The secret to a happy life
The doctor and farmer Yuri Shares 70 years old, he looks 50 but she feels 30. What's his secret?
Yuri Shares sure that new life can begin at 60 and 70 years, the main thing – a correct spirit.
Yuri Danilovich want to believe it, seventy years, growing little boy. Wife, she got the second higher education at the age of 51. Between lectures, went out to feed the baby. And received a diploma – red. Both parents are slender, energetic, easy-going. To understand how this family lives, is to reveal the secret of eternal youth. Disclosed.
Their decision Surely you heard about people who decided to move from the city to the village and found his place in life. George and Nina left the Russian capital for the Belarusian provinces. Now they live in the village Stshalovo grow blueberries and admit that I've never been happier. Why would a successful physician-geneticist and artist so abruptly changed your life?
Yuri: As a rule, people decide on such a step, if they have good material resources or extra earnings. I came to Belarus with one dollar in his pocket.
By education I am a geneticist, candidate of medical Sciences. Worked in the specialty for 17 years, during this time, in addition to practices, organized three unique companies – Union center marriage and family counseling "Marriage and family", Center for the prevention of alcoholism and drug addiction. We made the USSR's first helpline for teenagers who suffer from a particular drug.
Began rebuilding grants from the state, it was necessary to think how to make money. I didn't like it – I'm a doctor, not a businessman. I didn't want to deceive patients, extorting money for procedures or pills that they don't need – unfortunately, while many did so. The question arose: what to do next?
In 1996 he went to Poland for the first time in the store bought blueberries. I used these berries not seen. They struck me – especially the color. I became interested in who it produces. It turned out, the young people – teachers, one of them a woman gave 17 acres near Warsaw. Came to these farmers, he began to ask about everything. They have been successful for several years, and without government assistance. I decided I'm going to grow blueberries! And people use, and he will do an interesting work.
Garden blueberries.
Want to organize a farm, the birthplace of his father, in Belarus. Found a few smart people together began to develop a new business. Thanks to the Germans – we three consecutive years were invited for special training to Germany, were given free the technology, planting materials.
Here in Stshalovo, it was a field that was once laid as the blueberry, I took it out. Had to lay wire, light hold, road repair, buy new bushes. First they hired a Manager to come here on short visits. But only after 10 years when we moved here permanently, all went like clockwork.
Nina: Talk about how to move out of town, we were a long time ago, but did not dare. And in 2010 learned that we must have the baby. I was 45 years old, Yuri – 64. It was bliss. In Moscow that summer the fires began, and we decided to leave for a while here. I didn't know that we would not return, made any plans. When David was born, we realized: we have to stay.
I am a trained artist, but have always loved plants and understood them, I wanted to have a garden. We parents had a house in Kazan, I had my own little plot. And here – space, plant what you want. When David was 11 months old, I arrived in Bryansk agricultural University, this year finished it. Really learned a whole lot there, it gave us confidence.
When I lived in Moscow and bought food at the supermarket, and then moved to the village, I realized that food is very different from the one you have grown yourself.
In his I'm sure.
We came here – plantation neglected, the plants suffer, fruit bad. Local residents say: "we Need to use chemistry, or the plot to pick up." But I chemistry in Moscow ate, I wanted to do things differently. Began to cut off diseased branches every day. And slowly, over two years, has restored the plantation. In addition, I decided to mulch the ground with straw. Came to us a farmer from Poland is one of the largest producers of blueberries in the world, he has 300 acres of land. Says: straw is a bad choice, in the spring the roots will rot. But it is clay loam, and we have sand. Straw for us, it keeps the moisture. A local farm just had to take out somewhere the straw from the field. We took 300 trucks brought! The result was great. But, of course, nature does not relax, then freeze, then heat waves. Always have to follow everything.
Their experiments working on the farm requires solving a variety of problems. This family suitable non-trivial. Well, for example, the task. Leased to George and Nina – a 23 hectares of land, yet grows only blueberries on 6 acres. How to handle the rest of the land, overgrown with weeds, without using chemicals? Let the goat in the vegetable garden is the best way to clear the land from weeds.
Nina: One of the Belarusian farmer told us that goats can eat about four hundred species of plants – from the root to the crown. Where this farmer grazing goats, nothing else grows. We decided instead to use chemistry, it is better to run on overgrown sections of our farm animals. We asked him the young goats for rent. We are well, and it is beneficial – no need to feed, we have lush vegetation. Fenced plot of land, launched a dozen animals. The experiment has just begun, yet the goats eat well. The result will be in late summer. Their farm House was straw!
Nina: Straw houses retain heat well and save energy. In addition, they have higher resistance to fire because the straw outside is closed with clay and sand. If you build a straw house yourself, it will become four times cheaper than, for example, brick.
Yuri: When we learned more about thatched houses, wanted to build this on the farm. In Minsk met with Evgeny Shirokov, a person who is engaged in the construction of environmentally friendly housing. We like his class, he helped us to organize the construction, give advice. We learned a lot. Will soon begin to build one straw house – this time, move the whole family there.
Straw house is 4 times cheaper than brick.
At the guest house sometimes tourists come to live in nature, eat blueberries, take a break from the city. But agroturism – separate direction, and our hosts are recognized: while they don't have the time to do them for real.
Their philosophy In the company of George and Nina we spent two days. It's time to take stock. So what, finally, the secret of youth, an inexhaustible energy, thirst for life? Yes, of course: proper nutrition, absence of bad habits, work in the fresh air, life in the natural environment. However, the owners of the blueberry farm I think: the main secret of longevity is not it.
Yuri: do you Know why gardeners live the longest? The gardener wants to see the fruits of their work. Planted a garden and waiting for what will happen in 20, 30 years. It is the locomotive which pulls it in the future. This mental attitude helps to live long. Carl Gustav Jung once said: "we Must always live with the feeling that you still have half a century". And personally, I'm going to live another half century. Nina: For this reason there is another good phrase: "and the children prolong life".
PS.And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: lavkagazeta.com/fermery/recept-molodosti/
Yuri Shares sure that new life can begin at 60 and 70 years, the main thing – a correct spirit.
Yuri Danilovich want to believe it, seventy years, growing little boy. Wife, she got the second higher education at the age of 51. Between lectures, went out to feed the baby. And received a diploma – red. Both parents are slender, energetic, easy-going. To understand how this family lives, is to reveal the secret of eternal youth. Disclosed.

Their decision Surely you heard about people who decided to move from the city to the village and found his place in life. George and Nina left the Russian capital for the Belarusian provinces. Now they live in the village Stshalovo grow blueberries and admit that I've never been happier. Why would a successful physician-geneticist and artist so abruptly changed your life?
Yuri: As a rule, people decide on such a step, if they have good material resources or extra earnings. I came to Belarus with one dollar in his pocket.
By education I am a geneticist, candidate of medical Sciences. Worked in the specialty for 17 years, during this time, in addition to practices, organized three unique companies – Union center marriage and family counseling "Marriage and family", Center for the prevention of alcoholism and drug addiction. We made the USSR's first helpline for teenagers who suffer from a particular drug.
Began rebuilding grants from the state, it was necessary to think how to make money. I didn't like it – I'm a doctor, not a businessman. I didn't want to deceive patients, extorting money for procedures or pills that they don't need – unfortunately, while many did so. The question arose: what to do next?
In 1996 he went to Poland for the first time in the store bought blueberries. I used these berries not seen. They struck me – especially the color. I became interested in who it produces. It turned out, the young people – teachers, one of them a woman gave 17 acres near Warsaw. Came to these farmers, he began to ask about everything. They have been successful for several years, and without government assistance. I decided I'm going to grow blueberries! And people use, and he will do an interesting work.
Garden blueberries.

Want to organize a farm, the birthplace of his father, in Belarus. Found a few smart people together began to develop a new business. Thanks to the Germans – we three consecutive years were invited for special training to Germany, were given free the technology, planting materials.
Here in Stshalovo, it was a field that was once laid as the blueberry, I took it out. Had to lay wire, light hold, road repair, buy new bushes. First they hired a Manager to come here on short visits. But only after 10 years when we moved here permanently, all went like clockwork.
Nina: Talk about how to move out of town, we were a long time ago, but did not dare. And in 2010 learned that we must have the baby. I was 45 years old, Yuri – 64. It was bliss. In Moscow that summer the fires began, and we decided to leave for a while here. I didn't know that we would not return, made any plans. When David was born, we realized: we have to stay.
I am a trained artist, but have always loved plants and understood them, I wanted to have a garden. We parents had a house in Kazan, I had my own little plot. And here – space, plant what you want. When David was 11 months old, I arrived in Bryansk agricultural University, this year finished it. Really learned a whole lot there, it gave us confidence.
When I lived in Moscow and bought food at the supermarket, and then moved to the village, I realized that food is very different from the one you have grown yourself.
In his I'm sure.
We came here – plantation neglected, the plants suffer, fruit bad. Local residents say: "we Need to use chemistry, or the plot to pick up." But I chemistry in Moscow ate, I wanted to do things differently. Began to cut off diseased branches every day. And slowly, over two years, has restored the plantation. In addition, I decided to mulch the ground with straw. Came to us a farmer from Poland is one of the largest producers of blueberries in the world, he has 300 acres of land. Says: straw is a bad choice, in the spring the roots will rot. But it is clay loam, and we have sand. Straw for us, it keeps the moisture. A local farm just had to take out somewhere the straw from the field. We took 300 trucks brought! The result was great. But, of course, nature does not relax, then freeze, then heat waves. Always have to follow everything.

Their experiments working on the farm requires solving a variety of problems. This family suitable non-trivial. Well, for example, the task. Leased to George and Nina – a 23 hectares of land, yet grows only blueberries on 6 acres. How to handle the rest of the land, overgrown with weeds, without using chemicals? Let the goat in the vegetable garden is the best way to clear the land from weeds.
Nina: One of the Belarusian farmer told us that goats can eat about four hundred species of plants – from the root to the crown. Where this farmer grazing goats, nothing else grows. We decided instead to use chemistry, it is better to run on overgrown sections of our farm animals. We asked him the young goats for rent. We are well, and it is beneficial – no need to feed, we have lush vegetation. Fenced plot of land, launched a dozen animals. The experiment has just begun, yet the goats eat well. The result will be in late summer. Their farm House was straw!
Nina: Straw houses retain heat well and save energy. In addition, they have higher resistance to fire because the straw outside is closed with clay and sand. If you build a straw house yourself, it will become four times cheaper than, for example, brick.
Yuri: When we learned more about thatched houses, wanted to build this on the farm. In Minsk met with Evgeny Shirokov, a person who is engaged in the construction of environmentally friendly housing. We like his class, he helped us to organize the construction, give advice. We learned a lot. Will soon begin to build one straw house – this time, move the whole family there.
Straw house is 4 times cheaper than brick.

At the guest house sometimes tourists come to live in nature, eat blueberries, take a break from the city. But agroturism – separate direction, and our hosts are recognized: while they don't have the time to do them for real.
Their philosophy In the company of George and Nina we spent two days. It's time to take stock. So what, finally, the secret of youth, an inexhaustible energy, thirst for life? Yes, of course: proper nutrition, absence of bad habits, work in the fresh air, life in the natural environment. However, the owners of the blueberry farm I think: the main secret of longevity is not it.
Yuri: do you Know why gardeners live the longest? The gardener wants to see the fruits of their work. Planted a garden and waiting for what will happen in 20, 30 years. It is the locomotive which pulls it in the future. This mental attitude helps to live long. Carl Gustav Jung once said: "we Must always live with the feeling that you still have half a century". And personally, I'm going to live another half century. Nina: For this reason there is another good phrase: "and the children prolong life".
PS.And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: lavkagazeta.com/fermery/recept-molodosti/