Where to look first, if you want to buy a really high quality item
Often, when buying clothes, people only pay attention to its brand. Of course, because so many want to boast a beautiful thing, and casually mentioning that she bought in an expensive boutique! Let it and left half the salary... But the Site wants to remind the reader that it is worth paying attention to the quality of the product, and therefore gives 8 very tips of her choice!
So what to look for when choosing clothes?
1. The castles and buttons are the First test you should make clothes with locks for smooth operation. If the lock is tight, slow, and "dog" looks too fragile, the fittings clearly saved. Why buy something that after a couple months of wear will have to bear in the Studio? Buttons and buttons must be the weight. After all, if they are made of plastic, it will last much less.
2. The density of the tissue Before leaving the dressing room and carry the thing to the cashier, place your hand under the cloth and look at the light does not Shine through? Translucent thing is likely to "disappoint" you and to wear. By the way, this sin many youth brands. Exceptions should not be for any tissue.
3. The natural material of Course, is now extremely difficult to find clothes made of completely natural fabric. But here's the thing: the more the percentage of natural fibers in the fabric, the longer will be the thing. The only exceptions are jeans and workout clothes. For convenience, there should be synthetic inclusions.
4. The strength of the fibres that are sewed in the "non-stop" somewhere at the factory in Jiangsu province, will not be too high-level tailoring. Impact and speed of execution, and the skill level of the seamstress. I don't think America is open to you, but the suture lines should not be vytrepali, and buttons should be sewn firmly and not loose.
5. The precision of the seams the Quality of stitching is of great importance. Well, what else is there to add if the big fashion houses, some operations are done entirely by hand, to the weld quality was at a high level. Depends on how long you're going to wear the thing, if she sits well on the figure. After all, the good pattern and the proper cut is easy to mess up the ugly stitching.
6. The division was said to Lelik from the famous Comedy "the diamond arm": "Departments can be categorized "Me" and "Jo" — adamskii and Untermenschen". Often the quality of wool and cashmere men's sweaters is higher than in women. The same goes for shirts, so it's okay if some thing you acquire in the next section.
7. Emerging folds In the dressing room be sure to crumple the fabric. If it is then covered with creases and folds, and you are so pedantic, so each morning to get the iron and Ironing Board, leave it where it is.
8. In the figure, and the seam Thing with prints, especially large ones, are very easy to check on the quality of the sewing. It's like a Wallpaper pattern must be a butt joint. Then the clothes will sit perfectly!
It would seem that the obvious, but if not to pay attention to when choosing, then you can get a low-quality thing that will be uncomfortable to wear and will last from one season.
via prikolno.cc/open/1977

So what to look for when choosing clothes?
1. The castles and buttons are the First test you should make clothes with locks for smooth operation. If the lock is tight, slow, and "dog" looks too fragile, the fittings clearly saved. Why buy something that after a couple months of wear will have to bear in the Studio? Buttons and buttons must be the weight. After all, if they are made of plastic, it will last much less.
2. The density of the tissue Before leaving the dressing room and carry the thing to the cashier, place your hand under the cloth and look at the light does not Shine through? Translucent thing is likely to "disappoint" you and to wear. By the way, this sin many youth brands. Exceptions should not be for any tissue.
3. The natural material of Course, is now extremely difficult to find clothes made of completely natural fabric. But here's the thing: the more the percentage of natural fibers in the fabric, the longer will be the thing. The only exceptions are jeans and workout clothes. For convenience, there should be synthetic inclusions.
4. The strength of the fibres that are sewed in the "non-stop" somewhere at the factory in Jiangsu province, will not be too high-level tailoring. Impact and speed of execution, and the skill level of the seamstress. I don't think America is open to you, but the suture lines should not be vytrepali, and buttons should be sewn firmly and not loose.
5. The precision of the seams the Quality of stitching is of great importance. Well, what else is there to add if the big fashion houses, some operations are done entirely by hand, to the weld quality was at a high level. Depends on how long you're going to wear the thing, if she sits well on the figure. After all, the good pattern and the proper cut is easy to mess up the ugly stitching.
6. The division was said to Lelik from the famous Comedy "the diamond arm": "Departments can be categorized "Me" and "Jo" — adamskii and Untermenschen". Often the quality of wool and cashmere men's sweaters is higher than in women. The same goes for shirts, so it's okay if some thing you acquire in the next section.
7. Emerging folds In the dressing room be sure to crumple the fabric. If it is then covered with creases and folds, and you are so pedantic, so each morning to get the iron and Ironing Board, leave it where it is.
8. In the figure, and the seam Thing with prints, especially large ones, are very easy to check on the quality of the sewing. It's like a Wallpaper pattern must be a butt joint. Then the clothes will sit perfectly!
It would seem that the obvious, but if not to pay attention to when choosing, then you can get a low-quality thing that will be uncomfortable to wear and will last from one season.
via prikolno.cc/open/1977
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