Signs and habits of students around the world (10 photos)
1. Japanese students take with them to the exams chocolate bar Kit Kat as a mascot. This unusual choice due to the fact that the expression "sure to win» («kitto katsu» in Japanese) is consonant with the name of the sweet product.
2. During the marketing research company Everest Poker revealed that the largest group of players in the online poker is up students. In different countries, this figure ranges from 20 to 30% of the total number of poker enthusiasts across the network. Bluffing skills may come in handy to offset: it is always useful to make a good face on a bad ticket ...
3. In the 19th century Russian students drinking establishments wrote on the back of their address. It is even described in one of Chekhov's humorous anecdotes Switzerland Restaurant "Yar" and "Strelna" the students while they are still able to respond, address, and wrote it in chalk on their backs. Then it was enough to hand over the body insensible driver, so they took them to the house. Council freshmen: go to the dedication of the students in a T-shirt printed with the profile of the Facebook ...
4. The student is aging. It's a fact. At least in Europe, people are going to get an education later. For example, while in Switzerland the average student age is now 25, 5 years. And in Russia, are the only ones that are willing to gnaw for postponing science granite from 18 to 27 years.
5. Students much on non-trivial solutions. Sometimes - because of their negligence. For example, the mathematician George Dantzig was late to class at the university, took the equation on the blackboard for homework. Some days it took him to get the answer. Then it turned out that he had lost two "unsolvable" problems of statistics that were too tough for scientists to have taken place. Danzig did not know that they have no solution - and found it for the weekend.
6. Modern students less frequently can be found wandering between the bookshelves of libraries. As a result of the August opinion poll, 73% of university students prefer to use the EBS (electronic library systems). Current students read e-books on mobile media. There are even readers, specifically targeted for educational purposes, for example, PocketBook Pro 912. The size of the display of this gadget with a diagonal of 9, 7 inches coincides with the dimensions of a book page for easier reading. In tablets and laptops reader-poketbuk benefits from technology E-Ink. Firstly, in the electronic ink display is not used lights from which the eyes may become tired during long reading. And secondly - the energy is consumed only in flipping pages, and PocketBook Pro 912 battery lasts for 7000 pages.
7. The length of the Harvard Bridge is "364, 4 distemper and one ear." This measure length came from the name of the student, Oliver Smoot, through which students in 1958, the bridge was measured. One hundred and seventy-centimeter Oliver moves along the roadway and makes a note that was almost lost in the reconstruction of the bridge. Curiously, he Smoot took his place in the Chamber of Weights and Measures - he became the leader of the ISO (International Standards Organization). Here are some - US 38 parrots.
8. One of the models of the classic men's shoes Penny Loafer owes its name to the student superstition. In the tongue of shoes made a special slot, which put a coin. According to one tradition the students, pennies (or any other coin) to hide in a shoe before the exam to the ticket got easier, and the teacher - kinder. Some, however, believe that it is better not to put a coin and bill (or better - a few). And not in the shoe, and gradebook.
9. At Yale there is a fun tradition. Senior students are willing to share their abstracts with a young fellow. For this latter become debtors. However, no money no need to pay. Written off synopsis encircle eyes green paint to look like on the lights, and then he rolls the student to help him on his back for several hours.
10. To argue with teachers - a more expensive. It reiterated a sassy student from Oxford, has requested during the exam beer. This allows the ancient tradition of the university. His drinking was a student, however, he was immediately fined the teacher. But it is not for drinking alcohol. Resourceful lecturer referred to the more old custom: students without a sword forbidden to appear on the exam.

2. During the marketing research company Everest Poker revealed that the largest group of players in the online poker is up students. In different countries, this figure ranges from 20 to 30% of the total number of poker enthusiasts across the network. Bluffing skills may come in handy to offset: it is always useful to make a good face on a bad ticket ...

3. In the 19th century Russian students drinking establishments wrote on the back of their address. It is even described in one of Chekhov's humorous anecdotes Switzerland Restaurant "Yar" and "Strelna" the students while they are still able to respond, address, and wrote it in chalk on their backs. Then it was enough to hand over the body insensible driver, so they took them to the house. Council freshmen: go to the dedication of the students in a T-shirt printed with the profile of the Facebook ...

4. The student is aging. It's a fact. At least in Europe, people are going to get an education later. For example, while in Switzerland the average student age is now 25, 5 years. And in Russia, are the only ones that are willing to gnaw for postponing science granite from 18 to 27 years.

5. Students much on non-trivial solutions. Sometimes - because of their negligence. For example, the mathematician George Dantzig was late to class at the university, took the equation on the blackboard for homework. Some days it took him to get the answer. Then it turned out that he had lost two "unsolvable" problems of statistics that were too tough for scientists to have taken place. Danzig did not know that they have no solution - and found it for the weekend.

6. Modern students less frequently can be found wandering between the bookshelves of libraries. As a result of the August opinion poll, 73% of university students prefer to use the EBS (electronic library systems). Current students read e-books on mobile media. There are even readers, specifically targeted for educational purposes, for example, PocketBook Pro 912. The size of the display of this gadget with a diagonal of 9, 7 inches coincides with the dimensions of a book page for easier reading. In tablets and laptops reader-poketbuk benefits from technology E-Ink. Firstly, in the electronic ink display is not used lights from which the eyes may become tired during long reading. And secondly - the energy is consumed only in flipping pages, and PocketBook Pro 912 battery lasts for 7000 pages.

7. The length of the Harvard Bridge is "364, 4 distemper and one ear." This measure length came from the name of the student, Oliver Smoot, through which students in 1958, the bridge was measured. One hundred and seventy-centimeter Oliver moves along the roadway and makes a note that was almost lost in the reconstruction of the bridge. Curiously, he Smoot took his place in the Chamber of Weights and Measures - he became the leader of the ISO (International Standards Organization). Here are some - US 38 parrots.

8. One of the models of the classic men's shoes Penny Loafer owes its name to the student superstition. In the tongue of shoes made a special slot, which put a coin. According to one tradition the students, pennies (or any other coin) to hide in a shoe before the exam to the ticket got easier, and the teacher - kinder. Some, however, believe that it is better not to put a coin and bill (or better - a few). And not in the shoe, and gradebook.

9. At Yale there is a fun tradition. Senior students are willing to share their abstracts with a young fellow. For this latter become debtors. However, no money no need to pay. Written off synopsis encircle eyes green paint to look like on the lights, and then he rolls the student to help him on his back for several hours.

10. To argue with teachers - a more expensive. It reiterated a sassy student from Oxford, has requested during the exam beer. This allows the ancient tradition of the university. His drinking was a student, however, he was immediately fined the teacher. But it is not for drinking alcohol. Resourceful lecturer referred to the more old custom: students without a sword forbidden to appear on the exam.