Diamond batteries will transform the radioactive waste into clean energy
Quite a curious method of extracting clean energy from the radioactive wastes of nuclear reactors was proposed by the researchers from the University of Bristol. One shot, scientists were able to kill two birds with one stone: they figured out how to get rid of thousands of tons of spent graphite rods, which in the UK and so have nowhere to put, and also created from these wastes amazing battery that can power the electrical appliances for thousands of years.
Graphite rods are used in nuclear reactors to control the intensity of the flow of nuclear reactions. Being placed in vysokoselektivnye environment, of carbon in graphite is replaced with the radioactive isotope Carbon-14. The half-life of this isotope is more than 5700 years. The bulk of carbon-14 is concentrated on the outer surface of the graphite rods, where it can be removed by strong heating up to the point until the isotope goes into gaseous form.
Carbon-14 in gaseous form at reduced pressure and high temperature can be turned into diamond, another form of carbon. Artificial diamonds have an interesting feature – they generate electricity when they are placed in the radioactive environment. Given that in this case the diamond was created from the radioactive isotope, it can generate electricity by itself. This makes the resulting diamond in a kind of power source.
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But the question remains – how to protect others from radiation? British researchers decided that outside radioactive diamond can be coated with a layer of diamond common that will reduce the harmful radiation almost to nothing. Background radiation such batteries will not exceed the normal background of the banana you bought at the supermarket. Diamond sheath when irradiated from the inside, will absorb radiation and generate even more energy that will bring the efficiency of the battery to the mythical 100%.
This diamond battery requires no maintenance, it generates no waste, has no removable parts, while remaining incredibly durable – don't forget we are talking about the diamond. But the most important is that this battery can power the instrument for thousands of years without all charges. Only after 5730 years, its charge will fall to a level of 50%. This makes diamond batteries are the perfect solution for, for example, satellites or space missions sent to study distant space. Batteries can be used in medicine, for example, implanted pacemakers, the battery will not need to change ever. Just imagine what horizons opens us to the "Diamond era energy". published
Source: hi-news.ru/technology/almaznye-batarejki-pozvolyat-prevratit-radioaktivnye-otxody-v-chistuyu-energiyu.html

Graphite rods are used in nuclear reactors to control the intensity of the flow of nuclear reactions. Being placed in vysokoselektivnye environment, of carbon in graphite is replaced with the radioactive isotope Carbon-14. The half-life of this isotope is more than 5700 years. The bulk of carbon-14 is concentrated on the outer surface of the graphite rods, where it can be removed by strong heating up to the point until the isotope goes into gaseous form.
Carbon-14 in gaseous form at reduced pressure and high temperature can be turned into diamond, another form of carbon. Artificial diamonds have an interesting feature – they generate electricity when they are placed in the radioactive environment. Given that in this case the diamond was created from the radioactive isotope, it can generate electricity by itself. This makes the resulting diamond in a kind of power source.
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But the question remains – how to protect others from radiation? British researchers decided that outside radioactive diamond can be coated with a layer of diamond common that will reduce the harmful radiation almost to nothing. Background radiation such batteries will not exceed the normal background of the banana you bought at the supermarket. Diamond sheath when irradiated from the inside, will absorb radiation and generate even more energy that will bring the efficiency of the battery to the mythical 100%.

This diamond battery requires no maintenance, it generates no waste, has no removable parts, while remaining incredibly durable – don't forget we are talking about the diamond. But the most important is that this battery can power the instrument for thousands of years without all charges. Only after 5730 years, its charge will fall to a level of 50%. This makes diamond batteries are the perfect solution for, for example, satellites or space missions sent to study distant space. Batteries can be used in medicine, for example, implanted pacemakers, the battery will not need to change ever. Just imagine what horizons opens us to the "Diamond era energy". published
Source: hi-news.ru/technology/almaznye-batarejki-pozvolyat-prevratit-radioaktivnye-otxody-v-chistuyu-energiyu.html