Like a lazy Professor exam students took

Sixty six million one hundred forty one thousand one hundred ninety seven

Takes place in a University first year exam at a very complex subject. Conducting his old teacher turns to the assembled audience at the students:

— Gentlemen students, who among you is confident that his knowledge in my classes claim to be "great"?

Two students raise their hands.

— So, bring record books — with a smile says the teacher and puts in them the highest score.

After a few minutes, the old Professor turns back to the students:

Gentlemen, who among you thinks that he knows my subject well?

Five guys jump out of the ground. The teacher takes them in the gradebook and displays them as a mark. Ten minutes later the Professor says:

— Okay, well, who otherwise thinks his knowledge can be assessed at three points?

Raise your hands fifteen people. The teacher collects them from the grade book, adds to it "satisfactory" and dismisses the class.

— Gentlemen, others "poor". Welcome to the retake.

All remaining students were upset, but then one gets up from his seat and says:

— Excuse me, Professor, and retake what day will be?

— Well-at-at... said the old Professor, Let's today. So, ladies and gentlemen students, who among you is confident that his knowledge in my classes claim to be "great"?



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