John.Osawa: Zen Macrobiotic — healthy eating rules
In Greek, "macro"means "large, great", "biotics"— what is the attitude to life. Thus, under macrobiotics means "big view of life".
Macrobiotics is an ancient Oriental philosophy. It as a way of life has been known for several millennia, since the time of Ancient Greece and the Ancient East. "In times of crisis of humanity, especially in the late XX century, which is characterized by the growth of incurable diseases, the loss of spiritual values, the destruction of the moral foundations, on the one hand, and international tensions, the threat of nuclear war, the other macrobiotics comes back to save humanity"— so wrote the largest U.S. expert on macrobiotics, Michio kushi.
First introduced to the West by the Japanese scholar J. macrobiotics. Osawa. In 1965 in the USA he published his book "Zen Macrobiotic". He was a passionate adherent of this system.
Twenty four million seven hundred sixty eight thousand fifty nine
Spravkoy. Osawa at an early age have lost their relatives. At the age of thirty mother dies Osawa. Die also two sisters and his younger brother. Ill and George. The doctors left hopelessly ill eighteen-year-old boy. What he was eating before excessive quantities of sweets and refined sugars (this, according to Osawa led to his illness), he has to buy but could not. Was not the boy's money not only for food but also for medicines. And that's when he came to the aid of folk wisdom. Thanks to the technique of Oriental medicine George recovered and later was sick, not counting tropical ulcers, which ohsawa himself deliberately infected during their research.
On the basis of their observations Osawa gave the basic parameters of health.
People with true health:
These concepts are in the Bible, the old Testament symbolizes heaven and earth. The new Testament speaks of them as alternating rhythms of life.
Yang— male, embodying all the active, positive, warm, bright, etc.
Yin— feminine, symbolizing all passive, negative, cold, dark.
Yin and Yang— two different types of energy. Yang is centripetal, Yin— centrifugal. Their interaction gave rise to the whole world. Thanks to their constant relationship day gives way to night, winter— summer, inhale— exhale, etc. Internal organs that are filled with (Yin), emptied (Yang), then compressed (Yang), shift (Yin).
It is no coincidence that food is divided into two groups according to their energy impacts.
Concentrated energy (Yang): salt, meat, eggs, poultry, fish, cheese, milk, legumes, cereals.
Expansive energy (Yin): vegetables, fruits, juices, coffee, sugar, alcohol, medicine, drugs.
Food Yin cools the body, makes it more soft and flabby. If it is consumed in excess, it leads to fatigue, anemia, paleness, loss of appetite. Movements and speech become sluggish. More time is required for sleep. It's hard to Wake up in the morning. People, including in your diet foods predominantly Yin, experiencing depression, vulnerability, fatigue.
Yang foods warm the body, making it more solid. But if it is consumed in excess, can be a feeling of tension, lihoradit. The person becomes irritable, quick-tempered and even aggressive. Movements and speech to become more rapid. Sleep takes less time.
Classification of products in the "Yin" and "Yang»
Fruit Drinks Tropical Alcoholic drinks
Soft drinks Fruit juices Coffee Tea
Well water
Dairy products Nuts and seeds Animal food Ice cream
Soft cheese
Hard cheese
Pumpkin seeds
Sunflower seeds
Sesame seeds
White fish
Red fish
Vegetables Cereals Legumes Potatoes
Soy bean
Green pea
Products in the table are arranged in descending order from most Yin to most Yang.
Possible. The basis of the macrobiotic diet are cereals in the form of porridges without milk and sugar, and bread flour whole milling and pasta made of unrefined flour. And cereals should be whole.
According to the classification of John. Osawa the first place in the list of cereals in terms of energy value belongs to the buckwheat. It is better to use it in cold weather in winter, as among the other cereals it is the most aneva— warming.
The second place belongs to wheat. Then there are rice, oats, barley, etc.
By the way, very popular in this diet uses rice, especially brown, retaining its brown shell.
Grits are boiled, roasted, stewed, fried, ground into a flour (it is best to cook them in a pressure cooker). Cereals can be mixed with each other and with vegetables.
Vegetables in the macrobiotic diet does not play a smaller role. They complement each other. But they should eat "in season". They should be grown in the surrounding area.
Vegetables are boiled, stewed, baked. Thermal processing and salt making them more anavini.
Raw vegetables are eaten in combination with animal food to neutralize its toxic effects on the body. Are they better in hot dry weather as they have a cooling inavem property.
Fruit, according to the macrobiotic diet is strictly limited, because they contain large amounts of sugar.
Soy beans, kidney beans, lentils, peas, and sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, different nuts are encouraged to have in place of animal protein. Seeds and nuts can be lightly fried so they are better absorbed.
As a condiment in the macrobiotic diet are encouraged to use the sesame seeds combined with sea salt, and soy sauce, unrefined soy and other vegetable oils and marine algae.
By the way, and salt in the food prepared by macrobiota used marine and grey stone.
Must not.
G. Ahara gives advice to his followers: "do Not consume more than two hinevich products at the same time, otherwise after a short time you will feel sick. So would be the case if, for example, drink a glass of champagne, eat a dish of ice cream and eat chocolate or drink coffee with the cake and eat some sweet fruit. With two inapymi products the body usually cope state".
Regulation. To chew your food— the first rule.
In the East it is believed that thorough chewing of food not only improves its absorption, but also affects the clarity of thinking.
In addition, the process of chewing relaxes the body. It is a natural, designed by nature an outlet for aggressive feelings.
The food you need to cook and eat with gratitude— another important rule in the macrobiotic diet. Many peoples are of the opinion that you can't eat food made sick or angry man.
Proponents of macrobiotics say that the food gives man not only health, but also contributes to the moral and spiritual development. Michio kushi's book, "Do-in" wrote: "upholding the principles of macrobiotic eating gives us the opportunity to feel in 10 days various positive changes in physical and psychological condition, including the following:
G. Ahara created his own version of macrobiotic theory, nutrition, somewhat different from the theory of John. Osawa. He noted the healing properties of alkalizing diet, which virtually excludes buckwheat, unfertilized eggs, and even apples.
But what diet offers Michio kushi:
Each meal not less than 50 percent should consist of grains, beans, cooked in different manners. Grains full rice, wheat, wholesome bread, cereals.
Every day there is a 5 percent (1-2 small cups) of soup, miso or tamari soup with a light taste. When cooking use several kinds of vegetables, sea grass, cereals and strukovym.
Worth a special mention, what is miso and tamari. Miso salted vegetable pasta based on soy, rich in digestible proteins, enzymes for digestion. Miso is the result of a long fermentation (2-3 years).
Tamari, fermented and salted the sauce, which is prepared on the basis of soy and wheat used in small quantities as a seasoning for soup and vegetables.
About 20-30 percent of each meal should be vegetables: 2/S part — cooked in different ways, roasted in the oven and 1/3 raw in salads.
10-15 percent of your daily food should consist of food from legumes (peas, lentils) and seaweed (it is allowed to season them moderately tamari and sea salt).
One or two times a week can you eat fish in small quantities, its white flesh. For dessert allowed fruits one or two times a week.
D. Jarvis, who wrote the book "Honey and other natural products", also a supporter of macrobiotic theory. But the basis of his theory of Apple cider vinegar possessing strong oxidising properties, and containing, according to the author, more compounds of potassium than other products. For this reason, Jarvis gives Apple vinegar of exceptional importance in the treatment of obesity, migraines, food poisoning, certain diseases of the skin, nervous system and even lameness.
Nutritionist 3. Einstein, criticizing the theory of Jarvis in many positions, says the daily allowance of Apple cider vinegar, as recommended by Jarvis, is much too high. According to the formula a balanced diet of academician A. Pokrovsky, the requirement of a healthy person of free organic acids is 2 g, which is almost 20 times less than Jarvis.
Ewenstein, agrees that the potassium compounds useful for the body. But it contains incomparably more in garden beans, dried apricots, dried apricots, yellow peas, cherries, peaches, pears, raisins, potatoes, peanuts, turnips, barley groats, cabbage.
A lot of potassium in Apple juice, dried potatoes, celery, beets...
L. Pauling, the Nobel prize winner, proposed to introduce in the diet to 2 grams of ascorbic acid. Although the daily requirement is much lower— 70-100 mg. My point of view, the scientist argues that this increases the protective functions of the body, and ascorbic acid is the best remedy for the prevention of cancer and colds.
Nutritionists, standing on the position of the rational power, warn those who want to use the method of Polling: ultra-high doses of ascorbic acid contribute to the formation of kidney stones, provoke gastro-intestinal disorders, the development of atherosclerosis (as it increases the concentration of cholesterol in the blood).
However, some stars are addicted to excessive consumption of vitamins. Barbara CARTLAND— the oldest of the famous British writer — eats, for example, at Breakfast 70 tablets of vitamins.
Sylvester Stallone no less concerned with their appearance and health. It takes 65 types of vitamins and medicines herbal. Eighteen times a year he drinks a rejuvenating drug "Gerovital H-3" and "swinging" at the gym.
Source: www.eco-pit.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=50:2009-08-14-12-40-42&catid=21:2009-08-14-12-23-27&Itemid=5
Macrobiotics is an ancient Oriental philosophy. It as a way of life has been known for several millennia, since the time of Ancient Greece and the Ancient East. "In times of crisis of humanity, especially in the late XX century, which is characterized by the growth of incurable diseases, the loss of spiritual values, the destruction of the moral foundations, on the one hand, and international tensions, the threat of nuclear war, the other macrobiotics comes back to save humanity"— so wrote the largest U.S. expert on macrobiotics, Michio kushi.
First introduced to the West by the Japanese scholar J. macrobiotics. Osawa. In 1965 in the USA he published his book "Zen Macrobiotic". He was a passionate adherent of this system.
Twenty four million seven hundred sixty eight thousand fifty nine
Spravkoy. Osawa at an early age have lost their relatives. At the age of thirty mother dies Osawa. Die also two sisters and his younger brother. Ill and George. The doctors left hopelessly ill eighteen-year-old boy. What he was eating before excessive quantities of sweets and refined sugars (this, according to Osawa led to his illness), he has to buy but could not. Was not the boy's money not only for food but also for medicines. And that's when he came to the aid of folk wisdom. Thanks to the technique of Oriental medicine George recovered and later was sick, not counting tropical ulcers, which ohsawa himself deliberately infected during their research.
On the basis of their observations Osawa gave the basic parameters of health.
People with true health:
- never feels overwhelmed, never gets cold, always ready for any job;
- has a good appetite, and is content with the simplest food;
- falls asleep in three minutes and wakes up after 4-5 hours. Sleep without dreams and restless movements;
- has good memory, never forgets. Can remember up to five thousand names;
- always in a good mood. Filled with feelings of gratitude. Beyond the anger. Not discouraged and maintains the goodwill in all circumstances;
- devoid of selfishness. Whole life is the truth and the happiness of others. Has a clear head. All are capable of establishing order. Works quickly and accurately. Beauty or form is an expression of the Law of the Universe. Health and happiness is also an expression of the Law of the Universe, incarnate in our daily life;
- serves justice. Justice in macrobiotics means a Law of the Universe. The one who thinks and acts according to this law, has the most important characteristic of health.
These concepts are in the Bible, the old Testament symbolizes heaven and earth. The new Testament speaks of them as alternating rhythms of life.
Yang— male, embodying all the active, positive, warm, bright, etc.
Yin— feminine, symbolizing all passive, negative, cold, dark.
Yin and Yang— two different types of energy. Yang is centripetal, Yin— centrifugal. Their interaction gave rise to the whole world. Thanks to their constant relationship day gives way to night, winter— summer, inhale— exhale, etc. Internal organs that are filled with (Yin), emptied (Yang), then compressed (Yang), shift (Yin).
It is no coincidence that food is divided into two groups according to their energy impacts.
Concentrated energy (Yang): salt, meat, eggs, poultry, fish, cheese, milk, legumes, cereals.
Expansive energy (Yin): vegetables, fruits, juices, coffee, sugar, alcohol, medicine, drugs.
Food Yin cools the body, makes it more soft and flabby. If it is consumed in excess, it leads to fatigue, anemia, paleness, loss of appetite. Movements and speech become sluggish. More time is required for sleep. It's hard to Wake up in the morning. People, including in your diet foods predominantly Yin, experiencing depression, vulnerability, fatigue.
Yang foods warm the body, making it more solid. But if it is consumed in excess, can be a feeling of tension, lihoradit. The person becomes irritable, quick-tempered and even aggressive. Movements and speech to become more rapid. Sleep takes less time.
Classification of products in the "Yin" and "Yang»
Fruit Drinks Tropical Alcoholic drinks
Soft drinks Fruit juices Coffee Tea
Well water
Dairy products Nuts and seeds Animal food Ice cream
Soft cheese
Hard cheese
Pumpkin seeds
Sunflower seeds
Sesame seeds
White fish
Red fish
Vegetables Cereals Legumes Potatoes
Soy bean
Green pea
Products in the table are arranged in descending order from most Yin to most Yang.
Possible. The basis of the macrobiotic diet are cereals in the form of porridges without milk and sugar, and bread flour whole milling and pasta made of unrefined flour. And cereals should be whole.
According to the classification of John. Osawa the first place in the list of cereals in terms of energy value belongs to the buckwheat. It is better to use it in cold weather in winter, as among the other cereals it is the most aneva— warming.
The second place belongs to wheat. Then there are rice, oats, barley, etc.
By the way, very popular in this diet uses rice, especially brown, retaining its brown shell.
Grits are boiled, roasted, stewed, fried, ground into a flour (it is best to cook them in a pressure cooker). Cereals can be mixed with each other and with vegetables.
Vegetables in the macrobiotic diet does not play a smaller role. They complement each other. But they should eat "in season". They should be grown in the surrounding area.
Vegetables are boiled, stewed, baked. Thermal processing and salt making them more anavini.
Raw vegetables are eaten in combination with animal food to neutralize its toxic effects on the body. Are they better in hot dry weather as they have a cooling inavem property.
Fruit, according to the macrobiotic diet is strictly limited, because they contain large amounts of sugar.
Soy beans, kidney beans, lentils, peas, and sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, different nuts are encouraged to have in place of animal protein. Seeds and nuts can be lightly fried so they are better absorbed.
As a condiment in the macrobiotic diet are encouraged to use the sesame seeds combined with sea salt, and soy sauce, unrefined soy and other vegetable oils and marine algae.
By the way, and salt in the food prepared by macrobiota used marine and grey stone.
Must not.
G. Ahara gives advice to his followers: "do Not consume more than two hinevich products at the same time, otherwise after a short time you will feel sick. So would be the case if, for example, drink a glass of champagne, eat a dish of ice cream and eat chocolate or drink coffee with the cake and eat some sweet fruit. With two inapymi products the body usually cope state".
Regulation. To chew your food— the first rule.
In the East it is believed that thorough chewing of food not only improves its absorption, but also affects the clarity of thinking.
In addition, the process of chewing relaxes the body. It is a natural, designed by nature an outlet for aggressive feelings.
The food you need to cook and eat with gratitude— another important rule in the macrobiotic diet. Many peoples are of the opinion that you can't eat food made sick or angry man.
Proponents of macrobiotics say that the food gives man not only health, but also contributes to the moral and spiritual development. Michio kushi's book, "Do-in" wrote: "upholding the principles of macrobiotic eating gives us the opportunity to feel in 10 days various positive changes in physical and psychological condition, including the following:
- exemption from fatigue;
- a greater sense of clarity in thinking;
- the gradual restoration of flexibility and endurance;
- the beginning of healing from various physical and mental ailments;
- gradual acquisition of mental equilibrium and calmness;
- the gradual acquisition of a sense of love for all people;
- gaining confidence in yourself, which leads to the development of honesty;
- improving adaptation to changes in the environment;
- the release from the burden of feelings of confusion, of greed and selfishness;
- the gradual development of such qualities as resourcefulness;
- development and improvement of a sense of gratitude;
- the increasing desire for order in all aspects of life.
G. Ahara created his own version of macrobiotic theory, nutrition, somewhat different from the theory of John. Osawa. He noted the healing properties of alkalizing diet, which virtually excludes buckwheat, unfertilized eggs, and even apples.
But what diet offers Michio kushi:
Each meal not less than 50 percent should consist of grains, beans, cooked in different manners. Grains full rice, wheat, wholesome bread, cereals.
Every day there is a 5 percent (1-2 small cups) of soup, miso or tamari soup with a light taste. When cooking use several kinds of vegetables, sea grass, cereals and strukovym.
Worth a special mention, what is miso and tamari. Miso salted vegetable pasta based on soy, rich in digestible proteins, enzymes for digestion. Miso is the result of a long fermentation (2-3 years).
Tamari, fermented and salted the sauce, which is prepared on the basis of soy and wheat used in small quantities as a seasoning for soup and vegetables.
About 20-30 percent of each meal should be vegetables: 2/S part — cooked in different ways, roasted in the oven and 1/3 raw in salads.
10-15 percent of your daily food should consist of food from legumes (peas, lentils) and seaweed (it is allowed to season them moderately tamari and sea salt).
One or two times a week can you eat fish in small quantities, its white flesh. For dessert allowed fruits one or two times a week.
D. Jarvis, who wrote the book "Honey and other natural products", also a supporter of macrobiotic theory. But the basis of his theory of Apple cider vinegar possessing strong oxidising properties, and containing, according to the author, more compounds of potassium than other products. For this reason, Jarvis gives Apple vinegar of exceptional importance in the treatment of obesity, migraines, food poisoning, certain diseases of the skin, nervous system and even lameness.
Nutritionist 3. Einstein, criticizing the theory of Jarvis in many positions, says the daily allowance of Apple cider vinegar, as recommended by Jarvis, is much too high. According to the formula a balanced diet of academician A. Pokrovsky, the requirement of a healthy person of free organic acids is 2 g, which is almost 20 times less than Jarvis.
Ewenstein, agrees that the potassium compounds useful for the body. But it contains incomparably more in garden beans, dried apricots, dried apricots, yellow peas, cherries, peaches, pears, raisins, potatoes, peanuts, turnips, barley groats, cabbage.
A lot of potassium in Apple juice, dried potatoes, celery, beets...
L. Pauling, the Nobel prize winner, proposed to introduce in the diet to 2 grams of ascorbic acid. Although the daily requirement is much lower— 70-100 mg. My point of view, the scientist argues that this increases the protective functions of the body, and ascorbic acid is the best remedy for the prevention of cancer and colds.
Nutritionists, standing on the position of the rational power, warn those who want to use the method of Polling: ultra-high doses of ascorbic acid contribute to the formation of kidney stones, provoke gastro-intestinal disorders, the development of atherosclerosis (as it increases the concentration of cholesterol in the blood).
However, some stars are addicted to excessive consumption of vitamins. Barbara CARTLAND— the oldest of the famous British writer — eats, for example, at Breakfast 70 tablets of vitamins.
Sylvester Stallone no less concerned with their appearance and health. It takes 65 types of vitamins and medicines herbal. Eighteen times a year he drinks a rejuvenating drug "Gerovital H-3" and "swinging" at the gym.
Source: www.eco-pit.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=50:2009-08-14-12-40-42&catid=21:2009-08-14-12-23-27&Itemid=5
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