Students pecked their noses at lectures. But the teacher said that everyone woke up!
A student knows how boring lectures are. But if only one teacher says something funny and makes it a thing, the classes will attract crowds of students. Website It tells the story of an incredibly humorous lecturer.
That was when I was a student. There was a teacher who liked to have students complete the words and phrases they started. For example:
- Here we will put that ...
And the students in choir:
- Cheek.
Once again, drawing a drawing on the board, he says, despite looking into the room:
- This triangle we shade...
Turns to the audience, and we opened our mouths to finish the word, and he continued for us:
- Small, small.
via just-story.ru/story/3412
20 extremely funny jokes, again taken straight from Odessa!
10 incredibly funny rhymes-pies that will make you a good laugh!