As we have for a family dinner and I shared the sausage of justice
Forty four million seventeen thousand nine hundred fourteen
Today at lunch at the table gathered all our close family: mother (housewife), father (major reserve), I (student of Philology), my younger brother (eighth grade student) and with a small baby (6 months). At the end of the meal remained on the table seven small pieces of sausage. And then my mother decided to share the "remains of luxury" among all members of the family:
— So, we share with justice.
— As it?
— Very simply! Benefits based on mothers with many children, military, students and newborns.
They all laughed, and then my younger brother, who is a student, with a genuine note of frustration asked:
— So this is what happens? I am one normal person in this family?
via factroom.ru
Today at lunch at the table gathered all our close family: mother (housewife), father (major reserve), I (student of Philology), my younger brother (eighth grade student) and with a small baby (6 months). At the end of the meal remained on the table seven small pieces of sausage. And then my mother decided to share the "remains of luxury" among all members of the family:
— So, we share with justice.
— As it?
— Very simply! Benefits based on mothers with many children, military, students and newborns.
They all laughed, and then my younger brother, who is a student, with a genuine note of frustration asked:
— So this is what happens? I am one normal person in this family?
via factroom.ru
Medicine — mysterious science: the boil on the cheek, and to be treated have candles...
Like a lazy Professor exam students took