, which is characterized by the growth of incurable diseases, the loss of spiritual values, the destruction of the moral foundations on the one hand, and international tensions, the threat of nuclear voyny- the other - macrobiotics return to save mankind" - wrote the largest US specialist in macrobiotics, Michio Kushi
. First introduced to the West with a Japanese scientist J. macrobiotics. Osawa. In 1965 he published his book "Macrobiotic Zen" in the United States. He was an avid supporter of the system.

J.. Osawa at an early age had lost their relatives. At the age of thirty mother dies Ohsawa. Die and two sisters and his younger brother. Ill and George. The doctors left hopelessly sick young man of eighteen. The fact that he had eaten earlier in excessive amounts - sweets and refined sugar (which, according to Ohsawa, led to his illness), he was unable to fly. It was not the boy's money not only for food but also for medicine. And then he came to the aid of popular wisdom. Due to the method of eastern medicine cured and later George was not sick, not including tropical ulcers, which Osawa deliberately infected himself during his studies.
Based on their observations Osawa brought basic health parameters.
A person with a genuine health:
It never feels overwhelmed, never gets cold, is always ready for any job;
has a good appetite, and is content with the simplest food;
He falls asleep in three minutes and waking up after 4-5 hours. Sleeps dreamless and restless motions;
has a good memory, do not forget anything. It can remember up to five thousand names;
always in a good mood. Full of gratitude. Not subject to anger. Do not lose heart and keeps the goodwill in all circumstances;
devoid of selfishness. All life is the truth and happiness of others. It has a clear head. In the able to establish order. It acts quickly and accurately. action beauty or form is an expression of the Law of the Universe. Health and happiness is also an expression of the Law of the universe, embodied in our daily lives;
It serves justice. Equity in macrobiotics means universal law. Anyone who thinks and acts according to the law, has the essential characteristic health.
The main principle of the interaction of two opposing makrobiotiki- nachal- energy of yin and yang (antagonistic but interrelated forces, "a harmony of opposites»).
These concepts in the Bible, the Old Testament interpreted as heaven and earth. The New Testament speaks of them as the alternating rhythms of life.
Jan-man, embodying all the active, positive, warm, light, etc.
Yin feminine, symbolizing all the passive, negative, cold, dark.
Yin Yang and the two different kinds of energy. Yang - centripetal, centrifugal Yin. Their collaboration gave birth to the whole world. Thanks to their constant interrelation night follows day, winter-summer, the inspiration and exhalation, etc. The internal organs are then filled (yin), then emptied (yang), the compressed (yang), then unclenched (yin).
It is no coincidence that the food is divided into two groups according to their energy impact.
Concentrated energy (yang): salt, meat, eggs, poultry, fish, cheese, milk, legumes, cereals
. The expansive energy (yin): Vegetables, fruit, juice, coffee, sugar, alcohol, medicines, drugs
. Food yin cools the body, making it softer and more sluggish. If it is consumed in excess, it engenders a sense of fatigue, anemia, pallor, loss of appetite. Movement and speech is slow. More time is needed for sleep. It's hard to wake up in the morning. People, including in your diet predominantly yin foods, experiencing depression, vulnerability, weakness.
Food yang warms the body, making it harder. But if it is consumed in excess, can cause a feeling of tension, feverishness. The person becomes irritable, short-tempered and even aggressive. Movement and speech become faster. In the dream it takes less time.
Classification of products in the "yin" and "yang»
Fruits Alcohol
Lemonade Fruit juice Coffee Tea
Well Water
Dairy products Nuts and seeds Animal food
Ice cream
Soft cheeses
Hard cheeses
Pumpkin seeds
Sesame seeds
White fish
Red fish
Vegetables Grains Legumes
Green peas
Products in the table are arranged in descending order from the most "yin" to the most "yang".
Can. The basis of the macrobiotic diet up krupy- as porridge without milk and sugar, as well as whole grain flour mill and pasta unrefined flour. And the grits must be solid.
According to the classification by J.. Ohsawa, the first place in the list of cereals for energy values belong buckwheat. It is better to use it in cold weather in winter, as among the other grains it is the most yanevaya- warming.
Second place belongs to the millet. Then there are rice, oats, barley and so on. D.
By the way, is very popular in this diet uses rice, especially brown, kept his brown skin.
Groat, boiled, baked, stewed, roasted, ground into flour (it is best to cook them in a pressure cooker). Cereal can be mixed with each other and with vegetables.
Vegetables in the macrobiotic diet is given is not less important. They complement each other perfectly. But they must have "of the season." They need to grow in the nearby area.
Vegetables boiled, stewed, baked. The heat treatment and salt make them more Yanev.
Raw vegetables are used in conjunction with the animal food to neutralize its toxic effects on the body. There are best in hot, dry weather, as they have a cooling inevym property.
Fruits, according to macrobiotic diet is strictly limited because they contain large amounts of sugar.
Soy beans, kidney beans, lentils, peas and sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, various nuts have offered instead of animal proteins. Seeds and nuts can be lightly obzharivat- so they will be better assimilated.
As a seasoning in the macrobiotic diet are encouraged to use sesame seeds in combination with sea salt and soy sauce, unrefined soybean and other vegetable oils and algae.
By the way, and salt in dishes prepared makrobiotami, uses sea and gray stone.
You can not.
G. Ahara gives advice to his followers: "Do not drink more than two inevyh products at the same time, or after a short time you will feel good. So it will be if you, for example, drink a glass of champagne, eat ice cream and snack serving chocolate or drink coffee with cake and eat some sweet fruit. With two inevymi body products usually handle
in the state. " Rules. Carefully chew pischu- first rule.
In the East, it is believed that thorough chewing of food not only improves its uptake, but also affects the clarity of thought.
Furthermore, the process of chewing helps to relax the body. It is a natural, nature designed outlet for aggressive moods.
Meals need to cook and eat with blagodarnostyu- another important rule in the macrobiotic diet. In many cultures there is a perception that you can not eat food prepared sick or angry person.
Proponents of macrobiotics argue that food gives man not only health, but also conducive to moral and spiritual development. Michio Kushi in the book "Du-in" wrote: "Daily adherence to the principles of macrobiotic food gives us the opportunity to feel in 10 days, various positive changes in the physical and psychological condition, including the following:
relief from fatigue;
a greater sense of clarity in thinking;
the gradual recovery of flexibility and endurance;
the beginning of recovery from various physical and mental ailments;
gradual acquisition of composure and calmness;
gradual acquisition of a sense of love for all men;
gaining self-confidence, which leads to the development of integrity;
improved adaptation to changes in the environment;
relief from the heavy burden of feelings of confusion, greed and selfishness;
the gradual development of such qualities as resourcefulness;
develop and improve a sense of gratitude;
increasing desire for orderliness in all aspects of life.
J.. Osawa found that people, starting with the diet containing 30 percent of the products of animal origin, and 70 percent of plant (of which 10 percent are cereals), gradually through eight intermediate days can go to the food one brown rice.
G. Ahara created his own version of macrobiotic nutrition theory, slightly different from the theory of John. Ohsawa. He noted the healing properties of alkalizing diet, from which virtually eliminated buckwheat, unfertilized eggs and even apples.
But a diet offers Michio Kushi:
Each meal is not less than 50 percent should consist of cereal grains, prepared on a different way. Zlaki- grade rice, wheat, a full bread, cereals.
Every day, there are 5 percent (1-2 small cups) of miso soup or soup with tamari light taste. When their cooking are several kinds of vegetables, sea grass, cereals and leguminous.
It is worth a special mention what miso and tamari. Miso- pickled vegetable paste on the basis of soy, rich digestible proteins, enzymes that promote digestion. Miso is the result of a long fermentation (2-3 years).
Tamari - salted and fermented sauce, which is prepared on the basis of soya and wheat, used in small quantities as a seasoning to the soup and vegetables
. About 20-30 percent of each meal should be vegetables: 2 / W part - cooked in different ways, roasted in the oven and on the 1/3 raw in salads
. 10-15 per cent of the daily food should fall on the dishes of legumes (peas, lentils) and seaweed (permitted is moderately seasoned their tamari and sea salt).
Once or twice a week can have a small amount of fish, its white flesh. For dessert frukty- allowed once or twice a week.
D. Jarvis, who wrote the book "Honey and other natural products", also a supporter of the macrobiotic theory. But the core of his theory of apple cider vinegar with a pronounced oxidizing properties and containing, according to the author, more potassium compounds than other products. For this reason, Jarvis gives apple cider vinegar utmost importance in the treatment of obesity, migraine, food poisoning, certain diseases of the skin, nervous system, and even lameness.
Nutritionist 3. Evenshteyn criticizing theory Jarvis in many positions, said that the daily rate of apple cider vinegar, recommended Jarvis is much too high. According to the formula of balanced nutrition Academician Pokrovsky, the need for a healthy person in the free organic acid is 2 grams, which is almost 20 times less than the offers Jarvis.
Evenshteyn agrees that the potassium compounds are useful for the organism. But it is incomparably more than is contained in garden beans, dried apricots, dried apricots, yellow peas, cherries, peaches, pears, raisins, potatoes, peanuts, turnips, barley grits, cabbage.
A lot of potassium in apple juice, dried potatoes, celery, beets ...
Pauling, the Nobel laureate, proposed to introduce in the daily ration of up to 2 grams of ascorbic acid. Although her daily need much below- 70-100 mg. Their point of view scientist argues that it increases the protective functions of the body, and ascorbic acid is the best remedy for the prevention of cancer and colds.
Nutritionists, standing in the position of a balanced diet, warn those who want to use the method of Pauling: ultra-high doses of ascorbic acid contribute to the formation of kidney stones, provoke gastrointestinal disorders, atherosclerosis (as it increases the concentration of cholesterol in the blood)
Nevertheless, some stars are addicted to excessive consumption of vitamins. Barbara Kartlend- oldest-known English writer - eating, for example, for breakfast 70 vitamin tablets
. Sylvester Stallone is not less concerned about their appearance and health. It takes 65 kinds of vitamins and herbal medicines on the basis of. Eighteen times in the year, he drinks a rejuvenating drug "Gerovital H-3" and "wobbles" in the gym.
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